224762 , OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK 224'762 tl CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM C MMKSIONE MILTON ROSEN p„� Au�ust .I�, 1965 . � -' t ,� �� - � WF�REAS, Comptroller� s Contract L-6666, Palda 8c Sons, Inc ., contractor for the -Grading and Paving of PELFIAM BOIILPVARD from Interstate No. 9� to University Avenue, haQ been sub- stantially completed, and WHEREAS, said contractor requests that a portion of the 15f retai ned under the contrac t from e st ima.te s �or work done, be paid in advance of the final completion of the contract, and WHEREAS, The Commi ss ioner and Chief Engineer of the Depar tment of Public Works approve the paymen.t at this time of �10,000.00 . of the � 13,322.95 retained; therefbre be it � RESOLVED, that the proper city officials be and they are hereby authorized to pay an estima.te in the amr�unt of � 10,000.00 `, from the retained percentage of � 13,322.95 to said contractor, and be it • FURTHER RE SOLVED, tha t thi s re so lution sha 11 have no f or c e or effect unless the aureties on the contractor' s bond consent thereto in writing and file such con9ent with the City Comp- troller. � � �� � AUG � �� COLJNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � 19� Dalglish AUG � Holland ro 19— Loss � Favor � ` Meredith Peterson � � �ByOr A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis �1BCISN�D- Q(J� � � ion� e-sa -T � DUrLICATC TO rRINTLR • 1����� "� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��� NO . � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED�Y �dZyTON ROSEN �uguat w 196y COMMISSIONEe DATF F:�r�.ERE�4S, Comp�roller� a Cantract L�6666, Palda & 3ons, Inc.•, con�i.raator for �he Grading and Pav�ng of PELHAM BUTJT,i�VARD �rom Inter$�ate No. 9�. to Unlversity Avenue, hQe b�en sub- stantially completed, and - j'YFIEREAS, said eontractor requesta that a portion of t,l�.e 15� retained under the contract from eat3mates for work �lone, be gaid in advance of the finr�l complation of the cantract� and CPI3EREA�j The Commi ss3oner and C,hief Eng3.ne�r oF the D�par tment of Publia W�rks approve the paymen.t at this time o� �20,0OO.OA oP the � 1��3'�,9� retained; �here fore be it R£�SOLVED� that the proper city off3cial� b� and they are hereby authorized to pay �.n e��imate 3n the s�mount of �' 10,��00.00 f'ro� t'�e retained peroentage of � 13�322,95 to �a�.d contr�to�, and be it FIIRTTi�;R R�SOLVED, that thi� resolvtion $hall have no force or effe ct unle�e the aureties on the contractor t s bond, conge�.t thea°mto in writing an.cl file �uah conaent with the City Comp- tro�.l.er. - COLTNCILA�N Adopted by the Coun���G 5 � 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish AU� � Holland Approv� 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredith Peterson � �y�r A gSiIIBt Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis iont a-�