05-92RPtmr� Fopy to: (bn) Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1'7 18 Committee: Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul (City), as part of its public improvement project to construct Phalen Boulevazd, is in need of permanent street and temporary construction easements from property owners affected by said project and; WHEREAS, Ray Anderson & Sons Companies, Inc., a property owner affected by the above mentioned project, has agreed to convey the necessary easement rights to the City for the completion of Phalen Boulevazd; so, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City officials, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, aze hereby authorized and directed to accept the easement rights conveyed by Ray Anderson & Sons Companies, Ina; and, FURTHER RESOLVED, that far the easement rights conveyed, compensauon in the amount of Thirty Six thousand Four hundred doliars {$36,400) will be paid to Ray Anderson & Sons Companies, Znc., this being a fair and reasonable value. Said sum to charged to Account Code: CPL C04-2S 146-0789 J J Requested by Department of: � ubl' Work � " By: . Director Form Approved by City Adopted by Council: Date � Adoption Certified by Council By: ,' Approve yor: D�te _ By: _ rf Council File # � S' / c� Gr�n Sheet # `�O� RESOLUTfOW C1TY OF SAlNT PAUL, MINNESOTA % � A ,� ,e � -,��. Mayer .,� � �� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Shee# Green Sheet Green Sheet Green S eet pW —r»w;�wo� CoMact Person 8 Phone: Bob Novak zss-aas3 Must Be on 09-FE6-05 'r�-4p_�,G�'� � Green Sheet NO: 3025001 o - w 0.ssign 1 blicWorks ar4neutDirector� �` Number 2 'teAttoxaee - - - - - - - - - - J/ For RoUti�g 3 a o' o! t Order '+ � � 5 Qerk�'� � y - � erk ���"�'�: �„� �� t� 7ofai # of Signature Pages _(Ciip All Locations for Signature) To accept fhe dedication of permaneni and temporary easemenu on property owned by Ray Anderson & 5ons Companies, Inc. for construction of Phalen Boulevazd - Arcade St. to Johnson Parkway Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer the Following Questlons: Planning Commission t. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contrect for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2 Has this persoNfirtn ever 6een a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Inkiating Problem, issues, Opportunity (Wbo, What, When, Where, Wh�: The City plans to begin the conshucfion the final phase of Phaien Boulevard project. Before conuacts may be advertised and awazded, [he City must acquire all the necessary property rights. As part of the acquisiGon process, the City of Saint Paul must accept the dedication oF certain pazcels owned by Ray Anderson & Sons. This resolution provides the proper acceptance of this dedication. AdvantagesliApproved: The City will be able to secure a Right-of-Way Certificate from MnDot, which is requ'ued before the City can advertise for construction bids. DisadvantaqeslfApproved: None DisaWaMages if Not ApArwed: The City will be unable to commence with the roadway contract until necessart easements have been dedicated. Transaction: Funtling SourCe: 36400 CosURevenue Budgetetl: Y Activiri Number: CPL C04-2S146-07$9 Financial lnformation: (Expiain) o LEGEND JI � FEE ?1Tti 2ffis221:cax �/T7 R�AOWAY EASEME4 i c3t93 S.FJ ett (r si anu� �] BRIDGE EASEMENT ..��? =ti,ac��;�r s;.ort/ CCPISTROCLON c°SEMcuTL:462 SFJ � PERMANENT RETAINING WALL EASEMEN7 ,__ ?,RCPGS£D %'_ � __ -�C..iSTION =0a n.0 K 4 .. ��iP.�JGR � EXISTiNG E:.SEMENT i0 Bc ACOUIRED N��.ti ����b!�.\_.h' �'",i�' �4>_;I=PiT '__ �_�� _ __ _'v�E:_�Jr1i _ � - o S- 9 �- C� e ` - / ' r ?ezs+z<�:u�5 � P M / Cf,�NT OF RAV°.EY JGUG d'S%E �O —'"___— ____----____— � 28?9223!We6 i \ �' 21 CCUNY OE k:M:EY SOU� WAS c � vac n�EY 8 �or 2 eLe 4 �.� � g; �� � \ ti �" J soi��F s�i�caa+GO _ ?RILLIUM ACD. � �� � , � . - � �' 49 \ 9 O Q \ 282942410010 C RAY RNOERSON AND SGNS CO INC - � � �� � I 3 _ �\ . ? � �'/ � , � _ ���' � ' � � '= 48 a .���� � , 182 � \ \`\ 9 3 mzszza�ooe� � / ' oca� � � � AWNSE.°OTA 2bBilC CU014 ' � iN � � � � LCi S. BL( 2 � % � � '� rRi�� �uM aDD ... - . - ' � � � �y �o s �e ec / i OF<_S PwL : p� : 2�> ]7 � py,u. , ` � � ' 16 � � � , ."� - _ O �__'_ �� -,W. „___ _--__ I_ — f ' '__— � . _ �� -.: ' 3 ; -_� ta � P@r� .�� _ � �..��_ "__li � i ' v l � — � I "� _______ _ j_ ___—� Z � � 1 � � _.' I�� '_ , '' (— ` I ` � �)_ F • � �-���`' �__ � 1 �� Q 6• I---"� F' _—_— t<. Sr�iE uo p � ' PFEPAREp BY SIREET ENCINEERING DIVLSION FOR THE tltt OF Si PAU4 DFPIRiNPIT OF PUBIIC NWl(5 pR0.ECT NUNBFF: � G4'-ZE;H-OS �1 ' PHALEN BLVD. - R.O. W. ACQUISITION H�ERAMNC �pHALENR�W3—RE NVi m'� RAY ANDERSON PROPERTY on�: g Z2 �'$EET 12 OF 15SHEETS REVISED 12/15/04