229151Original to City Clerk PRESENTED BY E 'ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO ORDINANCE N An ordinance amending the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain pro- perties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: _W 229151 Section 1. That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts, and Rezoning of certain pro- perties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following des- cribed property from "A" Residence District to "C" Residence District, to -wit: South 400 feet of Lot 1, Cottage Homes; situate on property located at the northeast corner of Farrington Street and Cottage Avenue in the City of Saint Paul. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Carlson Dalglish Holland Meredith l b J Petersm Tedesco JUL 61966 Passed by the C ncil In Favor Against JUL 61966 F.Vice•Pr•.•i •ent•(P.i"..... Approved • ttest: / L C-6 Clerk XMIN Mayor Form approved Corporation Counsel B PUBLISHED JUL 91966 Duplicate to Printer ORDINANCE 229151 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO An ordinance amending the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain pro- perties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts, and Rezoning of certain pro- perties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following des- cribed property from "All Residence District to "C" Residence District, to -wits South 400 feet of Lot 1, Cottage Homes; situate on property located at the northeast corner of Farrington Street and Cottage Avenue in the City of Saint Paul. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Carlson Dalglish Holland Meredith Peterson— Tedesco Attest: Mr. Vice Presidcnt (Peterson) City Clerk Form approved Corporation Counsel By JUL 61966 Passed by the Council ATn Favor 0 Against 3 UL 61966 Approved: Mayor • �� CITTY OF .SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA • ``�' PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THg LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- fication before signing this petition. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223 - 4151.. (Please type or print) Date: TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint. Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two - thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of -the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing described property: (legal_ description and street address) The South 400 feet of Lot 1, Cottage Homes, (property lies North and East"of Intersection of"" '- Farrington and W. Cottage Avenue, City of St. Paul) Ramsey County, i f omneA Residential District to C Residence r District, for the ti purpose of installing, constructing and /or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) { 70 multiple dwelling units and appurtenant structures and improvements. RECORD OWNER / /SIr(', T9� iTRE �_ Tr" 713avw nnnTTTnN O 'K 0/� 0� 40 Subject Property: &I'LL S400' Marjorie T. Chambers Cottacre Homes ° FtT Wolcott's Addn Marjorie T. Chambers ` Cottage Homes John J. Sullivan S125' E.163 N. 2. Cottage Homes Frank X. Skibicki r ex:. S125 Regina J. Skibicki Cottage T4omps ' o N Bernard F. Bates 375' Df 2 Cottacre Homes David Gaiss $ gg 55� 2 0 ° f N E175' Zelma iss �h,a•. Cotta a Homes Frank X. Skibicki f �`�.��% �. S50' f Nl ' Regina J. Skibicki �a John Paul Investment ,' E70'of W204' Company ?/ of N801 oft Cottacre Home N80loE W134 John Sullivan 22 CottacTe Homes. Robert W. Johnson N115' of Helen D. Johnson A 21 Philip Shepard j4lalf_� 22 ex . N80' of W2h41r�W1QQ1 (ottage T-Tom Howard J. Peterson Pt. OE Wolcott's- Addn ,lene J. Peterson cottage Homes �,rchie R. Olson u �_e_,, -W.40' f N Wolcott's Addn Aary C. Olson �:% a 3eorgePlankers Pt. OE Wolcott's AdcLn Bertha Plankers i� 10 Cottage Homes State of Minnesota ( County of Ramsey ( ss John J. Tob ish being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of, . pages;. that the parties described above are'the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant,.and that the sign ures ab ar a— rue and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so escr bed. Subscr' a and s orn to b fore me ! this day ofMarX� 1966 . to 's to . to to ddress• W:--Cottage, S`t.Paul,Minn Telephone No. 488 -8015 Notary Public, Ramsey % 'unty, Minn. ­-`My commission expire October 6, 1967 Approved as to form 1/4/65 Robert A. Gearin Office of the Corporation Counsel. FGI 1/5/65 GEARINi, PRICEe MELZAREK & JENS)EN � Attorneys for Petitioner M R VER; GEARIN, PRICE AN w Pi? tUI IC �' ILP ��� Attorneys at L ",MINof NESoOnor id& APR/-' t1 9q 305 Degree HTA X92 CITY FLAN.,11% 60ARij Z c c3 CIXY OF'.SAINT• PAUL, MINNESOTA • •PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE k__ �U W, Note: The•signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- fication before signing this petition. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223 -4151. 1 (Please type or print) Date: TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint. Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two- thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 500 or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing described property: (legal description and street address) The South 400 feet of Lot 1, Cottage Homes (property lies North and East of Intersection of Farrington and W. Cottage Avenue, City of St. Paul) Ramsey County, Minnesota. from A Residential District to C Residence District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and /or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) RECORD OWNER S IGNATTIRE T,O RT.IrW AnnTTTnV Subject Property: Ludwigg Noel Ludmilla Noel � -A 1 1 Winklers Plat Stephen Kirch Magdalina Kirch d-r ��`� ?� 2 1 Winklers Plat Gerald W. Lewis Addie S. Lewis 3 & 4 1 Winklers Plat State of Minnesota County of Ramsey ( ss John J. Tob ish being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was sld.scribAO. n by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signures abo true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties/so Subscribed and sworn // o before me this day oil 96 6 Notar Public, Ram My co ission expZ Robert A. Gearin FGI 1/5/65 County, Minn. s October 6, 1967 GEARIN, PRICES MELZAREK & JEN ANp WVAREK Attorneys for Petit i� y GENPIt Heys a Law gldgt 605 Degree oNESOTA 551011 $T. pPU4, MIN A ess• 2 W. Cottage, St. Paul, Minn. Telephone No. 488 -8015 Approved as to form 1/4/65 Office of the Corporation Counsel OFFICIAL RAMSEY COUNTY ABSTRACT OF TITLE Report for Zoning Purposes as to The South 400 ft of Lot 1 of Cottage Homes. State of Minnesota Office of SS County of Ramsey County Absract Clerk The Abstract Clerk of Ramsey County hereby certifies that the following exhibits consisting of entries Numbered 1 to 17constitutes a true and complete report of the apparent ownership of each of the described premises, which include premises in caption and all parcels of land situate within a radius of 100 feet of any part of the captioned premises, all as shown by the records in the Register of ,{{ ii j� /II • � g�p�l Deeds and /or Registrar of T�itlee of said County. � ' 11�ijj Given at St. Paul,,I nesota, Mar 9th 1966 at 8 o'clock A. M. �II Liability under this fa M -e li[nited to $25.00. Witness my Til hand and seal of 'Offiae -- D "uty jountiy 2 619 ISSUED BY COUNTY ABSTRACT CLERK 152 COURT HOUSE ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA hFT7 V Furor ABC -1800 30M 12.61 1� f OFFICIAL RAMSEY COUNTY ABSTRACT OF TITLE - Report for Zoning Purposes as to The South 400 ft of Lot 1 of Cottage Homes. State of Minnesota Office of S8 County of Ramsey County Absract Clerk The Abstract Clerk of Ramsey County hereby certifies that the following exhibits consisting of entries Numbered 1 to 17constitutes a true and complete report of the,apparent ownership of each of the described premises, which include premises in caption and all parcels of land situate within a radius of 100 feet of any part of the captioned premises, all as shown by the records in the Register of ,�� #ks, Deeds and /or Registrar of Tw�Il'e's of said County. Given at 9t. Paul,, Minnee'ota; Mar 9th 1966 at 8 o'clock A. M. Liability under this abr�.�;#��.;�a�t -e �liinited to $25.00. Witness my hand and seal of Offices -' y t, 2 619 ISSUED BY COUNTY ABSTRACT CLERK 152 COURT HOUSE ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA Form At3C -1800 30M 12.41 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. OFFICIAL RAMSEY COUNTY ABSTRACT OF TITLE Marjorie T Chambers is the owner of the S 400 ft of Lot 1 of Cottage Homes. Marjorie T Chambers is the owner of the S'ly 135 ft of that part of Lot 9, Wolcott's Addition to Cottage Homes lying W of Matilda Street if continued through said Lot 9. John J Sullivan is the owner of S 125 ft of the E 163.76 ft of Lot 2 Cottage Homes Frank X. Skibicki and Regina J Skibicki are the owners of Lot 2, except the S 125 ft and except the N 375 ft, Cottage Homes. Bernard F. Bates is the owner of The S 125 ft of the N 375 ft of Lot 2, Cottage Homes. pavis Gaiss and Zelma Gaiss are the owners of the S 75 ft of the N 250 ft of the E 175 ft of Lot 2, Cottage Homes. Frank X. Skibicki and Regina J Skibicki are the owners of the S 50 ft of the N 175 ft of the E 175 ft of Lot 2, Cottage Homes. John Paul Investment Com an.y are the owners of the E 70 ft of the W 204 ft of the N 80 ft of Lo��t 2 Cottage Homes. John Sullivan is the owner 1 of`F'the N 80 ft of the W 134 ft of Lot 22, Cottage Homes. Robert W. Johnson and He +len D'' Johnson are the owners of the N 115 ft of Lot 21, Cottage; Home v 11 ", Philip Shepard is the f,.Lot 22 except the N 80 ft of the W 204 ft and except the W 1OO�ft_; Cottage Homes. .Howard J Peterson and Darlene J Peterson are the owners of-Lot 9, Wolcott's Addition to Cottage Homes, except the S 145 ft of the E 90 ft and except the W 45 ft of the E 140.5 ft of the N 156 ft and except the S'1y 135 ft of that part of Lot 9, Wolcott's Addition to Cottage Homes lying W of Matilda Street if continued through said Lot 9. Archie R Olson and Mary C. Olson are the owners of the W 40 ft of the N 120 ft of Lot 10, Wolcotts Addition to Cottage Homes. George Plankers and Bertha Plankers are the owners of that part of Lot 10, Wolcotts Addition to Cottage Homes lying N of RAi_lroad right of way, except the W 40 ft of the N 120 ft. Ludwig Noel and Ludmilla Noel are the owners of Lot 1, Block 1, Winklers Plat Stephen Kirch and Magdalina Kirch are the owners of Lot 2, Block 1, Winklers Plat Gerald W. Lewis and Addie S. Lewis are the owners of Lots 3 and 4. Block 1, Winklers Plat. ISSUED BY COUNTY ABSTRACT CLERK 152 COURT HOUSE ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA For® ABC -1800 30M 1 -66 7. PM 40a 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. OFFICIAL RAMSEY COUNTY ABSTRACT OF TITLE Marjorie T Chambers is the owner of the S 400 ft of Lot 1 of Cottage Homes. Marjorie T Chambers is the owner of the S'Ly 135 ft of that part of Lot 9, Wolcott's Addition to Cottage Homes lying W of Matilda Street if continued through said Lot 9. John J Sullivan is the owner of S 125 ft of the E 163.76 ft of Lot 2 Cottage Homes Frank X. Skibicki and Regina J Skibicki are the owners of Lot 2, except the S 125 ft and except the N 375 ft, Cottage Homes. Bernard F. Bates is the owner of The S 125 ft of the N 375 ft of Lot 2, Cottage Homes. y)avis Gaiss and Zelma Gaiss are the owners of the S 75 ft of the N 250 ft of the E 175 ft of Lot 2, Cottage Homes. Frank X. Skibicki and Regina J Skibicki are the owners of the S 50 ft of the N 175 ft of the E 175 ft of Lot 2. Cottage Homes. John Paul Investment Com an'y are the owners of the E 70 ft of the W 204 ft of the N 80 ft ofL�t 22 Cottage Homes. John Sullivan is the owner o Cottage Homes. _ II Robert W. Johnson ands He1Ge n ft of Lot 21, Cottage; Homes p1 to L :�, Philip Shepard is the-,- wns °rte' ft and except the W 1z-0--�f't_ N 80 ft of the W 134 ft of Lot 22, son are the owners of the N 115 22 except the N 80 ft of the W 204 Homes. Howard J Peterson and Darlene J Peterson are the owners of-Lot 9, Wolcott's Addition to Cottage Homes, except the S 145 ft of the E 90 ft and except the W 45 ft of the E 140.5 ft of the N 156 ft and except the S'ly 135 ft of that part of Lot 9, Wolcott'a Addition to Cottage Homes lying W of Matilda Street if continued through said Lot 9. Archie R Olson and Mary C. Olson are the owners of the W 40 ft of the N 120 ft of Lot 10, Wolcotts Addition to Cottage Homes. George Plankers and Bertha Plankers are the owners of that part of Lot 10, Wolcotts Addition to Cottage Homes lying N of RAi_lroad right of way, except the W 40 ft of the N 120 ft. Ludwig Noel and Ludmilla Noel are the owners of Lot 1, Block 1, Winklers Plat Stephen Kirch and Magdalina Kirch are the owners of Lot 2, Block 1, Winklers Plat Gerald W. Lewis and Addie S. Lewis are the owners of Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, Winklers Plat. ISSUED BY COUNTY ABSTRACT CLERK 152 COURT HOUSE ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA Form ABC -1800 30M 1 -66 7. ir two ,4_ :t • _- * �,.�' -. ih%'r F'~1'7 'l F 6'4—,4' 1•TM1"#e•�, 4�r�".�.`��'�. x', 4',r It +t,I `r, .t {- .�,e�y.F +. =,r,r ; r ••v;1 y _ rl y r a iv f y i� ' � 'f .X.uu �,e.k:•;,�yr, .,. �ay���,}+�� - . fi.�� f�` °, ,r,t'n.,- • �'� .- ' 1` - t }• obi rafo�" Deed ' ' f jr �OiRt �0. 55 . ' i 205 Individual to Joint•Tenants, .r a:tet. r .00• i ,u +, • ,•.oui Ir �i j greL!} "Q16Lf V�ILCle (1 Y,rl Pit,t!'T�tf into t1 is ...... .. ..................(.....��..... `\.........................,. ....J tJ •rJ ............. 1:X e.................:..:............, x.9.. 5':; b71 a id, bet,►vaeit .....O��I..P.. �! 5��4! ��... a��:,.. :�o!��'�e...�C��,S�:�,�...�t��s -Yi d 1,. and wife'" t` pri i-A.0 .... of the first, pak, ritnrZ : :'.. J.S?}��7:. �. kc.. �'.Q�2.�.��1.1:4',�1�.:.��.PXI� Ejt�1�...�.....2.'.�h� �i�. �. ..�1!a�i�l�d:s�...�n1'k...41�,► 9..:• �F g` �f ' ......:...:.....:.......... .........t..:.................. .....�P.... ._.................. ........ 1,ir,'ttr'.5 of the, gref 41 pyll y ...... �tne�>�m ,'Thtr.t ,ihrl 'scti(l, )LLr't.::.l...._.o tits ,rat iart. i,n conr,irte,•a:tion. Hof, thr c„ irenrrid.q and ' r' j i ®a f. , fi. ' 1 agileernents of said parties of the second• j,rti:t;,h�ei'eincrfter rnntained, lrercbi7 sell ...... rintl n�r'4'c..: ... tn i'nnrc11 it said partios of tlt,e s&.oild part, as joint tenants lint 'not as tenant.q iii. eornrn.orl, their' assigns, the strrt•irror of said paa•ties,' and ,tire heirs and .assigns of the s'tar'vir;o7•, by a ............... ......... G�a3 'rahty.......::..........Deed, • i } aceonrpctnierl by an ab40a.et evide!,71671g'0oacl title iat part... .... g.of the fr.rst pa.ret (it the elate hereof, or by 1 ,, * a.rz'ortrner's.ljttplircate ceztificate of title, upon.' tjtP jn•r -t pt and, fitil perfor`rnatrcr. by •sa.id partirq of the ; Second T�a,rt, of their part of this aareerrt•ent, the t1•4;!t............ol land; 111i,».g seal being in ,the, County of `• f < ?fey ......... ............................and .Statefof ;iSitYttcsotta, rlcxrribe�l as fol.l.r>c�'s, tu;'aetl•:,':�. 1. �r ML. „..:. 7 r a 1. Qt ri'+qtt& 0 Aoibas. and t�16 T 'tif.'?Qati o' rte tr'ol�e' �(�outkiery ?35 'feat of thot .part: t I�3.rle ('9) • v1diaott to •at'c?1,t,I i do 0ottat;tt Hwies Vtl! of �' b I S continued thro�lgh »aid i,ot HihCO (9) includi•,r , �� i 1' flat I Jda S, t rent i � any `portibn of any atneet or allay 'adjacent 'thoreto, 'vacdted or to ” t be vadated, together with all tend irighte, prowiloges, oftaaMetlts, �* and +l�teE�andos tbereun.to atta,ohed; secordiifg to the pl6t then ,of on r ' 1N and' of ,record it the off i.ca cf We Regiate•r, of Dasds in aril of Ramsey, State of .Minnesota.. , 1 . t `ar ' • i .L �� cr •• �.Y�l !• R 4 't 0 l .-. LY;1 ` ✓I71 ',fiaiil•7`rarti.es of the second 7ia.rt,' bb coh,5ideratibn of tha_Fpre.r,ti.i.gc�, hereby ahr,er to Pay said j)a t. ^' 4 St, 1'a +x�,li,rinesiYta f 1 o f the first part, at...:....:.r :.......::.... r.:........... ..,._.........7... .... ....,............ W.. ..rt� and r t h ,rtrClr a -qe, '►�t r. o s ill v- iye ,the rear. af:.... i * t- thOtta �� ......................... .. . ..�'JO.t.� ............... ,. alidrs, ,e �r .�xA.. 8i�ltd e11C...?�V.('� .. ....:...:.::......r...........: in nrctn.ncr raitcl cct tintt's folloui »d to- rtrit: 6'ive- •hli7idred at'ld Ito,1"Loo j(�s �O.00), adilarks J)gldV.hown �t . S'_'.i �°;,.Y•�/r y. obi...' - ', '+' I upon exacat'tibn ,rind'- delivery of this Contract fWr Doe6j,'• rerdi_nt whoJ'00.. is - '61 Y'11 ttcl�nort t lc�dkt�d °i�rd,'ttfe lial�iYiaA of S ©veil-- th6tmaiid Fiver- hwhdrod aild, no/100, P7,5w.60) c�ollkt'� Trtro r ' k• "'' paid a% 'f'olldwa to, Wit Ii "175 .00, or nc3lre,-0 on ,;tire Ist d -AY Ot JW-Y, 1,956j -4n - ,$75�b0li fo oi t1t} fat a;sou�.G i cladi� ttera 't•�t- Roza st � aa "r} .i naid fir.� ry7m' §aicl_mont 13• pFly fonts the .irltvlA�+t �uj>on 1;�ir1 ,uzipFtid + �Kf ah: +! L� "'.9fh }'«! D ®1ait.. r�• �• h��§' st•.ris}ry•rl..r� >t'�^'�' ' Y' ..1 Bi a f� ft. t T n », Y�aili+,��3s -snail _fire,t r3� �i�tgd and.' thH x'»ru�indg shai!1 t,%�Sri �+ a b3�ee7 uc�orr�t�_i�;T,rh���`]]]lll ,. .:y %' •• 1 "`.".� �S'• ' r... :'~r. • .+M,.1 if«A� Z � �1$8t6 -19 'X1oNJ t3'1?irst. o'ritga e ; t'aingt, said pr6 -oleos .ill favor of the Mi 'nnvWpolie'Si�vlri ana Loan #saociat�dn o:f' St, Palilit Seilera rb'serve the right to iWiranmo, said mn�rt,rtgd,`6tt -. rz+. ,K time c7urir?E� }).ta life of this cont % rant for an alrio��nt not in e.xct lss Of t he .all►ailllt tfibla ti. r palllai(i on thin ,iinlit'ract4,and. prbvidint► #'dr,illort {�FLf',e pPyln @nt8 slid ,sae il7teretat rate ilbt iii rixa�i9,` oe .tklcl .rHpt;iT't lllr�21t,3 of this ooniraoi i d BuyOrs a €rreb th join in 'ero'rttttirLln hoe" ii4. , , ` neo(3saot',y .�Papdra', but' all 'ex;1aosos ihoident theroto shol.l bo borne ny'SellAre. rat -rep; to pa'y 66 'E)k1sting' Mortgage or i�t nevi 'rnprt�i�'c� eb placed gtrioGJ.y" fore *�in� tlly td'. ��e r �.L i .tc►rm3 soes melt •to ,jeop rdI2e thn iTltRi'eat• of gi)yer "s. ; It is a eQd by Sr,llors that if they frill to mratr( kxr). snort; ;t' .4 payranAts *as tiley bo�otho d.ue; 'tY1Rn the '1#tlyArt4 ,reserve the right to Inalcd such payments that may be delinquoAt aiia ded.uot such same ,from the 'monthly payMoiits' d'u® o 'tilit<' conArabt for dedcl'�.j, °' 9 w in addition do too marithl� �It, is Agreed that the parties of the §ecofid P rt are to, pay �. � ymert a sum equal to ,-1/1.2th of their ystarly- taxed 'and insurance; which dh6Al ba #P.9 by xirst parties to.iard thO pay' ment.bf taxes and ih�ix ence ani7 z3't3.ded ib. tiii�' tli i, contract balanoe. .. ' rr, rt .. a t- art' ` . ,'s• yy "' L }= }�" , -, �-T r e 4•a� - tea +•.F• _. i��5r f i�g'"r i •t •.�•;' -, ,v„y {. +:r„ 'L ' " .. �,�: i .' � rit •''+�' .•i �':s �',,�`;i. •� 1 �.i.'5�.�,�'` .3,�:,.,rjii,�6y.;'ytp�F.} r .in .,,�, '� ..1'; ,�., .i- F I1' ',(• _ .:i 1 v' ., "/ Said parties of'thq second get further covenant and agree as follows: to pay, before penalty attaches thereto, all t"ea due. and-, payable lifrthe ear 8 � and, in aul }sequeat- years, an�all• spe�lal assessmenis�her.etot�ee „tor {iie�eaf �pj Ja`ti�dr, 74,¢;•i, also µthat sans buildings.fafid� improvements now on said land, or which <ehal[ hereafte �© erected, •placed, or mode thb G r� ors, shall not be removed therefrom, but shallr -be and, rerhain, the 'property of the, part.. .-Of the 8rsl part until this cnrt.;'.y;:;° . , _ trabt shall be tu} }y r pe.. rlormAd.by the parties of the secod.paA; and at their own exphnso, to keep the blill((!n. Qon said t prnmlees at all tlrAsgk- lrtaurhd.,I i nolno reliabls'inourance co” Piny, or- comjpanies, to'bc upp }' {FVnl1 b °y tllC+llhrl ,'� ale fleet nrl..'Nt�alltidt. lnre'iiY flee)Gt�iX � .., kind ?+n�.� 0()Ve ' � ei,' �fc�rit }`�i�GJ�rfc�6F'�'�i����?�•• - ;;.��.�..l..ti...w,'. � .....,...,,.,.•...w_...._ �.%�.... , ._., ..,' �,. :,:k. .. 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K"T6bis us aPi. . ............. e, ... ...... . ........................ . .... . . .... ...... ........................... _0 a; td rccorde'.& i7a 016 �o#Vcr,'oy 06 Register of .needs Liv, said for the Nu nty'01 ........................... 131a�coj Jfihmei-btA, tn',4�vok ................ .............................. 11 ....... ........... :..,, pagi ........................ fo' the w1e, dii-d �OhteyqAi�a 4;' he��'trdct.'_ f Imbd ld'-said Cotcnty eviV,A-S'tatc, dl,�tl I 1 -114 "gij T40 .6 • and thd, SdUthelrl a m % V� 6f �Y_1$5 60t C� -&�a uo, , A a West of that•.PATt -of Lot Nine (9),.WolcattlS Addition to Cottage Tiomes lying continued throxigh said Lot Nine (9) including any portion of MiM, -,-Stroei if . 9 any etrI ",L�' ­ t# 6'r 4I1ey im 1ja cept'there - t b a,vgcatdd or to be vacated, together e ther W 4, a_hgts 'Privileges, inentsi and appdrteftnces thereunto a ttached according ile aiid'of record in thd office of the7 Registor g to the' p&t thereof on I of Mnnesota. 4 of De-eds- in and for' said 'County �of Ramsey, State Y .,4 v ;6,11 f y A, k... N 4. > e, k , S, j 1A T, + IF J,k T le d 7 Y 0 1A "W 4 Ir It .......... ha se(Ont p q7 'Lt- at e, I Sb mitt fe b e R,unq! aid iLn4C7 sail contract. *'-' the-'swi'lor. Qwr P 4 ., w .......... ........ 1,9, t ....... . :::good �WU to splt," ir 11"Vei, - &IMM �c A ....... 19 .... P.A.. _4 0, 4j 00� 4, .. ... ............... .... ........ .... ...... ...... ...... .. .... . ....... ........... ....... ................. ....... ................ ...... ........... 41 j • r : �i9, BOA, RD "L_"? 23 -4151 OF ZONING, CITY Room 20 CITY HALL & ,COURT HOUSE Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Building Dear Sir: e OF SAINT PAUL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 June 6, 1966 This is written in response to the Petition of Marjorie T. Chambers to rezone to "C" Residence property located at the Northeast corner of Farrington Street and Cottage Avenue described as, the South 400 feet of Lot 1, Cottage Homes. At the May 5, 1966 Board of Zoning Meeting, the staff reported that the property has a frontage of 400 feet along Cottage Avenue and an area of 87,648 square feet. The area zoning is as follows: to the Southwest, a large tract of land zoned "C" Residence; to the East, a large tract of land recently rezoned to "C" Residence; and the rest of the area is zoned "A" Residence. The surrounding land uses are as follows: to the North, single - family; to the West, vacant and single - family; Southwest, a large apartment development; to the South, vacant and single - family; to the East, vacant and single - family. The area to the East was recently rezoned to "C" Residence, because of the large "C" Residence zone to the Southwest. This was accom- plished with the idea to ultimately rezone the entire area bounded by the railroad tracts, the Wheelock Parkway bluff, the rear lot lines of lots fronting on Arlington Avenue and the rear lot lines of lots fronting on Galtier Street to "C" Residence. The subject property is within this area and rezoning it would be a step in developing this compact "C" Residence area. Therefore, it is the recommendation of the Board that the Petition be granted and the property rezoned to "C" Residence. NRH /mm Encl. Z.F. # 6034 very truly yours, g . R. ei en Secretary 7� _j 0 < < 0 6, 00 OOH IO 'ARLINGTON", -"AVE.' 0 0 10 0 0 COTTA( O. RICO 'C' Q F_ C-; RES. 01 O A 0 I 0 U)-( U _T lolo LO-1011 01 lip -AVE- j APPLICANT- __MAkJ.Q)kI[: T. CPAM PIkS LEGEND F ,I PURPOSE ' LAND USE:' ;-.PRESENT -ZONING'.- "A"'kF PT 0 -ONE FAMILY E _c _-Q- TWO FAMILY AkEA 'THREE FAMILY PETITION -SIGNERS: FOUR FAMILY MULTI�-FAMILY FILE No... 603.+ , r).' COMMERCIAL,:' 'MONTH INDUSTRIAL 6 St. Paul Planning- Board', Date April :;PROPERTY.. IN.'--.QUESTION- DEPARTMENT' OF FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 113 Court House, bb 102 JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner Phone: 224 -4612 THOMAS J. KELLEY, Deputy Commissioner Ext. 343 -344 April 15, 1966 To the Council City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: I have checked the attached petition of John J Tobish, filed in the matter of rezoning, South 400 feet of Lot 1, Cottage Homes. The pro- perty is located lying North and Bast of Inter- section of Farrington Street and Cottage Avenue, from a Class 10All Residence District to a Class "C" Residence Dist4ct, and.f#d�that,,sqid petition is sufficient. Yours very fuly, es J. Da ish ommissioner of Financ Re: 5 -92 c.c. Mr. Ames City Architect N. R. Heiden Zoning. Board •22 ll ll l� OLD Fju j APR Z U 1969 CITY J'LANIAII(i BO AKI) Saint Paul, Minnesota Z F- 60 '�� ELI City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 a22 May 27, 1966 File X92, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House in the City of ,St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on June 9, 1966, on the petition of John J. Tobish to rezone from "All Residential District to C Residential District for the purpose of,constructing a 70 unit multiple dwelling and appurtenant structures and improvements on the following property: south 400 feet of Lot 1, Cottage Homes. The property is located at the northeast corner of Farrington and Cottage Avenues. For further information contact Planning Board, Room 20, Court House or phone 223 -4151, JAMES J. DALGLISH Commissioner of Finance MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH g 4 3 Section of Vital Statistics ft 4 CERTIFICATE OF DEATH a OF DEATH: STATE OF MINNESOTA II 4. USUAL RESIDENCE (Where deceased I R iUCyTY a. STATE • L b. CO R am Ramsey Minn. R sey C. LENGTH OF ► fY, STAY in 1 b. St. Paul b7 yrs. e IyI OF (I Rnot In hospital or Institution, give street address) t4TInmON Bethesda Hospital �t s F� T Yf 'a s t3 m YES :d NO ❑ c. CITY, St. Paul 276 W. Cottage Ave. k10488 og,o � Institution: residence before admission.) e. IS RESIDENCE INSIDE CORPORATE LIMITS? I. IS RESIDENCE ON A FARM? 9 YES ❑ NO I YES ❑ NO :6 6. COLOR OR RACE 4. DATE Month Day Year IF UNDER 1 YEAR IF UNDER 44 HRS. � I i errlo I White WIDOWED ❑ DIVORCED ❑ I ' DEATH last birthday) I 69 Months Days �_.•,` O '".,P George De Plankers tir,,a u Drint) 7 3!3 62 I t 6. COLOR OR RACE 7. MARRIED M NEVER MARRIED ❑ 8. DATE OF BIRTH 9. AGE (In years IF UNDER 1 YEAR IF UNDER 44 HRS. � I i errlo I White WIDOWED ❑ DIVORCED ❑ I 12/18/1892 last birthday) I 69 Months Days Hours Min. . , UWAL OCCUPATION (Give kind of work jwr dunng most of working life, even if retired) 10b. KIND OF BUSINESS OR INDUSTRY 11. BIRTHPLACE (State or foreign country) 14. CITIZEN OF WHAT COUNTRY? ji I Clorlt on Loading Dock Swifts & Armour Minnesota U. S. A. I';k, ATHER'S NAME 13b. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME 14. SPOUSE'S NAME Eicnr4 Plankers Mathilda Wilhamson I Bertha Plankers �y WAS DECEASED EVER IN U. S. ARMED FORCES? 7' (IF yes, give war or data of service) 16. SOC. SEC. NO. 17. INFORMANT'S OZNSI ATU RE MAE1, j7O �i �i `d.ge Unknown Q , p t/, Ia. CAUSE OF DEATH (Enter only one cause per line for (a), (b), and (c).) INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH WAS CAUSED BY: ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE (a) f Conditions, if eny, fx1E TO tb) which gave rise to S Z above cause (a), stating the under. - lying cause on line O (c} DUE TO (c) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICA CONTRIBUTING TO DEATH BUT NOT RELATED TO THE IMMEDIATE CAUSE GIVEN 19. WAS AUTOPSY IN PART 1(a) =CONDITIONS PERFORMED? YES ❑ NO 19s. DATE OF OPERA. OR FINDINGS OF OPERATION I'19b. TION u IV pOs, ACCIDENT, SUICIDE OR HOMICIDE. (SPECIFY): 40b. DESCRIBE HOW INJURY J X OCCURRED. (Enter nature of Injury in Part I or Part II of Item 18.) i p 80- TIME OF Hour jN -nth, Day, Year w INJURY e. M. I .N... r•r, p. M. Md. INJURY OCCURRED WHILE AT ❑ NOT WHILE, ❑I 20c. PLACE OF INJURY (e. s., in or about home, farm, factory, street office blds•, etc.) 20f. CITY, VILLAGE OR TOWNSHIP COUNTY STATE WORK AT WORK �j,� 21. 1 « rtify I attended the deceased from a"�"`•r l yr� to v y4 Land that I last saw the deceased alive o 19-L- In that death occurred ar_� "� M m on t date stated above and to the best of my knowledge from tht cau s stated. FRa. SIGNATURE (Degree or title) 22b. ADDRESS 44c. DATE SIGNED � b ' r i]s. BURIAL CREMATION `fMOVAL (specify) 43b. DATE 43c. NAME OF CEMETERY OR CREMATORY 23d. LOCATION (City, village or county) (State) Burial 8/2/62 [,JD4aurst Cemetery I St. Paul, Minn. fs. DATE FILED BY REG. • 45. RAR'S SIGN 46. SIGNATURE OF MORTICIAN OR FUNERAL DIRECTOR ADDRESS Mueller -Biel ,t �y 650 N. Dale St. r�/ /�"�r'r. • 7� 0 E V). i '1 i i o+ � i 06 I A m Lr STATE OF MINNESOTA) J. COUNTY, OF' RAMSEY I hereby,certify that the,above is a true and correct''copy of the - official. record on file with the Section of Vital-Statistics of then Minnesota State B6ard' of "Hea -ifth i Dated at Saint Paul'' • - 5 ` - ` Depot -Sr tat.e Registrar" APRIL 1�, 1966 Minnesota 'State Board' of Health .-Any photographed correction shown in •the above certificate was made ;,undbr "authority. of law, CITY, PLANNING BOARD OF SAINT -PAUL• - 1315 CITY HALL AND COURTHOUSE SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA phone. Co 4.4612 Ext.251 + April 1, 1966 P7,676,- Sq: ft.; of the South• 400 ft. of Lot 1, Cottage Homes : _ (,Property lies North 6 East ' of -In.tersection of Farrington &,W-. Cottage Ave. ' ,• ; k • ti- -" • , + f by • s •C i .`d + � tit * , I `t .• ,. - . ; st � 9A ` - r - v. 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson rlson Dalglish Iglish Holland Holland eredith Meredith eterson Pm' rs J edesco Tedesco President Byrne E.'•kidlai1vEBe.,..,,,,,,,, ® Mr. Vice President (Peterson)