228933Council File No ............. «... «._. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundersigned hereby proposesth emngo akif the following publicimprovement by the City of Saint Paul, via.: _ 4- �-I-- -�--. �--- -. '- - ...... ' ., i.L....:... i.......n_ �. ._ �. wta.a t. «w ?......._... .e. _.. -._ ....�u.a «.�r../a. n..................+. J.�iL.l nFier_.i._. "e_...... —' I ._,'a_ - k..— •.L ti.r ...e., * .. ...:� ...............e:..�.... Ogeny. widen`, and .extend_the ARCH - PENNSYLVANIA HIGH�lAY _from Lafayette ,Road -to Payne. Avenu coiidemiiiti ' and' "takia .Nih ..f rI win's'Ire9 f6e "' -- - -� ' y- g' g o o g _ cr d io_ts, an�l'�parcels of" lands aidfin the pity of'St ;;Paul:% r .:...� ,.... ............. ......... . ..,.._ ............ — ..._... .... « ,,.�......__ ._ ........._.....,.. .«......_................_.I... �'�^1 Except • part -ta' ken •,•for -- etreets;• °Eiot••5-,---and---&k-1---of .. Lots--1;• °2;- °3; °`an-d•-•4•; •Izvi'ne4-s- Addi5gn o 0utlots.ytodtt eofTown. of St. Paul; _..- « ....... « ............. _.« 19 . ...., �.- Lot 4, Block 11, 'Warren and '�linslows addizion...to ... the ..Tawn,.of..St,�Pau1,;... «.�` r �`iolU1Ci11nB23. Subject to streets, Lots 2, 3, and 5, and that part of Lot 1 lying north and south of Co11ins_Street -,,_aL 1..,in_,.R.lock.11.,- Warren -and- Wins -add ition- to�the- - ,Town of St. Paul; 7P"LIMINARY ORDER. That triangular portion of Lot 10, Irvine's Addition of Outld)ts tq,the Town of St. EiM Rey ogis- 66t=h W, E �s, ter`, tyfrof :'`t he ifol Wine:', Gommencin_g at a "poin"t"on the west-line of -said I.ot "10,: 100 feet"north of the southwest corner of said lot; thence on a- straight line to the southeast corner of said Lot 10 and .. d: •• r 'a ' � �- z+ ii' • i Y "�" ei?3F xf� t-. xr`11 #yS 4Lt:ii�" �bthere•- .termin'ati`ng -�;�,� ;�.� � €,. f�:�, �'���iilA �..,.. -.:�#� �'>~�:r a£r ". ;.. ls.;, _ +� , 'K by rnn4C:- 4:€i,n� end t��i:�p t.Z, folic-iAn6, 4wac:•il^^d'.lnrr� llx� �it3� of T4at*Xriangular portion of Lot 6; Block 3, Brunsons Addition to the Town of St. Paul in the County of Ramsey and the Territory of Minnesota, lying north- est}e1;Xgof ttiec£o.11owingt�deserbedr.line :Comri►encing at aopointnonthetwes a t l ne f� said Lot 6;_ _15; feet southT6.5tth'e no 'thwest corner of said lot.; thence on a straight line to -a point on the north line of said lot 20 feet east of the north e'stocorhor ,the•reof #,adds ±therevte -m-f sating 6 the 10= era£ Uk, r4rill x, ALsQuendemrigtandtakingeasements :intfie,�l' and- lnec` es "saryforl'slopes'";"cuts�,�`and fills inclydinggti' ghtlof, sremovab lof�llaferal.rsupportt7fro 77sub ,fecf•t,l3and'�ordremainde�. thereof occta!g4d liy.eXCayations thereof or construction -of slopes in the construction of the Arch - Pennsylvania 'Highway'as�- hereinbefore: described, "the extent of said easements to be ,' as 8;; D_ rawer {,NQ*V4!`oiit"f ' lied #in th &- Depa,rtment�o��Publ- ic''�orks . ft � ' 1.� 1n� ottthu $toil ' �f .th �l o i .d�sarib,d i n =. cc % cir.; at -a j�Ai ' t3 ,n `L� �+•srtt_ *h A��__rci of - - - -- - ii ;ta.. A1y f_ii _4f_ $ id :o rw �p ' �� � 1 — sa d 1 • 'thhe ce o a straight gl:ine 'to the *southeast corner of said Lot 10 and t� onLe°i f3v FSe � 01..... . ..... :.........:.....I....._...,... «..........,,.. re term na g, That. triangular portion of Lot 6,'Block 3, Brunsons Addition to -the Town of ? k ", St. Pauincthn,c.oihri4A.ot-i Ramsey and the Territory of KJ14A sota�-o lying no rth- l`,{ � westerly of the folrldwin� described linAppn4ommencin9 a.at...a po*rnt..on,.the, west..,•.. line of ,s'aid- Lot &,i�15 feet south of the northwest ,,corner of said lot; thence on a straight linet €tdAl fpoint on the north line ,df!sriid' lot 20 feet east of the northwest corner fhdre'obrand there'terminating, f , Also c6Aidem01hVPand ehkingieasements in the. land necessary for slopes, cuts, ar0rfills inc-luSing,5�ight of removal -of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof occasioned by -excavations thereof ' or, construction of' s lopes in the .construction of . the Arch-Penns' lvahia`Ifi hway as hereinbefore described' the extent of said easements to be y g J �. I .vt�nr 1 eer 1.,�r I-T I^ y, ,'as shown on drawing No. 1858,. Drawer' No: F4 on file in the Depar�enL of'i'ublic Ito s. .. r s