05-860Council FYle # OS' O�o Green Sheet # 3027985 CITY Presented Referred To Committee Date RES OLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and rarifies the attached 0 5 Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and AFSCME District Council #5, Technical #1842 (AFSCME) to extend the previously-approved pilot project within the Department of Public Works for the Engineering Aides I and II and Public Works Techxiicians, I, II, and III positions represented by AFSCME. Yeas Nays Absent Benanav ✓ Bostrom ✓ Hazris � Helgen ✓ RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Requested by Department of: Office ofH Resources By: �' V' ' � /� �- DEYAHThIENTlOFFICFJCOUNCIL: DATE fNITIAiED GREEN SHEET 1�to.• 3027985 " HumanResources 9/13/05 ' CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: INiTIAIJU-4TE INITI`''uDA'i� I.eeE�ll TUICliIL, 266-f>517 ineeuanu�rrr nnc � a arrcourrca. NNST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) �SSIGnEn z c�n^Troar�EY cr� °'�a[c t7UtYIDER POR ROUTING FINANCfALSERVDM FWANCNLSERV/ACCLG ORDER 3 MAYQB(OBASSC.) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES_I (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) , nc'rtotv �QUESTEn: Appioval of the attached Memorandum of Agteement (MOA) between the City and AFSCME District Council #5, Technical #1842. The MOA extends the previously-approved pilot project within the Deparhnent o£Public Works for approximately 30 days, which will allow the parties to reach agreement without the pilot project lapsing in the meanrime. � RECOhQ.4ENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI, SER�'ICE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESITONS: 1. HasKtispeisod5rmeverworkedwdvacontractforthudepazTmeot? ' PLANNING CONIMISSION 1'es No CIB COMMIITEE 2. Has tlns persadfmn everbeen a city empioyce? CNQ.SERV[CECOhtMISSION Yu No � 3. Doa this persoNfampossess a sSill not nmmally possessed by any ciurent city emploYee? Yes No ' 4. Lc tltis pecsodfirtn a fargeted vendor? � Yes No , Ezplain all yes aoswers an sepank Sheet and attaCh to green Sheet INITIAT[NG PROBLEM, ISSLJE, OPPORTiJ1VITY (Who, Wha; Wheo, wner�, wny�: While discussions with AFSCNIE were commenced on June 30, 2005 in anticipation of the pilot project running out on September 12, 2005, the bazgaining unit has requested time to ' confer with their membership about the pilot project process. We simply have not been able to reach ageement in rime to meet the September 12, 2005 deadline. We do anticipate we will do so, however, in the near future. Thus, the reason for the ' abbreviated MOA extension. ,,, anvarrrncES iF nrrxovEn: The pilot project will continue in fixll force and employees will not be adversely affected. Public Works and the affected bazgaining unit will continue to receive mutual benefits from the pilot project. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: NOIIB DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: If 2110 pllOt pTOJBCt 15 IlOL CORhrillCCl a nuruber of City employees currently on eligible lists ' will be adversely affected in that their names will be taken off the list for fuhue vacancies. This means the employees would need to re-test, where under the terms of the pilot, they would not need to re-test. Similazly, the goals and objectives of the Department of Public Works regazding succession and worl�'orce planning may not be realized. " TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/RFVENUF BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: ^� FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIi� �, � � � � , . .1 �2S�arr� �`�rs�a� fi�� � 3 2�05 �air�:s��r���*l��`/�\�[fi:i►�ta�i G:\Shared�IR-Competencies�Pilot.Proj ects�Public. W orks�P W.EA- Tech.Pilot\Clurent. System.Documents\Greensheet.cont. interimdoc „, i' ,� �,� i I I i , , ',,,. �. , , , , ' ' , �RODiTINGOBDER: � � � � �� � of . u � niost es ���'doc�eeYs. .� , $elow are coaectxou�gsfor the s�c fiequenf typ � � � � � „ „ � � � CT$ assurz�es �horized "epsts r � � COUNCII. RESAL � ON' ���'� b � ' � � coN� C � ) , , � t �ge�� e�) � � i. oumd�a��y , �, � � � i. ����cn;�or ��;�� ,� � � � 2. Departmencnu�t� z offceofFina�iciat s'ervice5t?uecmr,' 3�: Cil� Atfomey, � ; � � ' 3 Cdp tltfa�g �' � � � � � � 4. Magor/A�,�'m�m � 4 Mayoif4Yssis�ant���� � � � � 5. AnmanRig�lsCfor,�4swec$50000), ' S, CiEy�Co„'ffictt � . „ 6. Offxce ofFinancial Se�vices - Accoffit�ng, 6 C)�ce ofFu�ancia� Servtces - Accoimting , � � � � � �.', AUMINLSTR'ATIVE ORDE[LS (B�dget,Revision) ' COUNC3� RESOLi7TEC1N (all otheas and' Ordwances) , ��1.'�AchvityDdmm,sgeror�Dep�tAcconntant 1. DqsacfinentIhreptor �� ” � � � � „ � i� �;, � �2.r 'art�entDicector` � 2�°e ,A� �S' �S` , � � � � � � . 3. OfficeofFinahcaatSeidicesD'sector " 3 Mayot�As�Y 4. City Clei�c 4_ City CofficiI inancial Services - �' 5; . 0ffice �F Acc�in8' , � � � . . , , „ O TRATLAE ORDIIZS' all others EXECTJTIVE RDER av�s E ) � � � � � � � , � � �� �� � �� �� �� � . ,; � i n���n,�c�, ' i n�,��r, z ,�� A �� � z �� �,. ,��, 3,r' OffceofEmanciaiSeeivicesDicector 3 May'�/ ��Assi 'stant vi , 4c Gity Cledc ' 4 City Clea� , , , , � � � , r', �, � , ,'roTar, r��em oF s�,�x�rA�s ` ' ;, Ui of on cvfiich' . es �e ' aaa or each uttfiese I, " ate e# Tndcc R� P��P � Fa�� P� 9�a� , „ . . AC 'be whatthe �''" seeks to I�sh m e�ther'chromlo cal orda � oiderof w}u � ON appiopna6e � issae Do wntecompldeseatences Begiu,�eachrtemmyoististwitfi,' verb cbever�s " � ect/neqnest , 'mp°ttance, � �forthe uot a , REG0114Iv]ENDi11�ONS ,' I ' Comptete if ffie isme m questronhas beeapresented before a¢p body pnblic ur prtvate. „ ,, : . , „ . , . P�{50NAL�'�SERY�CE CO�TRAC1LSi � � � � � � � � r' � ;�' � ' � �� TSis mfoimati'on w�71 iie iised to detecmme the cit}fis l�ab�7ityfoi workees, compeusati� aleims,'taYes,�d piope� crvil seraice hn�in"g rales. , TI31TtATII3GPROBLE[v�LSSUE OPPORTUNITY E lam the sifuation or conditions ttat cieate�'a needforY� Prol� �re�� "� „ „ � ,' AD V A(�$ IF AEPROYED „ i ,' , r A�T � � �� � Uus;s '' �at , � PS«�a�,requ;red �py,lawic�azier� ' Tndicate whetha s�mpty an budget ' whetherthere are spec�fie ways m' wludeiheCityofSa�ntP�l'andilscekzems lienefitfiomt]us�roJedfecti� � , ' � �r, DISAD�1A�iTA(�SIFAFPRO�FEDI`�� ��,�� �� � � � � � ' � � � �' Wha�IIegativeeffeclsoratajoted�engestoex�stingor�astpmcessesmtghti�pmj , �ecfhequestpr,o�iuceyfrtispassed '. ' EeB,;'ha�cdet8ys,'nrnsa;ts�cincxease.s�asses�ents)2;�Taw5om2 4�fienTF"orhow',1c��2 , . � . , DLSADVQNTAGF,S tF` NOT APPROVED „��'�� �� �� is noY ' ve�? � to dd'iv� servioe7 , " the 'mised ac�an 7nab' � du�7lbeifie 've � �f . QVEiat, �' � � , �$� � Pro � �PPzO; ,C°nhu°e; , 1r�e 'noise„ acecdent rate2' Loss ofreveeffiee? , � , �. � „ ; '� , � , � � ' ; ' ., ' FINANCIAF; IMFACT � r" � � eto�� 2ssae, on�me'addressm �iu' aumust�answer � ?iithon�tyonmustmilortfiewformehon m Y�P didzhei �I�, F ff> S���Y � , is,' to costT VJho is' to ttQO qpeshotis: How mucfi �Y going 8��8 PaY' , � � � , � �i� � �� . � � � ' � � � � � � � � � . , , , . �.� � � . . „ i „ . .I �� � „ � � � �� � � � � � � . � � i � � � ,� i i � � i ,,�i �� �� � i ���� � 1 '.,', i i .� ' I � , �,�. '. ���,r � � i i � I.'d� � i � ';,„1� a .1 , ;l � ;�;:,,I ,�, .�r d i :i�,�, i i . 1„ � . � d7�liMli pUn��:V � � �4� , � �,�4r � � . � � .vi u,F� r��,� I .il �I l�Ndv' � , .. n o S- S�o Memorandum of Agreement This Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) is made and entered into this /� day of ���� 2005, by and between the City of Saint Paul (hereinafter referred to as "Cit}�, and the American Federarion of State, County, and Municipal Employees (hereinafter referred to as "AFSCME"). The purpose of ihis agreement is to continue the originally-established pilot project tifled "Saint Paul Public Works Competency Modeling Project Engineering Aide I- Engineering Technical Supervisor dated Mazch 20, 200P' and the "Civil Engineer Technician 7ob Fanrily Competency Matrix dated December 21, 2000, revised August 16, 2005." The City and AFSCME agree that the eactension of the pilot project shall continue to apply to those employees of the Departinent of Public Works who hold positions allocated to the Engineer Aide I and II, and the Public Works Technician I, TI, and III classes and who aze represented by AFSCME. Also, the City and AFSCME agree that the following Civil Service Rules, as modified, shall continue to be used in the administration of the competency-based classificarion system developed by the pilot project: l. Civil Service Rule 6.B (Examination Contents) shall allow quaUfying examinarions, e.g., pass/fail for promotion candidates :nsteau cf for only original en�ar.ts. This rule, as modified, sha!1 be nsed only for examinations used to determine eligible candidates for promotional vacancies in positions allocated to the Engineering Aide I, and II, and Public Works Technician I, II, and III classes in the Department of Public Works. 2. Civil Service Rule 7(Eligible Lists) shall allow for promotion eligible lists established for Civil Engineering Aide I, and II, and Public Works Technician I, II, and III vacancies in the Department of Public Works to remain in effect indefinitely. It is further agreed that �ievances arising from terms and conditions of employment in the City of Saint Paul Civil Service Rules and Salary Plan and Rate of Compensation shall continue to be processed through the procedure outlined in the current collecfive bargaining agreement between the City and AFSCME. Any grievances arising from alleged violations of the procedures established in said competency system shall also be subject to the aforementioned grievance procedure. However, because both parties aclmowledge that the City retains its inherent managerial rights to evaluate and select staff, any concems regazding the substantive determinations of a Competency Review Boazd shall be appealed solely to the Civil Service Commission. Finally, it is further agreed that this Memorandum of Agreement shall continue to be in force until October 30, 2005 to allow the parties to reach agreement on a further extension of the pilot project. The terms of this MOA become effecrive upon the adoption of a Council Resolution by the Saint Paul City Council. AFSCME Technical #1842 Relations Manager G:�Shared�I3R-Competencies�Pilot.Proj ects�Public. Works�PW.EA- Tech.Pilot\Current.System.Documents�AFSCME.Tech.Continuation MOA.2005.interun.doc AFSCME Technical #1842