229041i ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ' 229043- CITY OF ST. . PAUL FIOUNCIL NO. N _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY C j - DATE .Tune 2. 1966 COMMISSIONER .�L — RESOLVED, Thatthe Council hereby concurs in the award of the Purchasing Committee therefor and hereby awards contracts for furnishing certain Multilith bond paper, Duplicator and Mimeograph Paper, as particularly described in award papers, to various - departments and bureaus of the City of St. Paul (including the County of Ramsey and Independent School District #625) through December, 1966, as follows: To: ANCHOR PAPER COMPANY - total amount of contract approximately $39,413.00 To: BUTLER PAPER COMPANY - total amount of contract approximately $3,700.00 1contracts to be on a more or less basis accordingto requirements), at unit prices bid, in accordance with bid specifications therefor and the Formal Bid #1603 of said bidders, such bids being the lowest meeting bid specifications and said bidders being reasonable and reliable ones and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to-1aclude the City of St.Paul and County of Ramsey requirements for said items on the contracts and bonds already effective for Independent School District #625 for the firms named herein under Formal Bid #1603. Formal Bid #1603. r aw ,- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Meredith Peterson Mr. President, Vag 7 In Favor V Against r i JUN 91 r Adopted by the Council 19— 7 r JIM 91966 ,Approved 19— 9.4 -JAI'o Mayor PUBLISHED JUN 111966 ' t - Jum, 90,. 1965 Hon. Robert F,, Peterson, ` Comitsioner of Public Iforks. Dear Sirs-- u The City.Council referred to y attached It . of Mrs. Addie_ W -Alp ne, 2!48 Carter_; i ch stated that . her- zidewalk is ini good condition. truly youms F City, merle. - • ` t• a f — r - - r R-- ' DUPLICA ;E TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE June 2, 1966 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED, Thatthe Council hereby concurs in the award of the Purchasing Committee therefor and hereby awards contracts for furnishing certain Multilith bond paper, Duplicator and Mimeograph paper, as particularly described in award papers, to various departments and bureaus of the City of St. Paul (including the County of Ramsey and Independent School District #625) through December, 1966, as follows: To: ANCHOR PAPER COMPANY - total amount of contract approximately $39,413,00 To: BUTLER PAPER COMPANY – total amount of contract approximately $3,700.00 )contracts to be on a more or less basis accordingto requirements), at unit prices bid, in accordance with bid specifications therefor and the Formal Bid #1603 of said bidders, such bids being the lowest meeting bid specifications and said bidders being reasonable and reliable ones and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to include the City of St.Paul and County of Ramsey requirements for said items on the contracts and bonds already effective for Independent School District x#625 for the firms named herein under Formal Bid #1603. Formal Bid #1603. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Toss Meredith Peterson Mr. President, Vevoufis Tn Favor d A gainst JUN 9It %% Adopted by the Council 19— SUN 91566 Approved 19— Mayor