Resdlution Ratifying By—
In the matter of the assessment of b6safitr, cost. *ad expenses for constructiom at
restoration of sidewalks and work ftoidontal therstni
,Contract 65 -*925, %avy 11o. 1,. Notrict No. 1
F.O.•44 221909'- Bose. Av9uus,- ' narth, side from Abell St._ to Jackson 5t. -.
P -0. 222278 - Sylvan'Strest, west side from Maryland. Ave. to Rose Avenue. - -
F.O. - 221520 - Ivy Avenue, .both aides from Woodbr d $e,; t. to Marion St.
F.O. - 221286 - Maryland Avenue (Old -Aligcmentf* k n St. to Abell St.
F.O. - 222029 - Rose Ave., both sides from Marion St. to Woodbridge St.
F.O. - 221617 - Geranium Avenue, north side from Marion St. east approximately 125 feet
and on the east side of Marion Street from Geranium Ave. north approximately,
80 feet abutting 1152 Marion Street. ll
F.O. - 222122 - Rose Awaw, north ride from Abell St. to Sylvan Street and on the west
side of Abell Street from Rose Avenue north approxLustely 128 feet.
F- 0' -f22t6 4,)F '€Jeiea ;lie Averiue';�'liotti�iidss' }f oii`llarion St —'to Giertiei"St: -"
F.O. - 222692 Albemarle Street j both sides, fronIne, Ave. to Orange „ Ave
"�%'ci:L3�i'1':14.�f$o"`� �i�<'t3'�.1'"L.�_ Lt���_s..:,±Nr�tc+�t•+'r ic�.��__._a.�
NON= 11=ESS�HI. °s`•_s
F.O. 221909 - Rose Avenue north side from Abell.
P.O. F$2fS20' firy'?aAbenui;��t�'ot'huii�'dea� goai:W'ei bsird'�e'to. Co +1L�iio {n St`.d skid as:r. ss-
F ,� 222029 e Hosel�Avcgkk h �Sid��, S c4rMazionzSl ���tg�Woodbriiige $t ;'•la� sa►ist�zcio y, I
F.O. •`121+17 - Geranium Avenue, north side from Marion St. east approximately 125 feet I
be it therefore and on the east side of Marion Street from Geranium Ave. north approxi®ately4
80 feet abutting 1152 Marion Street.
7-0-L- 222689 - Jessamine Avenue bothhstdas from Marion St., to.Galti r St..
F.Q. p- F22269 iA�Iieisfle''S�i�ii4 north'''s d ilft� ost;eAv ,', r o�O>fa "nige` 11ve nfied' an i the j
same is hereby ordered to be suLmitte€i to the N rict Court of the County of Ramsey for t of nmatit,n.
i v n' +I)—i vifry `,cur -- ^„�- ±I1e�a�i 4•;ti �9Ti`ent be rill it is hereby determined 1.4) L::
/ i
payable in —equal installments. F
Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council
I rs`ory
I -Wesco
In Favor
Form R-2 2M 10.63 8
NOV 3 0 1969
DEC 3 19M
? CITY OF ST. PAUL ''.•✓✓ 4k 7 f
Report of Completion of Assessment 231004
In the matter of the assessment of beftfjto„ t 004 4jXP*vA"- for 4oui*tX"tjQA a=
F.O. - 221909 - Rose Avenue, north.side from Abell St. to Jackson St.
F.O. - 222278 - Sylvan Street, west :side from Maryland Ave. to Rose Avenue.
F.O. - 221520 - Ivy Avenue, both sides from Woodbre to Marion St.
F.O. - 221286 - Maryland Avenue (Old Alignment) / ?? Jon i § St. to Abell St.
F.O. - 222029 - Rose Ave., both sides from Marion St. to Woodbridge St.
F.O. - 221617 - Geranium Avenue, north side from Marion St. east approximately 125 feet
and on the east side of Marion Street from Geranium Ave. north approximately(
80'feet abutting 1152 Marion Street.
F.O. - 222122 - Rose Avenue, north side.from Abell St. to Sylvan Street and on the west
side of Abell Street from Rose Avenue north . a -pproximately -128 -feet 3
'F�:'0 r7 ;4, 226- 89->-f- Jessamine�Avenue;';bo "th ~si'des `f om'Marion�:St. -to Galtier' St.
F.O. - 2226921- Albemarle Street both sides from Rose Ave. to' Orange Ave
'NON.= ASSE'SSAEI:E: =i����, ���_�.�������:_.�:���.�� u,s+c��►�_���;��_.r, �. �. �� ^a <fi.�.�e���,�.+ra��- r���.��+. �
F.O. - 221909 - Rose Avenue, north side from Abell St. to Jackson St.
FY ;O..hc- €221524j- jrIvi'iAvenuet;
116ih sides from Woodbridge St. to Marion St.
F.O. - 222029 - Rose Ave., both sides from Marion St to Woodbridge. .St,:, �,
"Geranium"Avenue;e north rside �from�'�Merjon` St. east approxi atelq 125e . r
r 53 ,;r_ •fi "- ,-�. t. "wn ro fi ! ti i iTlattLLR "iY� IMP vly ,
'' t
penditurc:� nece.�rancLtonr he east. =side =of- Marioii� Street- from Geranium Ave. north approximately
80 feet abutting 1152 Marion Street.
F.O. - 222689 - Jessamine Avenue, bothhsidee from Marion St. to Galtier.St.
F.O. - 222023,,cAlbemaiile (Street, • both sides, from •Rose` Ave. " to Orange Ave "
Inspection ... , r....) ............... ............
--- : ebsrs ................. .. .� — ---r- f
u lca ions . $_ _U
Collection costs ... ............................... $ 243 00
Court costs for confirmation ...................... $ 12 15
TOTAL EXPENDITURES .........................
Charge to ............... 0920 -7Q1.. ..........
........................ NOWT - ASSESSABLE .........
Net Assessment ... ...............................
Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer-
tained, to -wit: the sum of $ 10.913.58 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed
benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with
the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,
identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as
completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Cpug�cil for such actii`n thereon as may be
considered proper. -
Dated November 1.'1966
Form R-2 2M 10.68 8