2289114hAL ORDER t COUNCIL FILE N0.' f � OP ,ER' By - File No. 17053 In the Matter of Pine: ,grAgir g. and surfacing with bituminoua material, construct concrete curb and gutters, provide interim maiatevauce, and do all other work incidental thereto on Mitchell Avenue From Winthrop Street to Michael Street. under Preliminary Order 2�05W approved October 27, 1964 Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice,, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is to Pine grade and surface with bitumirnous.materialp construct concrete curb and gutters$. provide interim maintenances and do all other:ttork. incidental thereto on Mitchell Avenue Prom'Wi.nthrop Street to Michael Street. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. COUNCILMEN Yeas Dalglish Nays Holland Loss ;Meredith (Peterson nu �eserr- E�...;;sw... - Mr. Vice President (Rp?W 6 -68 2M 8 K -1 In Favor f/ Against iN Isis Adopted by the Council Approve JUAF 2 10s AWE Mayor PUBLISHED - JUN . ���� 0 �, �. " • ¢ ii L" � GEOf3GE M. S�FiEPARD CITY O' F S X I N T _PA U= v 'i EUGENE V. AVERY STREET AND HIGHWAY bt•� -M �..� Iii 'r` r Y 'Y p - ~'� jij11CH16F LNGINEZR ENGINEERING COORDINATOR ,�'- •i�Rii ,Capital ofMinnesota� : �' ',�� w j �'C:J. VOKOUN, JR. .� •' - - rr:.. f - � - '1e, ,; ♦ "" is �! r ` ._ : 'ti T- j' ,TA - `DEPARTMENT....OF- PUBLIC' V .0kk- ~ r _iSUrffRINTffNDffNT.OF SANITATION :ts s- C1 r r 234..Ci H IIM8r�=Cburt Ho, =5i5'1�02��� =4' 1•.,i c h : :�� •; 1.�'C`, MILTON ROS -BNIw Commissioner..) � � ^'� ,.rw� -' l:r —WII IA1VI"P. BEHRE_NS _ .' f "Deputy Co' tur - � } 1 _ l AprilY. 194b. L _ • - � � �• "13oa..iaoee. J. • DalglisY� - " , . • .•- ,- i - ' .. - . .. Ca�issisner ef. Finaince , ' Dsa�r ,Sir. - . ' , . - - r • - . ' ' I tkainw il.t herewith- - -'a revised ailst �sata of cast fasi 'fine grsding and suiraectng with :bituninou+a motarisx -� construct fiasracrets curb +Ztid , guttars and loo- ell :rather' raQrk incidental . thereto on Mitchel Aveniia ` ficsim Wntki6p Street. - to,2'.tich"t Street", under Yrel sa nary Clyd'eir.H�k, f 22x509 . approved.dctober'279 0644 . i r>ne`araidinRnQ $vrncinr"tla. 131tiuesino>ia tfgtarial '. .. Ta tai•.`grkinated Godti $7 , ?2 ,o4 eglrieiring.211 . nepactimn '' '.. 14409 . - _ >�'inence ChasrQs '1X5.20. Cent per Front' F06t . 507 ontaag , , 1524 hest _ • Concretai Curb- end'.- Gutters - - - gstim'atad Cost~ , t . $6e496 *95 _ -, - _ . , . �n�iriearisleg ' ` _. •• . ' � - 734•..97 _ Ir�spsCt_arr 112 B o :t firer' rent I1r 3.31 ... _• -. _, - �`r�sitogir •, • . _ , , - '17.311- •��ist -' 1 .. - Yours truly , 00 /.bai - ,flrss,etkstt, ?,pPrivgd3 Lseal,.;Aprovesient Sng veer ' $ugitne V. -&etc'y. :. ,�2�314151� >> thief neor • - -•�- _ ~ - -. -• co-- 1866 ��� 9 issi�en 4$ Public [farlr.4 �' 'a' `! OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE /,76 2c,)83(3(3 A2? (Yq 1� March 3, 19 66 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pre- liminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 220509 approved_ October 27, 19 64 relative to the fine grading and surfacing with bituminous material, construct concrete curb and gutters, and do all other wnrk incidental thereto on Mitchel Avenue from Winthrop Street to Michael Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. The estimated cost thereof is $- 14,387.24 L� -• ..,up j 2. A plan, profile or ske ch oD ro ement is hereto attached p V5 Cz 1 N T of and made a art hereof, 1r 3. Initiated by the Commissi = =e�r,.•of Py�ti6 c Works 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition X MILT n NJ t � u tY Commissioner-of Pub- lic Works