Resa`lution Ratifying Assessment
In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and exsnses for construction or
reconstruction of sidewalks ond'vork incidental therotot
Contract 65- X -3M_j evy Vol. 20 District No. 1
F.O. - 221394 - Charles Ave., south side from Western Ave. to Arundel St.
F.O. - 221395 - Charles Ave., north side from Western Ave. to Arundel St.
F.O. - 224806 - Mackubin St., both sides from Carroll Ave. to Iglehart Ave.
P.O. - 222690 - Mackubin St., both sides from Edmund Ave. to Thomas Ave.
F.O. - 213097 - Western Ave., both sides from Edmund Ave. to Charles Ave.
F.O. - 223591 - Lexington Ave:, east side from Fuller Ave. to Aurora Ave. _
Fs:0: �- 223594`= 'WOatera�'A "ve t "Both' `stiles = from�`I'Sheiburue Aver 'to University Ave — "—
F.O. - 223592 - Edmund Ave.,, both sides from Galtier'St, to Elfelt St.
F ?;0.: = 212694' - =Fa ringtoa�'S't ;— "'both" s d "es 'from T'h`oauea Ave Y to Lafond - -Ave anif oii the
x Y east side of Farrington St. }from Lafond Ave. to Blair Ave.
F.�b3� "221'522= 'M�idhall Ave:, north aide from`iCtietsw "orth�St: to Oxford St I
F.O. ti 223593 - Western Ave., both aides from Van Bure'n,Ave ,to Blair Ave.
F.O. 12Z3595� "�Mackul; n 1St:`,h�both,di +desk - rom §tt fA�ithcnq !►ve:n�'to'Ful}`er`'Ave:nd `�" �
F.O. f h222585 �nMarion, 3t 6 wit bothbaides Cfroom� y Ha�tchlAve•. to �Lawson?Ave. firtall - sati 3i'. rg,
F.0: - X22693 ; - Syndicat® St,., both sides from-Englewood Ave. to Seminary Ave.
F LO }t f;L21A24 Oxford St., east aide from Marshall Ave. to,the north approximately, '
112 feet abutting,1037•Marehall Ave., '
RFSO DIY RD, That tb.e said assess neat to and tie same is hereby in all res-pects ratified, and the
sar.:f: is hereby ardc ed to be s-$jjaitted to the Uir V. t Cotut of thn County, ' -Af ]Rnmiey for confirniatisn.
NON- ASSBSSABLB s I 'It iZ; :S0L�F1j D, That the :1d r,sses3ment be ant it l:: hereby detcr�ninel to be I
F.O. _ 224806 - Mackubin St.,, both sides from Carroll Ave. to Iglehart Ave.
F ?.1t222690..- �isackubin; StLVit o't' iTriidea from Edmund Ave. to Thomas Ave.
F.O. - 213097 - Western Ave., both sides from Edmund-Ave. to Charles Ave.
F.O. - 223591 - Lexington Ave., east side from Fuller Ave. to Aurora Ave.
F.O. - 223594 - Western Ave., both'-sides from Sherburne Ave. to University Ave.
F.O. - 222694 - Farrington St., both aides from Thomas Ave. to Lafond Ave. and on the
east side of Farrington St. from Lafond Ave. to Blair Ave.
F.O. - 221522 - Marshall Ave., north aide from Chatsworth St. to Oxford St.
F.O. - 223593 - Western Ave., both sides from Van Buren Ave. to Blair Ave.
F.O. - 0223595i�nlMackubin St., both sides from St. Anthony Ave. to Fuller Ave.
F.O. - 2226 - Syndicate St., both sides from Englewood Ave. to Seminary,Avel b
Yeas :� ; y"r Nuys � ... �
alglish lidtitted > y the
Form R -2 2M 10 -68 8
In Favor
DEC 211969
' F
Report of Completion of Assessment
231256 �.. -
230911, -,
In the matter of the assessment of bABifite,, cost and m*Vft"6 for construction or
ree- d"trwtift of .414"Iks ,rte work 'ficidenta2 thor litot
Contr ct 04 -3230 Levy X6.. 2„ btetr#.Ct Mo.. I
P.O. - 221394 - Charles Ave.,- south side from Western Ave. to Arundel St.
F.O. - 221393 - Charles Ave., north side from Western Ave. to Arundel St.
F.O. • 224806 - Mackubin St., both sides from Carroll Ave. to xglehart Ave.
F.O, - 222690 - Mackubin St., both sides from Edmund Ave. to Thomas Ave.
F.O: - 213097 - Weatern Ave., both sides from Edmund Ave. to Charles Ave.
F.O. - 223591 - Lexington Ave., east side from Fuller Ave. to Aurora Ave.
223,5.9 .y W ®��esrn A�re.:.;;�.botti F'iidst ` -fio %W buine Ave t� IJniv
F.O. - 223592 - Edmund Ave., both sides from (#altier St. to Blfelt St-.
FiL ,. x:222694; ; ,Parr stg �r th "Piides?� Eton 'fiiooisa` �v® Y Ira;fria)C;04
Q i tOII� -gE• h� � " to� ra fond -Ava : mud �on the
east side of Farrington St. from Lafond Ave. to Blair Ave.
P0.}-+. Z2522 �: -�< ..�.•..,...... .x 6YM�_44j
y�.iL }t -�. u� R Y "froA``'�'"Chetsworth��t.-to O�c�ord St'.
F.O. ;� 223593 - Western Ave., both aides from Van Burets Ave. to Blair Ave.
F-iO.;l:e 323�93f iMackitbin° $t..; ��bbth sides from St. Anthony Ave. to Fuller Ave.
F.O. - 222585 — Marion St., both sides from N tch Av to soa
hr222693�;T:i6yndi6a�ez�St�; tiotfi'iil'd s fsompi"t;(I � +iof 1v�� ` to A8 ni taftZlEnt Of the Or-
F.O. , teary Ave.
F�fdiival?Ofordr3t4i ,iceaid�nirdaMar�ihall° Av��to�fthe noic�i �'pp"oms`e]ji
.•112 feet abutting 1037 Marshall Ave.
V r.
w 4.
Total construction costs ..........................
1w'P^_aUoii ......• ....)Qt ..
.....s.i .............
;1 rdg ... ... ............................... $_- _ ...ltl...
F.O. - 2248Q6 �s.tiackub1nr_St >.., .both..sides• from Carroll• lI?�� -
��. We. toiglebar� Av
F.O. - 22269 r ri�?la�ku is St ev -both, sides-from -Edmund • Ave *-;to° Thomai'Ave1
F.O. 213097 tWqater -nf'AVff,f;1)'bofhnsides.from; Edmund, Ave '= tis-ChaYiia�Avg* 4
F.O. - 223591 - Lexington Ave., east aide from Fuller Ave. o Auror vi.
F.O. - 223594 ar�'�otti[su_-AVOMJ of s des -from, Sherburne, A- e. �' '+
h` to'1Taiversity Ave,
F.O. - 22269,4jt� F Faicriagton. St. , �botb, �,l4es • from 'ThOWAS' Avo � "to iaiotjd�ve i and on thi
,•r , t�! Rey` `RY,�
F.O. 221522:,- eas.E `side. of. PArriagtoii`�St a - from -La fond • Ave:' U' D- ai j�Ayt
,,4,�Marshail� Ava..a. ,north. side -from Chatsworth St': to Oxford St.
F.O. - 2235$3 - Westettia Ave., both rides from Van Buren Ave. to Flair Ave.
F.O. -� 223595 , Mackubol k8tr •rpbO�thtilk d!F h�roo;: St:: ^iAatliony tAv� 'Eon lhillux tpw bos s aster -
F.O. i 2226 3 8yadicate St., both sides froIN Znglgwood Avg. to Semi sir Ave
"no!- to yw i • he sum U $ L6 R -_ 3 ___up' n cacti an every io , I�rt- or IMr cu �.�d deemed
benefited by the said improvement, and in the cases of each oI-t par r parcel-oi la�:a u. wcrorancs with
the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,
identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as
completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such ction t e eon as may be
considered proper. A . j
Dated November 22, 1966
Form R-2 2M 10 -68 8