228910\.JI NAL ORDER - 228910 COUNCIL FILE NO.' By File No. 17052 In the Matter of fine grading and surfacing with bituminous material, construct concrete curb and - gutters, provide. interim »isi.ntenance1 and do all othor work incidental 'thereto on Michael Street from upper Afton Road to Larry Ho Drive. under, Preliminary Order 220510 approved 'October 27, 1964 Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice,. and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consider_ ed " the same; therefore, be it ' RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City -is-, to fine grade and surface with b1ttwdnoua material, corwtruct concrete curb and gutterap. provide interiz mainten nce�, and do ala. othet.,w.oric incidgm.tal thereto on Michael. street from Upper Afton Road to tarry Ho Drive. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement,'and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Wereditli Peterson s -ss nj V s e�reside#� (Rosen) In Favor V Against Adopted by the Council JUN 2 1966 Approved- Mayor PUBLISHED JUN 4 1900 ^— GEORG'E M.SHEPARD. s "'- '3� I'''EUGENE V. AVERY F :�CITY's OF- SAINT PA'U�L, YM i��ns' STRkET AND HIGHWAY 1CH1[F ENGINEER ^�'l+^ ',kENGINEERING COORDINATOR 'ty i••/� •t` T r3 i ��d�_'•r •,j 14� ;1r ;� :M c Pita) of Minnesota: . - r M - r , � - �``' r +"•� _`" ~ s �' ='t ', • ^ T` � +� ,yC y , j, VOKOUN, JR. SUrHRINTENDENT- OFzS NI�T-Aj T ION, DEPAM- OF;PUBLIC ;WORKS R - 234- City' Hall court Ho' se'551A2; •-e MILTON ROSEN —.Commissioner; �Ct 711�dt -,fir_ r _ -` ILI <_ L%IAM P. BEHRENS —• .tr. sly.! —%-3 i�l 4` r� 1(. i!' ? c �" i"'".r �►�'t —Deputy Commissioner -"- . — - .....Z - - -_ - - Iii r.� ...nis <.-. a! ! - •� -_ <-+-- �. ...� - -. _ y Y _ Aprfl 11, 2956 - `_ - Co+iis��s�txier ,of' �n�uice _ .- -. • : guy of Wilt aii1 Nei Site: I ttan wit `herewith. a revi sta ' est:iwato vf. coast f+aiC the - f ir gradf ng, and lhirfadiitig with Utitainouii tsiaterialp o- onistrucv conctntcodrb 04 gutters and do all, other' woi~k iiicidehtsl, ttieris3too, on Michael :St:reat f`t ; Upper Ait r,' vad to .axr+y 86' brives r und'Lar 'i?reltmini ty; Ordet t(6,• 220.51©., .apptoved Fine.Grjdi'ng :and : u aaintt with At'uti,n'ous mite'tia1, -' Total laet#isi�e ed "C�st _ V9y'922,,o4 ,, y gins eyeing - 996.64' _ : _ _ •• Iiispd5�len _ _ " _ _. _ - • ' 153.3.3 - - - - `lsi cd G"t#iirga •1051 60 -Celt: ;per, °vton't' - dot s�tags� -1306 _Feet eit�reta tUtb "d Gutter. Total Asti aiated 'Coat: _ $6.' "9bq 93� : - fnspectiaA 121022 Coit-'o6te,fkont tbot 30,93 , i?contae 115 Felt , = tours ',tivly. , ett `'.1< al a laprove iient $t%Fi 31415 %sy = Chief _ F ngtfidwr, '� p,QR 1 ��] EI . .. - :l4i1 "tan' `� :a� , -• ' ' - , § : ° - �.,� .� �,� - - riraoai��oneic of k�ubiib iTlorks OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE J' a0- a .228398 March 3, 19 66 I To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pre —,/ li mi nary order of the Council known as Council File No. 220510 approved October 27, 19 66 relative to the fine grading and surfacing with bituminous material, construct concrete curb and gutters, and do all other work fncidental thereto on Michael Street from Upper Afton Road to Larry Ho Drive. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. The estimated cost thereof is $•15,266.19 _ 2. A plan, profile o MAR 1966 CE1 fkeDp o sal and made a part he of. C:E .0" 3. Initiated by the Comm mprovement is hereto attached of Public Works 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition X I i , rt s