231247ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL LICENSE COM UTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK nCOUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSI, 231241 COU FILENCIL NO December 20, 1966 WHEREAS= Hubert G. Rode desires to withdraw Application J -11963 for Gas Station (6 pumps), General Repair Garage, Foodstuff - Vending Machine Location and Cigarette licenses at 880 White Bear Avenue, vh ich is a "Mobil Oil Co.'s station operated by him, .because the Mobil Oil Co..have closed the station, and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon; therefore, be it RESOLVED= That the prpper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund Hubert G. Rode, the pro -rated fee of $ 112.74, deducting $ 10.26 from the original fee of $ 123.00 posted, for the period the applicant operated on said application which will cancel said application for licenses. RESIDENCE ADDRESSs_ 984 Prosperity Ave. St. Paull. Minn, 55106 (Over $100• refund, C.F. No. 209427, Ord. #12305,t 10- +24-62 Not Applicable) WITHDRAWL (Partial Refund) Item Posted Gas "Sta. _ $ 70. Gen.Rep.G. 35. V.M.Loc. 6. Cigarette _ 121 Totals -$-123,( COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �dsan -- Dalglish Holland Meredith Peterson Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne Oper. 1 Mo. Refund _ 11 -1 to 12-1-66 _ 11 Mosi 2.92 32.08 .50 5.50 _ l =OO _ _ _ _ 11.4D Z $ _ 10„2 112,7V n Favor 0 Against DEC 2 019% Adopted by the Council 19— 201966 9— PUBLISHED DEO 24 1966 X22