224736 ORIGINAL--- //� CITY OF SAINT PAUL � GTY CLERK LJ . � FO ENCIL NO � � COUNCIL RESOLUTION - N° 3235 _ FoR AUTF,�ORIZ,A ON OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS r � PRESENTED BY HON. � ` DA�A��$t 2 �s� • . RESOLU'ED, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Co�en3.ttee , therefbr and hereby award.s contra.ct for Grading and Paving Montrea.l Avenue from West Seventh Street to I.S. 35E Connection; �aving Elway Street from Montreal Avenue to Shepard. Roa,d, M.S.A. Pro,ject No. 64-16g-0�+; Paving Shepaxd RoacY�from Z.S. 35E Connection to 233' West of Elway Street, M.S.A. Pro�ect No. 64-191+-11, to BARTON CONTRACTING COMPAN'Y in•accordance with City pl.sns and specificati.ons therefor hereto atta,ched and the Forma,l Bid #1360 of said Ba.rton Contra.cting Compar{y for the contra.et price of $�79,252.�+0 (at unit prices bid) plus $800.00 Water Dept. Charges, plus $17,925.5� Engineering and plus $3,585.05 Inspection by City Forces) such b3d bein.g the lowest and said Barton Contracting Compaqy being a reasona.ble and reliable bidder : and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the praper form of contract therefor, and the proper,.City officials hereby are au-thorized to execute saa.d oontract on 'behalf of the Ct�ty of Saint Paul. Assessed aga3nst benefited property - - - - - - - -, - - �- 7,331.70 Appropriated from City's sha,re o�' �ocal: iutprovements � -, 39,3�•00 Municipal Sta,te Aid Pro�ec-� No. 6�+-16g-Ol+ - 6�+-1g4-11 - $15�+,862.99 Montreal Shepard Rd. • '�, • t �"'rG 1 T�+ �v CONTRACT PRICE � ' ' ' ' - ' _ ' ' ' S 1,I 9'G��'�'I'O' • DEPT.CONT.NO. �Jr 31W 1 � _ _ _ p WATER CONNECTIONS,DETOURS,SOUNDINGS,ETC. - S VOO�OO ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: � q,�GINE6RING - - - - - - - - - - \- ; ]„ y. . 7,925•5 s i64,7o0.00 � � 3,585•05 �60 INSPECTION 2�f0 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' S FORMAL BID NO. , TOTAL ' ' ' ' ' ' - ' - - ' ' � 201,562.6g r -, ,_„(JOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUND3 AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE-PRESENTING TO COUNCIL�FOR ADOPTION. . PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOL.VING FUND TO`BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: ,++..;,_ I. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - - - - S 7�331.7O 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - CODE s 39,3�•w 3. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODE � .Y • � �. i4PPROPRIATED FROM - BOND ISSUE—CODE S S. COUNT'Y AID ' - ' ' 4 ' ' ' ' - ' ' - - ' ' ' ' ' a 6. MUNICIPAL STATE AID PROJECT NO��'F-�6g��� � v��l�'�� �S�T�U���99 �. � Montreal � Shepard Rd. a � �, . TOTAL - - - - �� - - - - - - S 201,562.69 COPIES TO: t HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED BAL- CITY CLERK ANCE AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE S7ATED APPROPRIATION3 TO LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO � COMPTROLLER REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVpIN69�FUND PUBLIC WORKS IN THE_ _ ABOVE AMOUNTS. � ---�;�^ J, I"��yti,y:G1Q!} � PURCHASING �P u^�r`�� ,.� r 7 COMPTROI 1 F �-�-'-'�`���aEr DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED .1f � By / � � � .. �..� dJ�A:n�� � . COUNCILMEN �:--- _ _. _._.._ . A�G 41 YEAS NAYS ADOPrm BY THE COUNCI� • - �tN FAVOR � � APPROVm A�G 41965 �a�tNSr . � ' MR. PRESIDENT MAYOR . � ,�, �0 1?UBL HED AUG 7 1965