05-915Council Itle # �5' l�5 Green Sheet# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification of Technology Manager be �Z established at the rate set forth in Grade 26 of Bargaining Unit 09, Saint Paul Supervisors Organization, Salary Schedule, and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its passage and approval. Requested by Department of: Hmnan ources By: Form Appro ' Atto By , n c. by Mayor By: / i�,�S Annrove b D a �r: Date /�� � D6�gv\CODUltant- ;r Swdy�Tech Mgr Resolution doc Adopted by Council: Date �e�"D�4r S� o2OU.� Adoption Cer�ed by Council Secretary „ � ���, ..,��- DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCIL: DATE IHITIATED G�EN SHEET No.• 3028143 �j-q�5 Hizm�n Resources � � � 9/23Y05 ” ' CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: ATE miTU�.'DATE Sheila Williams, 266-6520 � nsenxra�xr n� � < arY mu�vcu. L.eeAnnTurchin, 266-6517 ,vss�crtEn zrnvnrroar�r � rnrccauc NUMBERFOR MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE� itOUTING tvaeWCUr.sarv Dm ttxnratJ. sErtv/nCCrG ORDER 3 Mp�OB(ORASS[J TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGFS_I (CLIP ALL LOCATIOTiS FOR SIGTiATURE) aC'r[oN 1tEQt�s'1'En: Approve the attached resolution establishing the rate of pay for the new classification tifled Technology Manager. RECOMM6NDAT[ONS: Approve (A) or Reject(R) PERSOIVA[. SERVICE CONTRACfS MUS'C ANSWER THE FOI.LOWING QUE51'[ONS: 1. Hastliispesodfvmeverwarked�mderaconhactCOrthisdepazhnent? _PLAIVNING CAM�9SSION Ya No CIBCOMIvff1'LEE 2• Flzstfiispersodfim�ever6ee¢acityemployee? CNQ.SERVICECOMMISSIOt`1 Yes No 3. Does9tispecsodfmnpossessasld➢aot�maIlYPo���byanYcwrentcityemploY�2 Yes No 4. is this P��dfiim a targetttl vendot! Yes No Eap�sin an yes aasrvere on aepanre sheet and attaeh to green sheet INI1'IATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTtJNITY (Who, Whay When, Where, Why): The Office of Techuology requested that Human Resources study the composite duties of a position to determine the appropriate classification and compensation. Ouc office determined that the position should be allocated to the new classificarion tifled Technology Manager. This tifle is responsil�le for managing the Operations secrion of Information Services including the Telecommunications and ` Security, Systems Administration and Desktop functional units. These units define, establish and implement Citywide network, security, syst�ms application and administration, help desk and desktop services. The assigned functions support the business efforts of the Inforn�ation Services section of the Office of Technology. The position also supports Yhe City's technology infrastructure. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Appropriate compensation will be assigned to the new classification in accordance with the City's job evaluarion system. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: REIjEI Salary cost is $2,528.SS — 3,468.60 biweekly or $65,995.94-89 yeazly. $EP `L 7 Z005 DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: MAYOR OFFiCE Appropriate compensation will not be assigned to the new classification. This may limit the Ciry's ability to successfully recruit, hire and retain qualified candidates who possess the knowledge, skills and haining required to effectively provide services offered by the Information Services secrion of the Office of Technology. Torat anzouNr oF r�uvsac�nonr: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: F`[TNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAIlV) �.N't�"I.�`�.���'����'C:�naP� ���� SEP 2 8 2005 ��� ?� 2005 �l r �° p�l"T"O�Rl�� G:\SHAREDVSYSTEMS.DEVELOPMENT.SECTIOMORG. DESIGN�CONSULTANT-WII,LIAMS\SHEiLA'S CLASS WORK\ELiZ S WANSON & 6S IJN M(iR STUDYCl FtiH M(iK (iKEY�NSHbE I.11UC ;� r�i. •:�a; ` Belaw are correct routings forthe sitc most&equent types of documenfs: CONTRACTS (A�rnmec authorized badget e�sts) 1. Ouhide Age�y 2. Depaz�entDirector 3. CitpAttomey 4: MayorlAssistant (for contracts over $Z5,000) 5. H�au Rights (for con4ects oves $50,000) 6. Office ofFinancial S�vices - Accounting � COiJNCII, RESOLUTION (amend budgets/accept gsnts) 1- DeP�ntDirector � � 2. Office a�Financiat Services DitECfor 3. Citp Auorffiy 4.Ivfayor/Assist�f ' S. CitpCoimctl" � 6. Office o£Financial.Setvices - Acxounting ADMINISTRATFVEORDIILS(BudgetRevision) , COUNCII,RESOLUITON(allatl�sand'Ordin�ces) 1. ActivityManagerorDepsrtmentAcc�tant 1'. DepartmentDirector 2. DepmtmentDixector �� Z. Cit9A�9, � �� 3.0fficeofFinancistServicesDi�ectar 3:Ivfayot/A.msY�t. , 4. City Clerk , 4. City Comc1 5. O�ce ofFinanciat Services -+lcxovnting ADMQ�IISTRATiVE ORI?II2S (all others) � 1. DepazlmentDixector � , Z. CityAtto�ep, 3. Office of Finencial Savices D'aector 4. Cify Cledc EXECUTIVE ORDER 1. l�partment I?ucctor 2. CitpACorney , � 3. Mayar/Acacmm 4'. City Cletk , TOTAL NUNNIBEER OF SIGNATURE PAGES �Indicate the # ofpages on which signahues are reqoued and papeiclip'� or}lag each of tfieae pages. ACITONREQUESTED � � � � � � � � � Des��e whatthe projecUrequest seeks to accomplish in eitLa chconolog�cal order or oider of importance, whicl�eve� is most appropriatefor the issue. Do �t write compl�e sentences. Begin each item ingois listwith aveib. RECOMLvIEfIDATIONS , ' Compl�e if the issue in qaestionhas been'Pr�ted before ffiY �S; P�lic or private. PIILSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: Tbis informstion will be nsed to detecmine the city's &ab�7ity for workers compenseflon claims, taxes andpropa civil aeivice liumg rutes. II3ITIATINGPROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNffY Explain the situakion or conditions ii�at created a need forY�' P�.1?� ��N� ADVANIAC�S IF t1PP1tQVED , Indieake whether this is simply an emual budBetProced�ae �e4uued bY Isw/c6atteror w}�ethertfiere' are specific ways m �wLicfitheCilyofSsintPaulsadiLsci3izenscrillbenefit$omlhispFCyecUaction - � � D73ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED . What neg�ve effeds � mal� ��6� ���B � P� Pr� ��� P%l��Fe4� Pmduce if it is passed (e.g.,trgfficdelays,noise,t�rincaeasesorasses�entsj? Towhom7 When7Forhowlongl DISAD VANfAGES IF NOT APPRO VID Whatw�71 be the negative consequences �tLe promised acfioais not approv�7 Iuabilityto deliver seivice? Co�nne Irigh traffic, noise, accident rete? Loss of revenue? . FTNANC7AL IMPACT � � � � � � � � � � � � Althongh yon must tailor fl� information yon pmvide here to ti�e issue you are addressing, in general you uiust answer , two questions: How mnch is it going to costt Who is goingto pa�? � The City of Saint Paul Class Specification Proposed Title of Class: DESCRIPTTON OF WORK TECHNOLOGY MANAGER t�S-�1�5 CODE: z$$$ BU: 09 Effecrive: General Dutv Statement: Provides highly responsible management and supervisory work in directing coordinating and evaluating the resources, services and projects of a lazge functional section or multiple units of the Office of Technology. Participates in the planning and development of the section budget. Directs the planning, invesrigation, reseazch and evaluation of relevant, emerging technology and advices the manager regarding such technology. Manages the staff responsible for the ongoing activities of large functional section or multiple units of the Office of Technology such as server administration, networks and security, customer support, best practices, applicarion development and integration, project management, telecommunicarions, video production and similaz areas. Directs the operation of a lazge functional secrion or multiple units of the Office of Technology by providing direction, training and guidance to technology project managers, team leads and technical staff in analyzing and organizing efficient, cost effective procedures, in establishing standards and best practices, in measuring productivity, in setting priorities and in formulating goals and objectives. Performs other duties as assigned. Suoervision Received: Works under the direction and administrative guidance of a Manager or Director. Suuervision Exercised: Exercises general guidance and direction by direct supervision or through subordinate staff over all assigned professional, technical and clerical employees. COMPETENCIES Demonstrates a conceptual understanding of the City's technology environment and emerging technology trends. Demonstrates an ability to apply this understanding to strategic planning, solving complex problems and meering the City's future technology needs. Demonstrates a conceptual understanding of the technology and infrastructure pertinent to the assigned functional section or multiple units and how they relate to other Office of Technology functional areas and to various City needs. Demonstrates an ability to expertly plan, execute and manage all aspects of multiple projects including those impacting varied functional areas of the City and with changing prioriries. Demonstrates an ability to negotiate and meet deadlines based on changing priorities of the assigned secrion. Demonstrates an ability to develop, implement and manage assigned, integral facets of the Office of Technology budget. Demonstrates an ability to participate in strategic planning activities and assist City officials, department and office directors, division managers, intemal staff and customers across the City in problem solving and analysis. Demonstrates an ability to identify risks and liabiliries associated with programs and projects and assist with resolution strategies. Demonstrates an ability to listen, speak and write in an effective manner that can be understood by City officials, management and staff, and the general public. Demonstrates an ability to influence decision making of City xnanagement. Demonstrates an ability to prepare planning documents that can be used for a broad range of technology issues. Demonstrates an ability to direct others in conducting customer service needs analysis and the development of customer service standards. Demonstrates respect for customers, employees and co-workers including diverse customers, employees and co-workers. TECHNOLOGY MANAGER Page 1 Proposed Title of Class: TECHNOLOGY MANAGER CODE: Zggg su: 09 �`fj-`ll'S Effecrive: Demonstrates effecrive leadership by promoring the mission and vision of the pertinent section of the Office of Technology and the City, by providing effecfive work direction, training and coaching to subordinate supervisors and employees, and by modeling and reinforcing desired work behaviors. Demonstrates an ability to facilitate the group problem solving process, recognizing posirive results, managing conflict, transferring expert lmowledge and negotiaring sarisfactory outcomes. REQiTIREMENTS A bachelor degree in Computer Science, Business Administration, Management Information Systems, Mathemarics, Computer Engineering or a related field. At least six (6) years of progressively responsible administrative and supervisory experience, at least two (2) years of which must have included planning, directing and implementing technology programs and projects. TECFiNOLOGY MANAGER Page 2 CLASSIF`ICATION SUMMARY CLASS STUDIED: INCUMBEN7:• STUDIED BY.• DATE STUDIED: PERSONS CONTACTED: IS Systems Consultant IV EZizabeth Swanson Sheila �IZiams Apri118,2005 Elizabeth Swanson, Incumbent Cynthia Mullan, ISManager Karen Johnson, Office of Technology Director Backgronnd 05-9t5 A job profile was submitted because of the assignment of broad management functions that were previously performed by three manager positions allocated to the IS Systems Consultant IV classification. A study was conducted to determine the appropriate classification and compensation for the assigned functions being performed. Job Description This position is expected to manage the entire Operarions section of Information Services including the Telecommunications and Security, Systems Administration and Desktop units. These functional areas involve the defining, establishing and 'unplementing of Citywide network, security, systems application and administration, help desk and desktop services. The position plans and develops strategies for tUe City's technology in&astructure through standards and best practices, budget and personnel management. Internal Classification Comparisons A comparison with two internal classifications led to the conclusions that follow. The studied posirion exceeds the expectations for the IS Systems Consultant IV classification in the following core competency azeas: Technical Expertise Environment; Technical E�cpertise Applications; Project management, Prioritizafion and Planning; Pzoblem Solving and Analysis; Customer Consulting; and Teamwork, Management and Leadership. Eacpectations have been met that demonstrate an ability to understand stxategic planning and complex problem solving for Operations; understand various information systems applications and theu relationship to various fixnctional areas of the City; expertly plan and manage muitiple Operarions projects and changing priorities having Citywide impact; assist officials and community partners with plaiming, problems solving and analyses; direct planning activities of various functional areas that impact throughout the City; effectively lead aspects of Information Services; and provide effective work direction to subordinate managers and teun leaders for the Operations Section of IS. QES comparison indicates the following factor levels should differ: Effect Page 2 �_ `�� Sys Cons IV Study of AcSons, Impact on Policies and Procedures, Consequence of Error, Hazards and Stress and Physical Effort. The studied position differs from the Information Services Manager classification for e�ected competencies levels in Technical Platform E�cpertise; Technical Applicarion E�pertise; Teamwork, Management and Leadership; Project Management, Prioritizing and Planning; and Problem Solving and Analysis. The IS Manager position leads and directs the entire IS Office while the position under review is required to deinonstrate eacpert competency for the functional azeas of the Operations Section of IS. Although this position has a broad planning, implementation and management role, the focus is on operational initiatives with Citywide impact. The IS Manager position develops problem solving strategies and analysis for Citywide objectives while the studied position would assist with facets of the strategies and analysis related to in&'astructure technology. Finally, the studied position provides leadership for ffie Operations Section, for subordinate positions within the entire IS and gives input toward the objectives defined by the IS Manager position. QES comparison indicates the following factor levels should differ: Effect of Action, Mental Effort, Amount of Discretion, Hazazds and Stress and Physical Effort. External Classification Comparisons A market survey was conducted involving the Ramsey County Information TechnoZogy Department and the Dakota County Information Technology Department. Ramsey County has two positions that report to the department director and manage the operations and applications divisions of the department. The operarions Division Managers has broad authority over 30 positions and most of the functions managed by the studied posifion. An IS Supervisor posirion, at a salary closest to grade 26 of the City Saint Paul Supervisors Organization bargaining unit, reports to the Division Manager. The Division Manager salary is closest to grade 30 of the SPSO bazgaining unit. Dakota County has six positions that report to the deparkment director and manage one of the following functions: Voice & Data Networking, Systems Analyst Programming (�p units), Operations and Adtninistration, Desktop services and VACANT. These six positions are narrower in scope. The salary is compazable to grade 21 of the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization bazgaining unit salary schedule. Resuits QES analysis shows distinctions between this posirion and established classifications. Mazket comparisons show similar positions would be ailocated to a higher salary grade. The determinarion is that creation of a new classificarion at grade 26 of the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization bazgaining unit is warranted. G:�Shazed\Org.Design\Consultant-Williams�Sheila's Class Work�Eliz Swanson & IS Div Mgr Study�Swanson CLASSIFICATTON SLiMMARY.doc lS COMPENSATION COMPARISON DATA � �� Internal and Extemal Classifications Salary Bi Current Current Salary Wkly Market Staffmg Staffing BU Grade Mid-Pt Data Classification Numbers Locations 1 25T $1,47238 Sys Supp Sp I 0 1 28T $1,566.63 Sys Supp Sp II 1 IS 2 30T $1,622.05 UT Analyst I 1 IS 1 36T $1,899.24 Sys Supp Sp III 14 IS 1 PH 1 SPRWS 2 36T $1,899.24 UT Analyst II 3 IS 1 SPRWS 2 40T $2,109.51 Sys Supp Sp N 6 IS 2 40T $2,109.51 UT Analyst III 3 IS 2 44T $2,348.91 UT Analyst IV 13 IS 1 SPRWS 6 12T $2,160.85 Sys Consult I 4 IS 1 PH 2 SPRWS 6 20T $2,b81.23 UT Analyst V 2 I5 6 20T $2,681.23 Sys Consult II 4 IS 1 SPRWS $2,885.06 Info Tech Mgr 6 Dakota Cty 6 22T $2,843.42 Sys Consult III 6 IS 9 24T $3,096.12 Sys Consult IV 1 IS 9 24 $3,096.12 IS Mgr - Water 1 SPRWS 9 26T $3,274.21 Proposed 1 IS $3,284.50 IS Tech Supvr 2 Ramsey Cty 9 27 $3,367.61 Tech Sup Serv* 1 Library Ag $3,626.00 IS Tech Nlugr 2 Ramsey Cty 9 30 $3,664.62 IS Manager 1 IS *Note: The position has responsbilities beyond the information services funcrions for the Library Ageucy. 6/10/2005 G:VShared\Org.Design\Consultant-WilliamsVSheila's Class Work�Eliz Swanson & IS Div Mgr Study\Class&CompComparisons2 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kel(y, Mayor TO [�1Zi7�� DATE: � Karen 7ohnson, Director Office of Technology Shari Moore, President Saint Paul Supervisors Organization Sheila Williams, HR Specialist Office of Huxnan Resources September 7, 2005 Twenty-Day Notice OFFICE OF H[JMPN RESOURCES Angela S. Naf�rsy, D'vector 400 CityHalZ�innex 25 Wesr Founh Sueu Saint Pm�l, M'w+erora 55102-1631 o5-�t5 Telephone: 651-266-6500 lobline: 651-266-6502 Farsimilz 651-292-7656 o c�' v' 3 - �, r` � m � - _ `�7 c . � �' � c' c.- ,= c r ��;� � c;c: �.� " fl r� J Pursuant to City of Saint Paul, Civil Service Rule 3. (C) this memo is to inform you that the following changes are being made to the SPSO salary schedule: ➢ Creation of a new class specification, Technology Manager, Occupafion Code 288B, Attachment cc: Cynthia Mullan I have received this memorandum and wish to waive the time remainnig on this Twenty-Day Public Notice. C`i'i. � Signature Date Affirxnative Action Equal Opporiunity ADA Employer =ShePra Williams - Re: Check In for Tech Mgr 20 Day Process rage i_; �S-a�5 From: Shari Moore To: W illiams, Sheila Date: 9/21/200533121 PM Subject: Re: Check In for Tech Mgr 20 Day Process !'m sorry, i thought I aiready signed it. Go ahead and use this emaii as my acceptance. »> Sheita Williams 9/21/2005 3:30:12 PM »> Hello Shari, I wanted to check in with you to find out the status of the Twenty Day Notice for the new Technology Manager class spec�cation. If there are any questions that i can address feel free to contact me. !f you want to speak directly with the user, you may contact Cindy Mullan or Karen Johnson in the O�ce of Technology. The notice period ends September 28, 2005. This will also be the last day I am in the office for about iwo weeks. Thank you for your attention to this matter, Sheila Williams 266-6520