224795 \ ���'�95 ORI�I.M.AL TO CITY CLHWIC .,�: CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI ESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY COMMISSIONE DAT� C W�REAS� it is necessary to schedule an examination for the position of "Mechanical Engineer IT' and t � WHEREPIS� the Civil Service Bureau has �ound it impossible during recent months to establish suitabl`e eligible ].ists for engineering classes from among local applicants; therefore� be it - RESOLVID� that -the residence requirements for admission to examinations as provided in Section 10 D o� the Civil Service Rules are hereby waived for the �irst examination for "Mechanical Engineer II" �►� K to be held following passage of this resolution; date of' the examination "� tb be set at the discretion of the Chief Civil Service Exam3.ner. t I ' � AUG 61�6 ' COUNC�LMEN Adopted by the Council 19—. � Yeas � Nays AUG s �9� Dalglish Holland A p oved 19— Los s , Favor • , Meredith � Peterson � MAyOr Against � Rosen Mr. President;,Vavoulis �BLISHED AUG I4 �9� �o� �� DUr�CAT[TO►RINT[R �- /��n� � � CITY OF ST. PAUL couHCa ` a' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►R�rEO.r COMMISSIONE� DA� �AB� �sti �,s ri�C�ae� to rCh�dt�,l.! 8t2 eo�ir�30D fo¢' '�Tru �os3tio� AF "�t�ech�wi.t3a1 �e�r �' mmnd �AS, ttT:�tt Eiv�. l�awic� �ac'ee�u Y�as �our,� �� ie�o�rihls ,�ur�.ng x'ra� �oofi� to t�#�1�].��h �u,t.tab3.� �].�bt� �.3st� tovc engin�r3ag W.a��ots �'rar aeec�� 1oca7. e;p�].it3aux��; 'Ch��eto�s� 'be �,� R�'ii�� th�t '�tlt �aid�aas �aqu�rlrenfi.�► lo�r e�'i�s�oa �A �t1o� as prav3dad in 8�cs#.3as 30 D o� fih� Civ.�]. �r'v�.ce �ial,lrs e� �by xa3wdl �o�r '� t'�rst ���3va roa� "l�ie�,t 8�r�r II" �t.o t� h�ld �atlai►�ng �aaNs�g� oc� '�h�e �sa1.u�3cm; d�t� ot th� ncmid.t�3on to b� +� a�t thi di.�a�etioa� of f•he t�3.�t Civ�3. £�ervio� �ein�r. AUG s � COUNCILA�N Adopted by the Councii I9— Yeas Nays ��glisb AUG � � Holland Appro�� 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredith � � Petersoa MAyor Rosen B'�at Mr. Presideat, Vavoulis 1o�c s�s