224845 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHWK hdh+t��./ J6� � CITY OF ST. PAUL F�EHC�� NO ;� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,, COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � �RESENTED EY p�.)r COMMISSIONE pATE A��' 7 1-�� RESOLYID, That the Council hereby approves the awa,rd of the Contract Co�ittee there�or and hereby awax�d.s corrtract for furnishing all labor and materials necessary for and reasonab],y incidenta,l for in.stalla,tion of bituminous surfac3.ng at I�e.ngford Park, North Da1e P]_ayground, Prosperity Hts. Playgroun.d, Valley Playground, Gri�gs Playground, Dunning Field, Oxford Playground, Duluth P].syground, Como Paxk, Ea,stern. _- -- -�, � �- P7.ayground, Haxriet Island and Rice Paxk, St. Paul, Minnesota,, to ST. PAUL S�r ASPHAI1r COMPANY i.n accordance with City plans an.d speci�ications therefor hereto _ \ atta,ched and the Forma,l Bid #1385 of said St. Pau1 Sheet Asphalt Com�ar�y for the contract price of $5,056.00, such bid 'bei.ng the on�,y bid and said St. Pau]. Sheet Asphalt Com�any being a reasona,ble and reliable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the pxnper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Formal Bid �'1385• AUG 11 �6� COLJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— I Yeas Nays , A U G 11 19fi5 • Dalglish Holland � Approved 19_ S� �7 Tn Favor MFredith `'� r'c�ci...,.. , " �yO1' A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis �'I�BLISHED ��� '�4 ��� - ion� �s DUrLIWTC TO rlllNT[R ������� � � CITY OF ST. PAUL FI�NCII NO ,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISS�IONE� DATF ���� V� ��� �OLY�D, `]�,� the CaunCil }�e�by �prcyv�e� th� aw�.rd dP �he COa�tr�,ct Ca�Ltt� ther��or .�,nd �reby sc�ard� coa�raet �'qr �'urni.sh�ng �.17. l�,bor �nd �s�a�.a�I.e nec���ary �'ar �d rQa,sa�za,ba.y �.c�de�tal for in�tal.3a'fa.� aP b�.t�inou� surP�,cing �,t �ord P�xk, North D�],e P].�ygz�amd, Pras�peri-ty $te. Playgrourid! Ya11.ey F�yP;ra�znd, (3�.gg� P�Y��s �n6 Fie1d, OxPprd P1.�,y'gi'oundy Dul�.f�.�].�y'graund, Co�o �atka I�stern. P�mLmd� �et �$].�nd �,+�.d l'�tce P�,rk, 8t. Fa,u7., Minne�otec, td 8�'� �iUL SI� � COMPA3�' � �,cc4rdance �i't�i City pl�s and �peai�ica'�a�ts �there�or here'� at�hed �aad 'fhts Fori�,7. �Ld �138� o�' �3.d St. P�,U,I �hee� Aspli�J.t Ca�p�aqy �or -t� con�r�.a'� prlae o�' �5,056.00� �u�h b3d 'f�ing tkae only b�.d �nnd �id �t. P$ul �.�et Asph�,l.t Cq��r being a� ��er,bie a��. reli�le b�,dd.er, �ua t11e Cr,rporatiou coim�el be �,d her��y 3s �,x��d. to d�a�r � th� �x�r �orm, oP coatra,at there3�or, aud � Px�per Ci'�3r o�ici� ]a�ereby � au�iorszed `Go execute aa3d corltr�,ct an behal� �rP -the C3.ty of Satnt �.'ata�.. l�oxme�]. Bid ��385• AUG 11 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yegs Nays naiglisb AUG 11 196� Holland Approve� 19— oss � Tn FAVOT Meredith r�._ � Mayor A g'81IISt Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 1oM 0-d=