D001435�pcoved Copiesto: - City Clerk (Originsl) ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: BUDGET REVISION - Fiqance Dept'S Acconnting Division -���g�� No: 1�1�35 ��:�—��—� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent wit6 ffie anthority granted to t6e Mayor in Secfion 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Fire & Safety Services to amend the 1997 hudget uf the General �nd, the D'vector of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following maaner: From: 306 - Heafth Ordinance Enforcemerrt 306-33260-0111 Full-Time Permanent Salaries 306-33260-0242 Duplicating 306-33260-0813 Dupiicating Machines 306-33260-0814 Other-Office Equipment 306-33261-0296 Wrecking & Demolishing of Buildings 306-33261-0857 Data Processing Equipment • To: 306 - Health Ordinance Entorcement 30&33260-0132 Not Ce�tified Salaries 306-33260-0133 Capitol City I 306-33260-0141 Overtime 30&33260-0222 Telephone-Monthly 306-33260-0241 Printing 3o6-3326o-�275 Office Equipment Maintenance 306-33260-0283 Rentai-Vehicles 3063326D-0299 Other-Misceiianeous 306-3326�-0369 Other-O�ce Supplies 306-33260-0387 Photo Supplies 306-33260-D389 Other-Misceilaneous Suppiies 30633260-0857 Data Processing Equipment epared by: Activity Manager Date ' �� � �� �uested by: Depar[ nt Dirtttar ate Current Amended Budget Cha Budget 44,65& (9,1Q4) 35,554 2,500 (1,800) 700 11,458 (3,000) 8,458 2,841 (1,420) 1,421 1,100,012 (28,270} 1,071,742 2,500 (2,500) 0 1,163, 69 (46,094) 1,117,575 0 8,780 8,780 0 3,290 3,290 Q 14,1�4 14,104 0 2,900 2,900 0 300 300 0 500 5�� 0 5,090 5,090 D 1,800 1,800 3,�00 2,000 5,000 0 200 200 0 210 2'10 0 6,920 6,92� 3, 46, 4 ,094 �--�a,,� J�� z-q� Approv d b. Mayor DaM and Safety Services Votel 292-77�8 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES REQUESTED GREEN SHEET 1 ❑CITVAiTONNEY �FlNANGIPL sERV ICES 012_ ❑MAIbR (OR ASSISTANI)_ -- �0�435 Na 62051 INITWlDA7E cm couNa� �GITYCIFRK L�FlNANCIAI.SERY(0.CCTG ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) of the attached Administrative Order Budget Revision for object code deficits in the >ale of Housing budget of the Housing Code Division. 1. Has th�s personlfirtn ever worked untler a cnntrect for this department? PIANNlNG COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this personK�rm ever been a city empbyee? CIVIL SERVICE COMPAISSION YES NO 3. Does lhis persoNfrcm possess a skill not normaly possessetl by any curreM city empbyee? YES NO 4. Is this perSONfirtn a targeted vendoR YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet ion is needed to revise the 1997 budgets for the Truth-In-Sale o4 Housing and Housing Abatement activities for the Housing Code Enforcement Division. The Truth-In-Sale of Housing activity wiil not have deficit object code balances for 1997. done. '?�. �!r'"T�� e iC�� J�� z s �ssa he Truth-In-Sale of Housing activi{y wiil have deficit oaject code balances for 1997. TAL AMOUNT OF TRANS. $ O IDINGSOUKGE Speciai Revenue WCIAL WFQRMATION (EXPLAIN) COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) �YES NO ACTIVIIY NUMBER 33260 and 33261 d uJ