05-885Council File #� Green Sheet # 3028094 Presented by 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 CITY RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has approved the following bonding items as part of its 2006 I,egislative Agenda; WHEREAS, the following bonding items are ranked in priority order; �� WHEREAS, this list represents the City's Prioriries in rime for submission to the State Department of Finance September 30, 2005 deadline; RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul lists its 2006 Bonding Priorifies as follows: 1. Ordway -- 2. Pierce Butler -- 3. Great River Pazk -- 4. Como Zoo -- 5. Union Depot -- 6. Bioscience -- -�.�. :..,, $12 million $10 million $12 million $10 million $7.5 million $3.7 million � � � Thune Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Co c By: Approved by May . Date BY� �/.fia�.isfivi � Secretary ✓ � Requested by Department of �G'1 G�c�s G`'�� � V v By: �I'l.�t.-V� (.�,� �.,� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � DepartmeM/office/council: Date Initiated: W � � Mo --�Y�S�ce 21-SEP-05 Green Sheet NO: 3028094 CoMact Person 8 Phone• � Deoartment Sertt To Person InitiaVDate Nancy Haas p � 266$�2� ASSign 1 a or'sOffice D rtmentDirector Must Be on Couneil qgenda by (Date): Number � 2 rn For Routing 3 a or's0ffice Ma or/ASSistant O�der 4 ouncill 5 i erk Ci Clerk Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Approval of the resolution submitting the City's 2006 Bondiug Priorities. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this personffircn ever worked under a contract,for this departmenY? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curtent city employee? Yes No F�cplain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): AdvantageslfApproved: � Meet State DepaRment of Finance Bonding Submission Deadline. DisadvanWgeslfApproved: Disadvantages If Not Approved: The priorities listed will not be eligible for consideration by the State Depaztment of Finance and Governor's admnvsiration. Total Amount of CostlRevenue Budgeted: � Trensaction: Funding Source: Activity Number: ��. a�r���P!:�1 Cp1fgP Financial Information: � (Explain) � , ��F 2 4 q0}y� J. L A7 , �: 2006 Capital Budget Request 1) LOCAL GOVERNMENT SUBNIITTING REQUEST: CiTy of Saint Paul 2) PROJECT TITLE: Ordway Center for the Performing Arts Renovation 3) AGENCY PROJECT PRIORITY: 4) PROJECT LOCATION: 345 Washington Street, St. Paul, MN 55102 5) TOTAL PROJECT COST: $12,000,000 6) REQUEST FOR 2006 STATE FIJNDS: $12,000,000 'n STATE �CTNDS REQUEST FOR 2008: No funds are requested for 2008 8) STATE F'UNDS REQLTEST FPR 2010: No funds are requested for 2010 9) NON-STATE FUNDS AVAILABLE: Ordway Center's local match is provided from two sources: 1. Bridge/Endowment Campaign Ordway Center is completing its third year of a seven-year stabilization campaign, successfully balancing its budget for the first two years. In order to continue to be financially viable, Ordway Center has embarked on a major effort to raise an increased level of operaring funds. The ixnmediate, underlying financial challenge facing Ordway Center was to close the $1.5 million annual gap between the real cost of operafing and maintaining this excepfional venue and the limited rental and other eamed income it now generates. Most large arts organizations find through experience that they can achieve financial stability only when their endowment principal is at least three times their annual budget. This enables these organizations to cover 10%-15% of their operating expenses from endowment fund earnings. Ordway Center covers about 3% of its budget from endowment. � "� Thus Ordway Center has embarked on a fund raising campaign necessary for survival — raising a minimum of $20-30 million in Bridge/Endowment funds between now and FY2010, with nearly $9 million already raised or pledged. 2. $45 Million Original Construction Cost Privately Financed Ordway Center was built for $45 million entirely by private investment and opened to national acclaim in 1985. The ownership of the building will be transferred to the City of St. Paul, effectively transferring the original $45 million private inveshnent to public ownership. It is obvious but necessary to acknowledge that the current value of the land and building that houses Ordway Center for Performing Arts far exceed the original $45 million of construction costs. Thus the transfer of Ordway Center to the public ownership of the City provides a contribution by Ordway Center substantially in excess of $45M. 10) PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND RATIONALE: This request is for $12 million to predesign, design, construct, fixrnish and equip a renovation of Ordway Center for the Performing Arts in St. Paul. This project is a prudent strategy for renovating Minnesota's premiere performing arts center in a time of financial constraints. The renovation will include: fulfilling Homeland Security Deparhnent standards, connecting Ordway Center to St. Paul's skyway system, replacing seats, upgrading acoustics, and the creation (from underutilized space off the Marzitelli Foyer and upper McKnight Theatre lobby) of a multi-purpose community meeting room and special events space. Ordway Center for the Perfornung Arts is a catalyst for the artistic vitality of our community by hosting, presenting, and creating performing arts and educational progranis that engage artists and enrich diverse audiences. Ordway Center's warld- class facility includes two theaters: the 1,900-seat Main Hall and the 306-seat McKnight Theatre. By its very nature, performing arts centers are an efficient venue since they provide a home to a variety of arts organizations. A Cultural Center Ordway Center is the St. Paul home to three other arts institutions: the Minnesota Opera, the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra and the Schubert Club. Ordway Center presents its own Theatrical Season and serves a multicultural audience with its planet Ordway programining and the Flint Hills International Children's Festival. Ordway Center draws attendance from all four corners of the state. O5- $� Education at Ordwav Center Over 700,000 students have participated in Ordway Center Educafion programs over the last fourteen years. Ordway Center's Fducation pro�am is unique among arts organizations in that it focuses specifically on cultural diversity. Ordway Center provides educarional programs for teachers and students. Among the programs offered aze the following: • Living study guides: Arts Workshops for Teachers—provide hands-on workshops that explore the art form presented on stage, followed by a discussion on the connection of performances to curriculum. • Ordway Center/COMPAS Residences�ffer a two-week in-depth explorarion of an Ordway Center production and its art form in conjunction with a trip to Ordway Center. • planet Ordway Target� Season—a vital program of multicultural performing arts highlighting artisfic and social diversity. • Flint Hills Intemational Children's Festival— over 30,000 children and parents attend a weeklong event that includes local and international artists in performances designed to appeal to the creative spirit while addressing subjects ofuniversal importance to children. • Study Guides—Sent to all teachers two months prior to their class attending an Ordway Center production. These guides have sections relating to history, vocabulary, geography and activities to engage students in the performance. PROJECT DETAIL Access to Ordwa�Center for All When the City of St. Paul completed their skyway and tunnel system, it ended roughly 60 feet from Ordway Center's entrance. It is important that the public can easily access parking garages and downtown St. Paul restaurants from Ordway Center. The addirion of an enclosed walkway from Xcel Center to Ordway Center wiil enhance the publids interac6on with Ordway Center. Also to fulfill the standards set forth by the Homeland Security Deparhnent since 9/11, the stage door and the loading dock need to be redesigned. This new design of the stage door will also allow artists with disabilities to easily enter Ordway Center. Acoustical Ups�'ade for Resident Arts Organizations Ordway Center is a multi-use facility. It has been the St. Paul home for twenty years to three resident arts organizations that produce world class beautiful music (The Mimiesota Opera, the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra, and the Schubert Club). Over these twenty years, Ordway Center has leamed that the acoustics in the Main Hall need to be fine-tuned for classical music users. r ••� By installing new acoustical panels and reconfiguruig how sounds travels in the ha11, the sounds created at perfomiauces by these esteemed Miuuesota h'easures will be clearer and enhance the experience for both the audience members and the artists. Oualitv Performance S�aces for the Qaality Productions Ordway Center has two active performance spaces (Main Hall and the McKnight Theater). With a very competitive theahical indushy, both theaters require new equipment including lighting, diinmer boards, and soundboazds, as well as new stage floors. Theater Renovarion far Audience's Comfort Ordway Center for the Perfornung Arts opened its doors on January 1, 1985, and more than eight million adults and children haue visited Ordway Center's two theaters since then. This amount of use has been hard on the carpet, the seats, and the public restrooms, especially from the over 63,000 Minnesota public school children who participate in Ordway Center's education programs every yeaz. The renovation of the Main Hall and the McKnight Theater will include replacing worn carpet, refurbishing seats, and retrofitting plumbing. In addition, the renovation will include the creation (from underutilized space off the Marzitelli Foyer and upper McKnight Theatre lobby) of a multi-purpose community meeting room and special events space. 11) OWNERSHIP AND OPERATION OF FACILITY: The City of St. Paul will own the facility or will enter into a long-term lease arrangement with Ordwa}� Center, and Ordway Center for the Performing Arts will manage the facility. 12) TOTAL PROJECT COSTS AND FUNDING: Land Acquisition--$0 Predesign--$260,000 Design--$776,000 Construction--$6,309,000 Furniture/fixtures(equipment--$4,13 5 ,000 Relocation costs--$0 13) SIZE OF PROJECT: Current square footage---250,000 square feet For remodeling(renovation projects, new square footage---additional 1,800 square feet will be added to the existing 250,000 square feet � �. 14) PROJECT CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE: July 1, 2006 to 7une 30, 2011 1� STATE OPERATING DOLLARS: None aze foreseen in the next 10 years. 1� RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT: Forthcoming for September 30�` submission date. 1'n CONTACT PERSON: David Galligan President and CEO 345 Washington Street St. Paul, MN 55102 651-282-3011 (phone) 651-224-5319 (fax) dgalligan@ordway.org (fj- `6� PROJECT TITLE City of Saint Pau12006 Bonding Bill Request Project Cost Detail Tables State Fnnding Cnrrent �ture Future Rec'd in Request Request Request 1. Pro e Ac uisition Previous Years 2006-0 2008-09 2010-11 Land, Land Easements, Options Land & Bldgs. Other Unspecified Schedule for this projea phase Start date (mmlyyyy): End date (mm/yyyy): State Funding Current Future Future Rec'd in Request Request Request 3. Desi Previous Years 2006-0 2008-09 2010-11 Schemaric $104,000 Design Development $270,000 Contract Documents $215,000 Construction Administrarion $208,000 Other Unspecified Schedule for this project phase Start daTe (mm/yyyy): End date (mm/yyyy): Enter information only in those relevant fields. If there is not information for a particular field, leave that field blank. �'�6� Enter information only in those relevant fields. If there is not informarion for a particular field, leaue that field blank. r -. 2006 Capital Budget Request 1) LOCAL GOVERNMENT SUBNIITTING REQiTEST: City of Saint Paul 2) PROJECT TITLE: Pierce Butler Route East Extension 3) AGENCY PROJECT PRIORITY: 2 4) PROJECT LOCATION: The Pierce Butler Route extension will run south parallel to the active Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad corridor from Grotto Street (2 blocks west of Dale Street) to Phalen Boulevard at Interstate 35-E. Please see attached maps. 5) TOTAL PROJECT COST: $ 50 million. 6) 2006 STATE APPROPRIATION REQUEST: $10.0 million. � 2007 STATE APPROPRIATION REQUEST: None if fully funded in 2006. 8) 2008 STATE APPROPRIATION REQUEST: None if fully funded in 2006. 9) NON STATE FUNDS AVAILABLE: The City intends to establish the necessary matching funds to construct the Pierce Butler Route extension as part of the City's Capital Improvements Budget as well as solicit federal funds and a partnership with Ramsey County. The City intends to establish the necessary matching funding for the Phase I portion during the 2006-2007 budget cycle. 10) PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND 12ATIONALE: This request for $10,000,000 of State funding will be used to acquire right ofway, clean up of acquired property, to design and conshuct the Pierce Butler Route extension between Crrotto Street and Phalen Boulevard. �`j �SS�` Important project advantages are: • Improving re�onal access to existing industrial properties and providing access for new industrial development; • Relieving traffic from other arterial streets with predominant residenrial land use; • Expansion of the east-west pedesirian/bicycle opporiunities from Saint PauPs East Side to the Midway Area by connecting the Midtown Green Trail to the Bruce Vento and Gateway Trails; and • Relief of congestion and improvement of safety along Maryland and University Avenues. 11) OWNERSHIP AND OPERATION OF FACILITY: This facility will be owned and operated by the City of Saint Paul or Ramsey County. 12) TOTAL PROJECT COSTS AND FUNDING: PHASE I PHASE II TOTAL RIGHT OF WAY & CLEAN-UP $ 7,000,000 $ 7,000,000 $ 14,OOQ000 PRE DESIGNBNVIRONMENTAL $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 DESIGN AND INSPECTION $ 1,800,000 $ 4,400,000 $ 6,200,000 CONSTRUCTION $ 7.200,000 $ 21,600,000 $ 28,800,000 TOTALS $ 17,000,000 $ 33,000,000 $ 50,000,000 [y � Il `L� 7 3.`7: � I� Q7 t� l A COIJNTY OF RAMSEY $ 7,000,000 $ 16,OOQ000 $ 23,000,000 STATE $ 10,000,000 $ 0 $ 10,000,000 FEDERAL $ 0 $ 17,000,000 $ 17,000.000 TOTALS $ 17,000,000 $ 33,000,000 $ 50,000,000 13) SIZE OF PROJECT: The Pierce Butler Route extension from Grotto Street to Phalen Boulevard is approximately 1.5 miles long. The project is currently planned to be constructed in two phases of approximately 0.75 miles each. � �� . 14) PROJECT CONSTRUCTION SCFIEDULE: Phase I: Pierce Butler Route — Grotto Street to Arundel Street Right of Way Acquisirion: Starting July 2006 — Ending May 200'7 Property Clean Up: Starting March 2007 — Ending 7uly 2007 Pre Design/Environmental Startiug July 2006 — Ending October 2006 Project Design: Staring September 2006 — Ending Apri12007 Phase I Conshucfion: Startiug 7une 2007 — Ending November 2007 Phase II: Pierce Butler Route — Anmdel Street to Phalen Boulevard. Right of Way Acquisition: Property Clean Up: Project Design: Phase II Construction: Starting 7uly 2006 — Ending August 2007 Starting July 2007 — Ending December 2007 Starting February 2007 — Ending February 2008 Starting Apri12008 — Ending November 2008 15) STATE OPERATING DOLLARS: None aze requested. The facility will be operated locally. 1� RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT: This resolution will be available at the September 30�' submission date. 1'n CONTACT PERSON: Nancy Haas, Deputy Cl�ief of Staff Telephone: 651-266-8527 FaY: 651-266-8513 or John Maczko, Director of Transportation Telephone: 6 51-266-613 7 Fas: 651-292-7857 Email: nancv.haas(a�ci.stpaul.mn.us Email: johnm@ci.stpaul.mn.us , :: PROJECT TITLE Pierce Butler East Extension City of Saint Pau12006 Bonding Bill Request Project Cost Detail Tables State F�nding Current Future Ihture Rec'd in Request Request Request 1. Pro e Ac uisition Previous Years 2006-0 200&09 2010-11 Land, Land Easements, Options Land & Bldgs. 6,800,000 Other Unspecified Schedule for this project phase Start date: 07/2006 End date: 08/2007 State Funding Current Future Future Rec'd in Request Request Request 2. Predesign Previous Years 2006-07 2008-09 2010-11 Predesign Fees 500,000 Schedule for this project phase Start date: 09/2006 End date: 10/2006 Enter information only in those relevant fields. If there is not information far a particular field, leaue that field blank. • ' � .: State �nding Cnrrent Fnture Future Rec'd in Request Reqnest Reqnest 4. Construction Costs Previons Years 200Cr0 2008-09 2010-11 Site & Building Preparation Demolition / 150,000 Decommissioning Conshucrion Infrastructure / Roads / 1,000,000 Utilities Hazazdous Material 350,000 Abatement Construction Contingency Proj ect Mngmnt by State Staff Proj ect Mngnnt by Non- State Commissioning Other Project Mngmnt Other Uns ecified Schedule for ffiis project phase Start date: OS/2006 End date: 11/2007 State Funding Current Future Future Rec'd in Request Request Request 5. Relocation Previous Years 2006-07 200&09 2010-11 Relocation Expenses 200,000 State Funding Current Future Future Ree'd in Request Request Request 6. Occu anc Previous Years 2006-0 2008-09 2010-11 Furniture/FixturesBquipme nt Telecommunications (voice & data) Security Equipment Other unspecified Schedule for this project phase Start date (mm/yyyy): End date (mm/yyyy): Enter informafion only in those relevant fields. If there is not information for a particular field, leaue that field blank. r �' � � ~ �^� �� ��� _< < �� .� � � , �� u.� 1 [ ��., � 7t � � �� ,�f � r �� )� �' � i__..� (� J �� ��� �[� �� � r } � �'U�j; e £C � � � � �� , ���� �� ��.,�,�r.� � ,� � 6 �^ n � � � Y m I �a '! � x � Y � a a � G�� IX }� � F � y I 3 � � Q O p � � � � z m m s o a F 6 m � x s � � � � m � w w 0 0 & o a ;i iaon °• �� a �� w a � w ���� �� a e �11�11 �� 1 � ^ Y� s ,� ,_ � r �� � ; � ,;I ; '; � ` ' , �; �, ' ��� ��� �:�� t ��� � �I : t ��_ i �_ � C --- �..^ , � .. � 's� �I[?II Q'i h ; Npiaew N b 3 1 S 3 M � tl 4 011Ob9 � :► � y a � c p Li ~ � c �+ a � � O LL ~ a� _ ° ° o 0 C � � W N N Ilp. ?� �� a N N 6f - � � O O C � � W N N lL d �� � O O ¢ N N � n 9 y p'�p N N Y C j L O � O O �' a C �¢ O O N N � o 0 °� �- o d o 0 N� y o - p NN .J C J C � �' ` � � ((� � LL a C� ¢ O O Q N N � ` � d � .�. 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L F � a G O � N d d a N N � Z } Y a� � a �` � N 9 N R ._ a� d d a`� :� 2006 Capital Budget Request 1) LOCAL GOVERNMENT SUBNIITTING REQITEST: City of Saint Paul 2) PROJECT TITLE: Great River Park'�` Access, Ecological Restoration and Tourism Initiative 3) AGENCY PROJECT PRIORITY: 3 4) PROJECT LOCATION: 5) TOTAL PROJECT COST: Saint Paul Riverfront Please see attached map 6) REQUEST FOR 2006 STATE FUNDS '� STATE FUNDS REQUEST FOR 2008: 8) STATE FUNDS REQUEST FPIt 2010: $116,000,000 ($116 million) $ 12,050,000 ($12 million) $ 25,300,000 ($253 million) $ 27,000,000 ($27 million) 9) NON-STATE FUNDS AVAILABLE: Over $4,700,000 ($4.7 million) in federal, city and private monies are currently pledged or anticipated for Phase I(2006-2007) of the Great River Park Access, Ecological Restoration and Tourism initiative. Additional non-state funding will accompany each phase of proj ect. 10) PROJECT DESCffiPTION AND RATIONALE: Currently the Great River Park area serves over 3.2 million visitors a year, attracting both Minnesota families and tourists to Saint Paul. This initiative will improve the access, usage, health and safety of the azea as well as prepare to serve growing and denser urban population into the future. The inifiative will develop and support local, regional and nafional ecotourism throughout the 4,000 acres of public park bordering 26 miles of Mississippi riverfront in Saint Paul. *Cneat River Park is a new comprehensive term for 4,000 acres of public pazks and h�ails bordering 26 miles of Mississippi river&ont in Saint Paul. � � .. Phase I addresses the need for a better connecrion between the Great River Park, Mississippi River, and the community. Phase I will also help restore and preseroe the Great River Park through erosion conlrol, improved storm water management, shoreline stabilization, invasive species removal and native species restoration. Funds for Phase I are requested to accomplish the following: • Purchase properiy; • Design, zepair, and consiruct trails and road ways; and • Constnxction of a new pedestrian/bicycle bridge, a new bluff/valley stair connecrion, and several interpretive azeas, overlooks and access points. 11) OWNERSHIP AND OPERATION OF FACILITY: The City of Saint Paul will own and operate the facility. 12) TOTAL PROJECT COSTS AND FUNDING: Total project cost is $116,000,000 ($116 million.). Phase I cost is $16,740,000 ($16.7 million.) which includes funds for acquisi6on and construction-related costs, such as pre-design, desi�, inspection, construction management, and furnishings. $4,700,000 ($4.7 million) in federal, city and private monies are currently pledged or anticipated. Requesting $12,050,000 ($12 million) in state bonding. 13) SIZE OF PROJECT: The Great River Park Project encompasses 26 miles of Mississippi river&ont as it winds through the City of Saint Paul and includes 4,400 acres of parkland and lrails. Phase I of this project includes acquisirion, new development and improvements to existing park land, repair and construction of trails and road ways, construction of a new pedestrian/bicycle bridge, new blufflvalley stair connection, and interpretive azeas, overlooks and access points, and development of new interprerive building facilities. 14) PROJECT CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE: Development of Phase I(2006 — 2007) of the project is scheduled to begin in September 2006. Construction is scheduled to begin as early as May 2007 and be completed by October 2008. 15) STATE OPERATING DOLLARS: NONE. The City of Saint Paul will own and operate the facility. � " . 1� RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT: To Come 1'n CONTACT PERSON: Jody Mariinez Saint Paul Division of Pazks and Recreation 300 City Hall Annex 25 West 4�' Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 jody.martinez@ci.stpaul.mn.us Phone: 651-266-6424 Faac: 651-292-7405 � ': National Great River Park - PhaseI City of Saint Pau12006 Bonding Bill Request $12,050,000 Project Cost Detail Tables State Funding Current Future N�ture Rec'd in Request Request Request 2. Predesign Previons Years 2006-07 2008-09 2010-11 Predesign Fees $39,960 Schedule for this project phase Start date (mm/yyyy): End date (mm/yyyy): Enter information only in those relevant fields. If there is not information for a particular field, leave that field blank. i =• State Funding Current Fntare Future Rec'd in Reqnest Reqnest Request 4. Construcfion Costs Previous Years 2006-0 2008-09 2010-11 Site & Building Prepazation $150,960 Demolition / $15Q960 Decommissionina Conshuction $6,038,400 Infrastructure / Roads / �377,400 Utilities Hazardous Material Abatement Construction Contingency $377,400 Project Mngmnt by State $75,480 Staff Proj ect Mngmnt by Non- State Commissioning Other Proj ect Mngmnt Other Unspecified $75,480 Schedule for this project phase Start date (mmlyyyy): End date (mmlyyyy): State Funding Current Future Future Rec'd in Request Request Request 6. Occu anc Previous Years 2006-07 2008-09 2010-11 Furniture/Fixtures/Equipme $150,960 nt Telecommunications (voice $37,740 & data) Security Equipment $37,740 Other uns ecified $75, 480 Schedule for this project phue Start dafe (mm/yyyy): End date (nnnlyyyy): Enter information only in those relevant fields. If there is not information for a particular field, leave that field blank. � ,� v .a?, 0 a ° W Cd � p o a � � � ❑ � ! , � � � �� - . � � � � A, W � � •� � J 0 T Z O � � � r� � � 7_ � a o � � i V� O ° O ,�' � N � � .a �' ❑�, • � ° o�} �o> �� � ° 1� � ` o� ° � .� � � p a � � �o � � / m _�� � > � � ^ M� ✓V �N 0 O ' � � � O � N o oo . „—\\..� _ b�.6� o�..._. Q o 0 b LJ � � ❑ � a � ❑ � 1. �� � ` i � _ 0 � ❑ B__ _ b I�1 � . �-�=.� .� , �=-�; _� m � �m t� �� �� o t� � G a m � N � ` N, N L T U v � Q � � � O � Z W m N N r � � '� � ' 4 U N J rN c C m m "�S y R C N K N L N� N � N � Y �in 'L � > m > � � Z�, �= � o � a o � m`m a m> a�i °> a�i � a W R d c fG > a > m v n c s q m�a N� J� 2 2 1 C7 Cl N �U m e�- N CJ R tn t0 1� N� W y � N � � Y C � 7 a m o� Y (q � � � L � N � � LL � L O ' w � d � � � 0� � � w o N Z. j � < � 0 ` ,. . 2006 Capital Budget Request 1) LOCAL GOVERNMENT SUSMITTING REQUEST: City of Saint Paul 2) PROJECT TTTLE: Como Zoo Polar Bear and Gorilla E�ibit Renovation 3) AGENCY PROJECT PRIORITY: 4 4) PROJECT LOCATION: Como Pazk Zoo at Como Regional Park 5) TOTAT. PROJECT COST: $10,000,000 � REQUEST FOR 2006 STATE F`UNDS: $10,000,000 'n STATE FUNDS REQUEST FOR 2008: $ TBD 8) STATE FUNDS REQUEST FPR 2010: $ TBD 9) NON-STATE FUNDS AVAILABLE: The Como Zoo and Conservatory Society has committed to raise private dollars for this project and anticipate setting their financial goal amount later this year. 10) PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND RATIONALE: This habitat renovation has regional and statewide significance. Como Zoo is located in Como Regional Park, a family destinarion visited by over two million people a year. The Zoo and Conservatory are visited by one million peopie a year. Only 20% of these visitors aze from the City of Saint Pau1, making the Regional Park and all of its eachibits and ameniries a top destination in the region. Previous Zoo renovations were done during the 1970's and 1980's. Over the last twenty years e�ibit standards and practices as well as animal care have changed dramatically. In order to ma3ntain a credible and viable zoo, exhibits must he brought up to date to ensure both the health and vitality of the animals as well as provide the most enriching educational opporhxnity for visitors. The request is for state funding to pre-design, design, construct, furnish and equip new polar bear and outdoor gorilla eathibits, two of Como Zoo's signature animals. � ;. The polar bear e�ibit is inadequate to e�ibit beazs fi the auiinal care, zookeeper, and visitar perspectives. The new e�ibit would meet current zoo industry standards with amenities thax allow the axumals to e�ibit natural behaviors such as digging, s�vimm;ng, �d hiding. The current ezchibit is too small, prolubiting many of these behaviors and the ability to establish a family of polar bears. The outdoor gorilla e�ibit will expand the e�sting small e�ibit space into more natural environment for the avimals. In a larger space, with the visitors on the sasne viewing level, the auimals will have an oppozhuiity to e�ibit natural behaviors; this will provide the visitors with a much richer educational experience. The design of the current exhibit is not adequate in size, causing stress among the male gorilla group. 11) OWNERSHIP AND OPERATION OF FACILITY: The City of Saint Paul will own and operate the facility. I2) TOTAL PROJECT COSTS AND FUNDING: The predesign and planning process will assist in further defining the specifzc costs of the individual components of this project. 13) SIZE OF PROJECT: The predesign and planning process will assist in further defining the exact size and scope of the individual components of this project. 14) PROJECT CONSTRUCTIONSCHEDULE: The predesign and planning process will assist in further defining the specific construction schedule for this project. 15) STATE OPERATING DOLLARS: NONE. The City of Saint Paul will own and operate the facility. 16) RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT: This resolution will be auailable at the September 30�' submission date. � ;. 1� CONTACT PERSON: Liz Anderson, Como Campus Manager Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation 300 City Hall Annex 25 West 4�' Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 liz.anderson(a�ci.stpaul.mn. us Phone: 651-487-8237 � ;. PROJECT TITLE — Como Zoo Polar Bear & Gorilla Eahibit Renovafion City of Saint Pau12006 Bonding Bill Request Project Cost Detail Tables State Funding Current Future Future Rec'd in Request Request Request 1. Pro e Ac uisition Previous Years 2006-0 2008-09 2010-11 Land, Land Easements, Options Land & Bldgs. Other Unspecified Schedule for this projea phase Start date (mm/yyyy): End date (mm/yyyy): Enter information only in those relevant fields. If there is not information for a particular field, leave that field blank. p5-�s�5 State Funding Current Fnture Futare Rec'd in Reqnest Reqnest Request 4. Construcflon Costs Previous Years 20�6-0 2��8-09 2�10-11 Site & Building Preparation 164,000 Demolirion / 164,000 Decommissioning Construcrion 6,560,000 Infrastructure / Roads / 410,000 Utilities Hazardous Material Abatement Conshuction Contingency 410,000 Project Mngmnt by State Staff Proj ect Mngmnt by Non- 82,000 State Commissioning Other Proj ect Mngmnt Other Unspecified 82,000 Schedule for this project phase Start date (mm/yyyy): End date (mm/yyyy): Enter information only in those relevant fields. If there is not information for a particular field, leave that field blank. �-$�5 2006 Capital Budget Request 1) AGENCY: City of Saint Paul. 2) PROJECT TITLE: Union Depot Development 3) AGENCY PROJECT PRIOffiTY: 5 4) PROJECT LOCATION: This bonding request is being submitted }ointly with requests from Ramsey County (through its Regional Rail Authority), the city of Eagan, and Dakota County. The project relates to the restoration of Saint Paul's Union Depot to a multi-modal transportation hub. The bonding projects called for in these proposals assunne the successful completion of negotiations with the United States Postal Service for the transfer of various pieces of real estate (including the Concourse Building and the USPS office tower) to the city and county. When the Post Office leaves its downtown location, it is assumed that USPS will relocate most of the Saint Paul functions to its current facility in Eagan. 5) TOTAL PROJECT COST: Ongoing development. 6) REQUEST FOR 2006 STATE FLJNDS: $7.5 million 'n 20Q8 STATE APPROPRIATION REQUEST: To be determined on the basis of study to be done as part of 2006 request 8) 2010 STATE APPROPRIATION REQUEST: To be determined on the basis of study to be done as part of 2006 request 9) NON STATE FUNDS AVAILABLE: $50.0 million from 2005 federal transportation authorization bill; additional funding may come later but no indication as yet. 10) PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND RATIONALE: The project is for street transporration and infrastructure improvements. As Union Depot is restored for train and bus transportation purposes, significant roadway and pedestrian improvemenrs will be needed to provide access to the Depot's multimodal facilities. These improvexnenu will generally be on or very near to those � ,. . parts of 4`� Street, Kellogg Blvd, and Sibleyand BroadwayStreeu that adjoin the Depot. All infrastructure funded in tlus proposal will be designed to accommodaxe increased traffic resulting from the Depot conversion and the addition of rail transportation options in the area. The rail additions will ultunately include Amh High Speed rail, the Cenh Corridor Light Rail track, and commuter rail from the Rush and Red Rock lines. Because all of these transportation modes are regional in chazacter, it is appropriate for state bonding to pay for related infrastructure improvements. 11) OWNERSHIP AND OPERATION OF FACILITY: All public infrastructure would be owned by the City of Saint Paul. 12) TOTAL PROJECT COSTS AND F`[JNDING (see attached chart). 13) SIZE OF PROJECT: TBD 14) PROJECT CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE: The project schedule is on-going. The following is a potential timeline: Environmental work: Right of Way Acquisition: Property Clean Up: Pro}ect Design: Project Construcrion: Starting July 2006 — Ending September 2006 Starting September 2006 — Ending September 2007 Starting Apri12007 — Ending November 2007 Staring July 2006 — Ending June 2007 Starting August 2007 — Ending Apri12009 15) STATE OPERATING DOLLARS: None are requested. The facility will be operated locally. 1� RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT: This resolution will be auailable at the September 30 submission date. 1'� CONTACT PERSON: John Maczko, or Transportation Director Telephone: 651-266-6137 Email: johnmaczkoCa�ci.stpaul.mn.us Tom Triplett, Senior Policy Advisor Mayor Randy Kelly's Office Telephone: 651-266-8530 Fax: 651-266-8513 Email: tom.triplett(a�ci.stpaul.mn.us � " . PROJECT TITLE: Union Depot City of Saint Paul 2006 Bonding Bill Request Project Cost Detail Tables State�nding Current Future Future Rec'd in Request Request Request 1. Pro e Ac uisifion Previous Years 2006-0 200&09 2010-11 Land, Land Easements, tions Land & Bldgs. Other Unspecified Schedule for ffiis project phase Start date (mmlyyyy): End date (mmlyyyy): State Funding Current Future Future Rec'd in Request Request Request 2. Predesign Previous Years 2006-07 2008-09 2010-11 Predesign Fees Schedute for this pro}ect phase Start date (mm/yyyy): End date (mm/yyyy): Enter information only in those relevant fields. If there is not information for a particular field, leave that field blank. � :: State Funding C�u�rent Futare Fnture Rec'd in Reqnest Request Request 4. Constraction Costs Previous Years 20�6-Q 2008-09 2�10.11 Site & Building Prepararion Demolition / Decommissioning Construction Infrastructure / Roads / 5,400,000 Utilities Hazardous Material Abatement Construction Contingency 600,000 Project Mngmnt by State Staff Project Mng}nnt by Non- State Commissioning Other Project Mngmnt Other Uns ecified Schedule for this project phase Start date: 04/2007 End date: 11/2007 State Funding Current Future Future Rec'd in Request Request ltequest 6. Occu anc Previous Years 2006-07 2008-09 2010-11 Furniture/FixturesJEquipme nt Telecommunications (voice & data) Security E uipment Other uns ecified Schedule for this projea phase Start date (mm/yyyy): End date (mmlyyyy): Enter information only in those relevant fields. If there is not information for a particulaz field, leave that field blank. � ;: 2006 Capital Budget Request 1) AGENCY: City of Saint Paul. 2) PROJECT TITLE: Saint Paul Bioscience Corridor Development 3) AGENCY PROJECT PRIORITY: 6 4) PROJECT LOCATION: The Saint Paul Bioscience Corridor exists along the west City limits, bordered generally by Franklin Avenue to the South, Raymond Avenue to the Bast, Energy Park Drive to the North and the Saint Paul city limits with Minneapolis to the West. 5) TOTAL PROJECT COST: Ongoing development. � REQUEST FOR 2006 STATE FUNDS: $3,700,000 '� 2008 STATE APPROPRIATION REQUE5T: To be deterxnined on the basis of study to be done as part of 2006 request 8) 2010 STATE APPROPRIATION REQUEST: To be determined on the basis of study to be done as part of 2006 request 9) NON STATE FUNDS AVAILABLE: $3.0 million from 2005 federal transportation authorization bill; additional funding may come later but no indication as yet. 10) PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND RATIONALE: The project is transportation and infrastructum improvemenu. Included are three componenu: 1. a bus stop and shelter on the UoflVPs dedicated transitway, 2. a roadway of approxunately 0.2 miles in length connecting the eastern end of GranaryDrive, at the Saint Paul border with Muzneapolis, to Westgate Drive in Saint Paul, and OS-g g5 3, a transpoxtation comdor study for a connector between the Granary Drive/Westgate junction with eaisting roadways to the east of the junction. All iufi�astructure funded in this proposal will be designed to increase the density of bioscience development in the corridor and masimize the job and taac base growth generated by bioscience companies locating in the Corridor. The projects outlined in this proposal are being coordinated with similaz projects in Minneapolis' bioscience zone adjoining the Saint Paul zone. 11) OWNERSHIP AND OPERATION OF FACILITY: All public infrastructure would be owned by the City of Saint Paul. 12) TOTAL PROJECT COSTS AND FIJNDING (see attached chart). 13) SIZE OF PROJECT: TBD 14) PROJECT CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE: The project schedule is on-going. The following is a potential timeline: Environxnental work: Right of Way Acquisition: Property Clean Up: Project Design: Project Construction: Starting July 2006 — Ending September 2006 Starting September 2006 — Ending September 2007 Starting Apri12007 — Ending November 2007 Staring July 2046 — Ending 7une 2407 Starting August 2007 — Ending Apri12009 15) STATE OPERATING DOLLARS: None aze requested. The facility will be operated locally. 1� RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT: This resolution will be available at the September 30 submission date. 1'n CONTACT PERSON: Nancy Haas, Deputy Chief of Staff Telephone: 651-266-8527 Fas: 651-266-8513 or Tom Triplett, Senior Policy Advisor Mayor Randy Kelly's Office Telephone: 651-266-853 0 Faac: 651-266-8513 Email: nancv.haasna ci.stpaul.mn.us Email: tom.trinlett(�a,ci.st�aul.mn.us • ' . PROJECT TITLE: Saint Paul Bioscience Corridor Development City of Saint Pau12006 Bonding Bill Request Project Cost Detaff Tabies State Funding Current Future Future Rec'd in Request Request Request 2. Predesi n Previous Years 2006-0 2008-09 2010.11 Predesign Fees 1,000,000 Schedule for this project phase Start date: 07/2006 End date: 1 I/2006 Enter information only in those relevant fields. If there is not information for a particular field, leave that field blank. � .' State Funding Cnrrent Futare Futnre Rec'din Request Request Request 4. Construction Costs Previons Years 2006-0 2008-09 2010-11 Site & Building Preparation Demolirion/ Decommissioning Consiruction Infrastructure / Roads / 2,200,000 Utiliries Hazazdous Material Abatement Conshuction Contingenc 250,000 Project Mngnnt by State Staff Project Mng}nnt by Non- State Commissioning Other Project Mngxnnt Other Uns ecified Schedule for this pcojea phase Start date: OSl2007: End date: 10/2007: State Fnnding Cnrrent Fnfire Futnre Rec'd in Request Request Request 6. Occu anc Previous Years 2006-0 2068-09 2010-11 Furniture/Fixhues/Equipme nt Telecommunications (voice & data) Security Equipment Other uns ecified Schedule for this project phase 5tart date (mmlyyyy): End date (mm/yyyy): Enter informarion only in those relevant fields. Tf there is not information for a particulaz field, leave that field blank.