229128_ p
Resolution Approving Assessment By—
and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon
In the matter of the assessment of - benefits, costs and expenses for construction and
restoration of sidewalks and work incidental thereto: Contract 64-M -302, Levy $o. 12;
District No. 3
__ 1 - 9 7 Siius' Ave:, both ' sides from Cypress St: to EarlSt.
F.6' . X219165 - Jenks Ave :,-both sides from Earl St: to Frank St:-
F.O. #219486 = (leranium Ave +p•both sides from Weide St: to Arcade St: _
F.O. 218796 - Minnehaha Ave:, north side fro® Burr St, to Bradley St- and
Clark St: to DeSoto St* and on the south side of Minnehaha
Ave. from-Rivoli St, to DeSoto St;
F.O. +219974 - Greenbrier St*, west side between E* 7th St, and Maury St.
abutting Lot 1, Blk. 10, Irvine's 2nd Addition ONLY
F.O. #217495 - Winthrop St., wept side from Scenic Place to the south approx
e k�rel�nfn y@rd;:q_4!- tf--abutting��l.�±2•Scenig Place., �._. .....,�-------- _. >_�__.,�..,...
F..O* #21.9014 - Walsh St:, east side from Lawson Ave" to Cook Ave: abutting
Merrnedi�-iSrct�� -- property- kaown�as;1030;Walsh:, At -w- -_ —
! F.O. #219354 - Rose Ave., both sides from Cypress St, to Earl St:
�F:0.219015- �Parl�ray�Dr:ve, south- aiag�; abuttinge property�lozowa-ase636 ___- ____..,_
and 640 Parkway Drive, Lots 4 and 5 Harrison and HilaoJi Add ; -
II ThC :s2eminen£ oBlk.6�s, Cosy t_�!x.nsea fur anti In coni�ettian with
,._ -. _ ..
1 F,'0. #218945 - Winthrop St., west side from Burns Ave: to the north approxo
tb&� above iniprovement92 5nft tabu'ttin'gc2137tBwrns, ±Ave .nd the Council hating cougioered same
F.O. +219420 - Hawthorne Ave*, both sides from Frank St. to Duluth St:
and :Vydd ift9 ?-4`-Ca `cage fAQ. f�. -- 'hsid`e)rfrom:-Payne Ave: to the east -approx.
north _
110 ft. abutting -1182 Payne, Ave.
RESOLVED, That t,.4R s�nu aa,:e� :ien, n acid Qe game is hemby in 01 re-,N -tts approved.
]NOMA SSESS BLE. -=DER, Twit a rah?ic hearing be hnd on y eLa- zic?xrr<ent - n-tbs. ' ..
F.:O. 9 Sims Ave:, both sides from Cypress St. to Earl St :J
'lay eF.O: J19.165 -= P�Jenks_Ave ,_ both, sides rfrom ,Parl:iSt1:' to, Frank' St ::,; ,� ,,ti,t1� �ntbvr pf
F.O. #218796 - Minnehaha Ave., north side from Burr�St +,to Bradley St, and
the Court Rowe. and CJ'C] k,. !.BV..zito.,iDeSoto,rSt::�-and on t ei;south; sic�e�,,q�- l(ir�n l lzal. i anee
Ave: from Rivol.i Sti, to �DeSoto St:
give `F 9974'= �`areenliiciexu$t,' West- side' {bet`ieea {E� 7th St:' and�,Maury;St:j�cG of,
abutting Lot 1, Blk. l0, Irvine's 2nd Addition ONLY,
heariy4 fhQ �� . • `�ftr, r ,St:�`�ie t "si'dei:f oai`Sceriic Placeito: the.�sonth:approx ,ar;
F.o. f217495r _
iiv:ner fio �rtr^n, # < notti 9!+a- h"�-O'east abtting 2142 Scenic Place #.
F.O. 21.9014 - Wals: side from Lawson Ave.. to Cook Ave: abutting
property known as 1036 Walsh St: _ r
F:0* X219351± -Rose Ave., both sides from Cypress St:.to Earl St.
�;p;i� 5 = Winthrop St.! west side from Burns Ave. to the north -approx.� -�`
)'eas Nay}92.5 ft. abutting 2137 Burns- Ave: _
F O {21.9420 - Hawthorne, Ave., both - sis�es�1rom,Frauk_• St•:.�to_ Duluth St:�,,
F 0: 21.9017 - Cottage Ave., north side from Payne Ave* to the east approx: t,
,� tiolE nct 310 ft, abutting 1382 Payne Aver:.
o ved '
Byrne In Favor �Wx,
_,�,- • . Against
•RS. Form R -2 2M 10 -68 8.