D001436White - City Clerk Pink - Finanee Dept. Canazy - Dept. AeeounGing Blue - Engineer Green - Contractor i No. o Q� ly.�(� Date 4 ���' � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATTVE dRDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. 1 ADPAINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions wlueh proved to be necessary to the Improvement desctibed as Demolitionlsite clearance at 358 Erie Street . . in is rac , known asR�a�xxxx�txxf�6u�Rea��taixx THOMAS CONTRAGTING �� n TN( . , Contraetor, is composed of the following: See attached. • ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, thcough its Mayor, approves the focegoing additions made in ac- cordance with the specifieations in the sum of $ 1,140.�0 , said amount to be added to the lump sum eon- sideration aamed in the contraet, known as contract L P• 0. �k016394 �d whieh amount is to be fiaanced from: P6-1Q0-94002-0551-00408 and the contract time remains unchanged. APPROVED AS TO FOFLM �t�C�. `Y�- !1� �r�-h / � 19 � Assistant City Attorney �`�rt/�-e�dL �A��_i��.es�y.! �19�_ 1 nginee� ` r � 19 Chie gin t _� �19� D'u tot of PED / THOMAS CONTRACTING G& D, INC. V and Economic Development McMahan, 266-6612 NA TOTAL # OF SIGNATORE PAGES 1 (CLtP ALl LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) Signatures (whexe tabbed) on the attached Contract Change Agreement No. 1 for backfilling the open basement excavation at 1304 Hubbard Avenue in CD District 11. This is a contrace change agreement to Purchase Order Contract 1P 016394. )MMENOAtiONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSIQN _. C1V1L SERVICE COMMiSS10N _ CIB CAMMfTTEE _ � STAFF — _ DISTRICTCOURT _ SUPP�FlTS WHICH COUNGL O&IEGTIVE? INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What. When, Where, Why): Following demolition of the structure at 1304 Hubbard Ave, the open excavation was fenced and made available for a non-profit developer who was going to immediately construct a new foundation and move a single family house onto the site. Subsequently, the deal fell through In the meantime, the oxiginal demolition contractor was paid in full and no longer interested in doing this additional work. Filling and grading the site level with surrounding grades including removal o£ the temporary security fence was necessary to minimize public liability and to preclude illegal dumping at this location. Public safety and site security are no longer compromised. ��G4Cis �.. EINITIATEO GREEN SH ET � 1/7J98 INITIA INRIAL/DATE �DEPARTMENTDIRECTOF �CfiYCOUNCIL 48ER FOfl Q CITY AT�ORNEY (�" Q� � CffY CLERK IIT7NG O BUDGET DIRECiOF � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIA. OER � MAYpR (OR ASSI5TANT) �(� _ CAT� SQ n—Ae; nc � 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a comract for Mis department? YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city empbyee? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current ciry empioyee? YES NO Expleln e1l yes answera on aeparate sheet anG aHach to green sheet ,y 2 3 1998 None. �;� ��;��u "�Y��'� OF� ��`����E� �a�,�� � � ��� �Er�r c���x JRN 2 C} 1993 �. City would be at risk and subject to potential liabilityJlawsuit. TOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSAC710N $ 1 L�+O.00 � COSTlREVENUE SUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO � FUNDIIdG50URCE Setective Clearance Funds ACTIVITVNUMBER P6-100-94002-0551-0040 FMANCIAL MFORFSATION� (EXPIAIN) /Y � f ( q� li �DO I �I3�O :: . � � � � . �► �- .t�: :: ; � t� � � • Provide all equipment, materials, labor, sugervision and incidentals necessary to backfiil the basement excavation and remove the arange temporary fencing at 1304 Hubbazd Avenue in CD District 1 L All backfill material shall consist of good, clean borrow or overburden; unfrozen; and free of wood, vegetation, demolition debris, and large rocks. Site is to be backfiiled and graded to surrounding grades. All work to be performed in accordance with the contract documents, PED instructions, all applicabie codes, and first-class, commonly accepted construcfion practices/techniques typiCal of the Metro area; and further subject to: 1. Satisfactory completion of all contract stipulations and covenants as a result of the aforementioned change and all work affected thereby; 2. The rights of PED are not prejudiced; and 3. All claims against PED related to or as a consequence of the aforementioned change aze satisfied. �