05-872coun�a F�e # RESOLUTION OF�SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Green Sheet # Referred To: Committee:Date: OS- 87a.. 3027632 19 1 BE IT I2ESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council authorizes the City of Saint Paul to enter into the 2 attached agreement with the State of Minnesota, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, Century 3 College, which includes an indemnification clause. A copy of said agreement is to be kept on file and on 4 record in the Office of Financial Services. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Benanev Bost�om Harris Thune ✓ � Adopted by Council: Date: Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary: BY� ��Ci� /�i�.i��si>.Ti Approved by 1V��o�: Date: '�'�" 2—s` Mayor f�: � Requested by Department of: Green Sheet Green Sheet bS- 87� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � DepartmenUoffice/council: Date Initiated: PD — policeDepartment o�-A�� Green Sheet NO: 3027632 ConWct Person & Phone: DeoartrneM Sent To Person Initial/Date Chi6f JOhn NaRingtOn 0 olice De artment lic De arhnent 266-5588 p55ign 1 olice arwn nt De ar[men[ Dire r Must Be on Councii.�qenda by(Date): Number 2 � pttorne � rne L� For 3 or's Office Ma or/Assis[a t Routing Ofder 4 ouncil Coun ' 5 i Clerk Ci Clerk 6 lice e ent P G D en Total # of Signature Pages (Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Si�ahues requested on the attached council resolution authorizing the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, to enter into the attached agreement with ffie State of Minnesota, Centwy College. Recommendations: Approve(A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer the Following 4uestions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/f rm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personlfrm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes No � � Explain a�l yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The State of Minnesota, Century College, will provide the Saint Paul Police Department with approximately 300 hours of Peace Officers and Standazds Training Boazd (POST) approved training. Advantages If Approved: Police officers that successfully complete the POST approved courses, will receive peace officer continuing education credits toward their peace officer license. DisadvantageslEApproved: None. AU G 1 '7 20D5 F3IVE�1' Disadvantages If Not Approved: The Saint Paul Police Department will not enter into this agreement with the State of Minnesota and will lose the opporiwvty to participate in POST approved courses. . Total Amount of 4450 � CosURevenue Budgeted: Transaction: ) Fundins� source: Special Revenue Fund" — Activity Number: 436-34T17 RE�EIVED Fi nancial I nformation: 436 (Explain) , ���?arr.h Carrtar SEP 0 � 2�05 �EP 12 20f15 MAYOR'S O��ICE 691�8/2605 14:26 65126659a6 PAGE 02 bS- 8�� 06 I 11/56f 9182 �� �.�a SI'A'I'E OF �II1r�NESOTA MINNESOxA STATE COLt.EGES Al�`A UNNfiRSITIES Centurv Ca!lQae INCOy1E CONTRACT This contract is by and between St Paul Police Deoartment (hereinaftex "PURCHASPR") and the State of IKianesota acring through its Boazd of Tcustees of the Minnesota State Colleges aud Uni�ersiries, on beLslf of Centvey Col7ege (hereinafter "STATE"). �'HERL'AS, the PURCHASPR has a need for a specific service; and WHSREAS, the STATE, is empowered to enter into income contracts pursuant to Mianesota Statutes, C}uptez 136F; NOW, THEI2EFORE, it is ageed: DLTI' FS OF SI'ATS, The STATE agrees to provide the following: I. Law Enfoccemenc Continuing Education Pro�am of Cennuy College will provide approximetely 300 hours of POST approved training £or the peziod September 1, 2005 throup� June 30, 2006. 2. Registration foz trainin� �+ill be conducted on a fust-come, fizst served basis witka pzioTity given to licensed officersldispatchers from participating membes agencies. The number of enrollments &om individual sgencies may be linnited in some cases in ord� to accommodate al1 member ageneies. 3. 7'he Training Program well be continuaity evaluated by means of course evatuations compLeted at the conclusion of each haining session, and program and curriculdm evaluations and surveys will be solicited from participating agencies. Training progzams wi1( be offered at Century College. 4. Enrollmrnt repotts will be provided to participatiag member agencies upon request. 5. Cou[ses not covered by this training �,vreetnent include Fizeatms QualiScation and Trainuig Program. Any other course e:cciuded by thts agreeraent will be so identified in the training brochure. II. DL7TIES OF PUACHASER. The PURCHASER agrees to pzovide the fo]Iowing: 1. Participating agencies wiil publicize the program to officers and promote courses intezaatly. 2. Ia order to best mcet the specific needs of law enforcement, traiuing officerstdispetcheis from patticipsring membez Law Enforcement agencies will be invited to scheduled meetings to participate in the review of past and fuhue cutrieulum and training concuas. SEP-08-2005 15�26 6512665966 99� P.02 69�68/2085 14:26 6512665966 PAGE 03 ------- — --- - a s- g �a III. CONSID6RATIOI�i AN� TERMS OF PAYMEN'f. A. Consi�tion for all sec�ices performed and goods or materials supplied by the STATB pucsuaat to this cootrnct shalt be paid by the PURCHASER as follows: Annuat cost is $445 per slot for full-time licensed officers/dispatchecs with the purchase of 6 or more slots. Aanual cost for 1-5 slots is 5595 per stot. St Paul Pullce Department has made the commitment to purchasc ten (10) slots at 5445 each totaling 54,450. B. Tern+c of Parment. Paymeat shall be made by the PL�2CI no ]atez than 30 days following receipt of the invoice. ZV. T�RM OF COMRACT This contract shnll be effective on SeDtem6er 1. 2005, or upon the date that the final required signamre is obtained by tde STATE, whichevez occuzs latex, and shall zemain in e£fect uapl June 30. 2006. or until all obligafions set forth in this contract have been satisfactorily fuL£xUed, wlrichever occurs fixst. V. CANC � LA'fION. Century College roserves the right to cancel courses due to lack of enzollment. Depaztlnenu will �7Q� receive wnfirrnarion or registrstion, but will be contacted by phone or by mail if the class is filled oz canceled. Notice of registradon cancellaGon by an officer must be recelved three working days prior to the star4 of the course. Agencies or officus who fail to giv¢ such notice will be biiled and the RarticipaUng departmenUagency wlll be billed S10/oncer for uN0 SHOWS". VI, ALTTHORIZED FPRESENTA?IVES The PURCHASER'S Authorized Representali�e for the purposes of administration ofthis contract is �tie R�die. The STATb'S Aurhorized Representative foz the purposes of sdministration of this eoatrnct is Joan Petersoa. Each authorized representerive shall have final authority for acceptance of savices of the otha par[y and shall have responsibility io ensure tUat a11 payments due ro the other parry aze paid punuant w the tenns of this comraet. VII. .ASSIGNMENT. Neither ilae PURCHASER nor the SI'ATE shall assign or nansfer any righu or obligations undez this contract without the prior written approval of the othez party. VIII. LIABILITY, Each pacty agrees that it will be responsibte for its own acts smd/or omissians in cazrying out We terms of this Agreement and the results thereof m the excent aut6orized by law and shall not be zesponsible for che acts and/or omisslons of the other party and the results thereof. The liabiliry of the PLJRCHASER, Saint Paul Police Deparcment and the City of Sain[ Paul, its employees, ofticials and agents shall be govemed by provision of the Minnesoa Torts Claims Act, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 466, et seq. snd othex applicable taw. The liabiliry of the STATE shall is govemrd by the provisions of the Minnesota Torts Claims Act, Minn. Stat. g3.736. IX. AMBRICANS WITH DISAHIi.I'i'IES AC�COMPLIANCE (hereinafter ",0�'1. 7Che PURCHP.SER is responsible for complying with the Amezicans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. 12101, e4, seq. and regulations proraulga[ed pursuant to it. The S'CATE IS NOT responsible for issues or challenges related to compliance with [he ADA beyond ik own routine use o£facilities, secvices, oz othex ueas covered by the AAA. X. AMEIVI)MENTS. Any amendmenu to this conhact shall be in writing and shall be executed by the same paz4es who execu4ed the original contract or the'u successors in office. SEP-08-26a5 15�26 6512665986 98i P.e3 69!68/2085 14:26 6512665906 PAGE 64 - -- ----- -'--'-'-- --__ -- �s- 0 7:� XI. GOVERNMSNT' DATA PRACfICES. The PLJRCHASBR must comply �+ith the Iviinnesou Govemmmt Data Pzacaccs Act, Minnesota Statutes Chapte= 13, as it applies to all data provided by the STATE in a��qr��e with this contract aad u it applies to all dsta created, collected, rnceived, stared, used, mainrained or disseminated by the PURCHASER in accordance with this contract. 7he civil remedies of Minnesota Statutes Sectioa 13.08, apply to the release of the data ceferred to in this Article by eithe: the pURCHASERorSTATE. In the event the PURCHASER receives a request to relcase the data refened to in this P.rticle, the pVRCHASER must immediately notify tht STA"Ik. �, n ntSSDICT ON AND `1ENLJ� This conhact shall be govemed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. Venue for ali lega( proccedings azising out of Uus contract, or the bceaeh thereof, shall be located only in the state or fedetat court with competent j�uisdicuon in Ramsey Connty, Minnesota. XIIT. STAT$ A��I I'S• The books, records, documents, and accounting pro��ures and practices of che PLJRCHASER relevant to this contraa sUall be subjeM to examination by the conuacting deparnnent and the Legislarive Auditor. XN. OTHER PROV[SIONS. (Attach additional page(s) if necessary): Inclemeat Weather Easten ro WCCO Radio for any college closing information. POST Credits Peace o�cers who successfully complete the POSI' agproved courses will receive peace officer continuuig education crediu. Discrlminadan Policy In sccordance with the adminisuative rules of the Minnesou POST Board and the Poticy of Ce¢tury College all persons shalt be eligible for enrollment in any progam regazdless of zace, color, zeligion, se;c, nationat origin, zesidency, marital status ox physical disabilities. If you need a reasonable accommodation for a disabitity (e.g„ wheelchair accessibility, interpcetec, Braille oz large print tnateriats) such sn aecommodation can be made available upon advapce request. Please contact the Century Cotlege Access Center, 651J79-3355 or TTY 651•773-1715 as soon as possible. Waitins Lists If a course should 511, of5cers l+�ill be put on a waiting list. SEP—aB-2005 15�27 6512665906 98i P.a4 99708/2005 14:26 6512665966 PAGE B5 OS- $�� 1N WITNE55 WF�REOF, the parries have cauud ttvs contacc m be duly executed intendin8 to be bound thexeby. APPItOVED: 1. MINNESOTA STATE COLLEGES A1r�D IIN2VERSIIIES entu COLLEGEJ[JNNERSITl'IS1'STEM OFFICE Bq{authorized si atureg¢_ } p � J'f7 /77a-1G -e� Title VicePa sidenc,Cfi/CT DaM SR6/OS 2. PURCI�ASER: PURCHASER certifies that the eppropriate person(s) have eaecuted the contract on be6alf of PURCHASEIt as required by applicable artic[es, by-laws, [esoiutiona, or ordinantea By (authorized signature) Titte Date By (authori2ed sigtature) Titte Date By (authorized signature) Tide Aate SEP-e8-2065 15�27 6512665906 98i P.05 3. AS TO FORM AND EXECUTION: