231041Li 1 RIGINAL TO CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER i CITY OF ST. PAUL O NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL OLUTION- GENERAL FORM" 1 =�(7.i - November 28, 1966 OWED,, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Purchasing Committee therefor, hereby awards contract for furnishing and installing Steel Shelving at the new branch } Crary at University and Lexington Avenues for the City of Saint Paul, Department of Libra- . -• - _ . s, Auditorium and Civic Buildings, Bureau of Libraries, to HALD3QN -HCWE, INC., 2205 t Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis, Minnesota in accordance with City specifications therefor I - +eto attached and the Formal Bid #1991 of said Haldeman- Homme, Inc. for the contract price meeting specifications $8,93+•00 , such bid tieing the lowest axid said Haldeman- Homme, Inc. being a reasonable and I cable bidder and the Corporation Counsel be and ba reby is authorized to draw up the proper m of contract therefor and the proper City officials are hereby directed to execute said .tract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. mal Bid #1991. MWR� COUNCILMEN (eas Nays � Dalglish Holland .� Peterson Tedesco fr. President, Byrne } 1 I F r .g . DEC 2 1966 Adopted by the Council 19— DEC 2180 Approved 19— Tn Favor 1 Mayor Against PUBLISHED DEE 10 1966 22 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. "► �!wi v OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Novq�ier 28' COMMISSIONER DATE � l'9"6 That the Couhc1i hereby approves, the ward., of the Purchasing Comittee therefor, hereby oardo contract for furnishing and iristall'ing Steel. Shelving at the new branch ary at University ImAd Lexington, Avenues, for tha City of Wnt Paul, Deparbmt of Libra - les, Auditorium and Civic tdidbigs3 bareat% o:` tibraries3 to $ iMk4N *A0i4% lNdC , 2205 ftst Hennepin. Ave., j Minneapolis Nitanesot>#, ih dbdorde4do With City .speel.ficetiond theiefor herety attached and the Fdrip>s1 Bid #1§91 of &aid Aaa.deWhA- Robne; Itic: for the contract price' t/naeetinA a ecifications o 1 $80 93+.00 , sugh bid. i*ing the lowed and . d �ldeb%A -Homes, Ind; "being a reasonable �,d re able bidder and the Corporation Counsel be end l,rei�y i;a authorized to draX up the p r fo= of contract therefox eiid the proper City of ficib.0 6-rd hereby directed to execute saki co tract on beha.V of tl ,City of Sant Paul:- . t Fo • mi Bid #1991. COUNCILMEN DEC 21966 eas Nays -CaTrom Dalglish Holland Meredith Peterson Tedesco President, Byrne Tn Favor D A gainst Adopted by the Council 19._ DEC 21966 Approved 19— Mayor 99