231118ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �3 �� ( { CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL MMM JL \ \l OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. -COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY \ �Y( -� V� DAT COMMISSIONER E RESOLVED, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the City of Saint Paul an agreement with Quality Control Committee Laboratory pertaining to certain inspections, tests, samples, and analyses of certain milk and milk products and other food, as directed by the Bureau of Health, a copy of which agreement is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. FORM AP.PROY, D.• Asst. Corporation Counsel - COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DEC a 1966 nab_ Approved 19— Holland ``� In Favor � Meredith Peterson J Mayor Tedesco —- Against Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHED DEC 10 196F X22 DUPLICATE TCl PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED, That the proper City officers are hereby 2.31118 1$ ., authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the City of Saint Paul an agreement with Quality Control Committee Laboratory pertaining to certain inspections, tests, samples, and analyses of certain milk and milk products and other food, as directed by the Bureau of Health, a copy of which agreement is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays - Gagson, Dulglish Holland Meredith Peterson Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne L)EC a 1966 Adopted by the Council 19— ApprovVc 81966 19- Ji 1 In Favor V Mayor Against X22 91 4 L 'I 4F billt;�-of conducting certain inspections., omplingsj, and toots pertaining to the control of the quality of certain milk and milk products and otbor foods; and WMEASj, the Bureau of Health desires to authorize a quali- fied laboratory to act as its official representative for purposes of carrying out such inspectionp testop samplingsi and the analvaes as thereof/may be directed by the Bureau of Health; and WHEREAS, it is the intention of the Bureau to make use of and rely upon any data accumulated by said laboratoryp.nowj, thereforep IT IS MOM AGREED by and between the Bureau of Health of the Department of Public Safety of the City of Saint Pauli a municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Minnesota, and Quality Control Committee Laboratory,# an unincor- porated associationj, hereinafter referred to as Laboratoryp that in consideration of the sum of One and no/100 Dollars ($1.00) and other good and valuable considerationp the receipt of-which is hereby acknowledged# and the mutual covenants hereinafter expressedj, hereby agree as follows: lo Laboratory will obtain and maintain a United States Public Health Service and a Minnesota State Laboratory certification author•, Izing it to conduct bacteriological and chemical teats* 2, The City of Saint Paul, through the Bureau of Healthp herewith delegates to the Laboratory the right of the City to MREM= 'WHEREAS, the Bureau of Health of the Department of Public SZO-PA+ il%-P the 04+_ A-P qn4"+.' Paul 4a d%l.)ArrrAA with the ren-nnnsi.0 91 4 L 'I 4F billt;�-of conducting certain inspections., omplingsj, and toots pertaining to the control of the quality of certain milk and milk products and otbor foods; and WMEASj, the Bureau of Health desires to authorize a quali- fied laboratory to act as its official representative for purposes of carrying out such inspectionp testop samplingsi and the analvaes as thereof/may be directed by the Bureau of Health; and WHEREAS, it is the intention of the Bureau to make use of and rely upon any data accumulated by said laboratoryp.nowj, thereforep IT IS MOM AGREED by and between the Bureau of Health of the Department of Public Safety of the City of Saint Pauli a municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Minnesota, and Quality Control Committee Laboratory,# an unincor- porated associationj, hereinafter referred to as Laboratoryp that in consideration of the sum of One and no/100 Dollars ($1.00) and other good and valuable considerationp the receipt of-which is hereby acknowledged# and the mutual covenants hereinafter expressedj, hereby agree as follows: lo Laboratory will obtain and maintain a United States Public Health Service and a Minnesota State Laboratory certification author•, Izing it to conduct bacteriological and chemical teats* 2, The City of Saint Paul, through the Bureau of Healthp herewith delegates to the Laboratory the right of the City to enter milk plants and the facilities of distributors Which are under the jurisdiction of tho City for the purpose of procuring without - cost to the laboratory eanples of milk, milk productsp juice and : other drinks • - r .;, The laboratory agrees to procure samples of said milky productsp juices and other drinks from milk processing plants and i milk distributors; and to.identifyp analyze and test said samples as r directed by the Bureau of Health$ including.. but not limited to the � following: as Milkj, milk products.. creams 1. Standard plate count-- coliform - f '; count-- phosphatas�b-o- butterfat -- - bacterial inhibitor - • be Sour creamp cottage cheesep buttermilk: y 1. Coliform -- yeasts- -molds f , J R� c. Juices and drinks: - 1. Standard plate count--coliform-- yeasts- -molds 4o The individual identity of all samples shall be maintained = and the results of-any and all tests and analyses immediately sub- mitted to the Bureau of Health. The sampling frequency shal1 be determined by the Bureau'of 'Health. The frequency will be based on., >' a the minimsm requirements of the current V. S. Public Health Milk # Ordinance and Cods. The results of any and all such analyses and' testa shall be kept confidential and not revealed except to the - Bureau of Health and to tho processor or distributor from whom obtained.* r 5. Those analyses which are designated by tha Bureau of f Health to be official • reports shall be identified by the following _ j -Vords shown on the face of said reports; "Otficial laboratory results for the City of St. Paul." - - 69 The Laboratoryp. upon request of than Bureau of Health., will rescue and examine all products which have been found to be not In., - �: ` conformity with accepted health standards on any earlier sample. 7• Laboratory alas that its Vorsonnel'shall be available for purposes of testifying or participating in any litigation arising out of the use of said samples or test results which may be con- 'ducted in the name of the City of Saint Paul., 9. It is expressly understood by and between the parties hereto that the expense of said tests or inspections and analyses shall be borne by Laboratory. • 9. This contract ahall expire upon either party hereto giving thirty (30) day written notice of cancellation to the_ other party with or without cause. • r IN WITNESS WMWOI?, the parties hereto have executed this agreement this day of , 1966. Countersigned this _....._ day of , 1966 City Comptroller CITY OF SAIPJT PAUL By Mayor Commissioner of Public Safety City Clerk -3» F t QUALITY COMROL CM0WMME LABORATORY By Its Approyed as to 'fo= spacial Assistant Corporation Counsel Approved as to to= and execution this fty of 1966* • Special Assistant Corporation Counsel