2270974 ORYGINAL TO CITY CLERK / / � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO FdINti / �J /Ut,j OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' CIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONERDAB I BE IT RES L D, T at fin/ accordance with Ordinance No. 12387, Council File No. 210629, approved u 18, 1963, the annual sewer maintenance charges to be made in 1965 against the following commercial, industrial, and residential properties other than single and two - family dwellings, which are located in the City of White Bear Lake and which axeP; connected to the Saint Paul Sewer System, be and hereby are determined 'to lie �Y the amounts set opposite the location.of the connections as follows: ADDRESS USE AMOUNT i 810 -14 First St. Multiple dwelling $ 8.0o 909 First St. Shop & duplex 8.00 -I 615 Second St. - Office & residence 8.00 i 701 Second St. Theatre 13.52 } 8o8,Second St. Mortuary 8.00 i 2211-25 Cook & 502 Third St. Multiple dwelling 8.00 513, Third St. Beauty Shop & apartments 9.28 518jThird St- Club 9.28 521;Third St. 522�Third St. & 212 -14 Banning Ave. 602 'Third St. 607 Third St. 609 -i Third St. 614 Third St. I COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson IRosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ions 6.62 L Office 12.64 Office, store & apartments 13.40 'Garage 23.12 Store & apartments 16.80 Store & *ffices 18::08 Store 63.20 Tn Favor Against Adopted by the Council 19_ Approved 19— Mayor i ORIbINAL TO CITY CLERK 227097 � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONEQ DATE Page 2. ADDRESS USE AMOUNT 618 Third St. Store $ 8.00 620 Third St. Store & apartment 12.24 4�1 62 & 626 Third St. Store & apartment 11.01} 698 -702 Third St. Stores & offices 13.68 70k Third St. Tavern & apartment 8.00 708=20 Third St. Store & offices 37.68 ]107 Third St. "Mortuary 25.60 1222 Third St. C Apartment 10.36 ' 412;FOurth St. Shop & residence 8.00 501E -o8 Fourth St. '505!Fourth St. 512 41 Fourth St. 520 -24 Fourth St. 601 -I5 Fourth St. 602 Fourth St. 607 Fourth St. 611 Fourth St. 612 (Fourth St. I 614 Fourth St. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M efts i Locker Plant & stores 31.92 Store 79.92 Shop 11.92 Stores 19.44 Store, office & apartments 20.00 Store & apartments 8.00 Store 8.00 Store 9.20 Store & apartments ]1.60 Medical Clinic 13.92 Tn Favor Against Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19— Mayor l ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 1 . 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM COUNCIL 227097 FILE NO PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONED DATE Page 3. ADDRESS USE AMOUNT 615 Fourth St. Store & office $26.34 616 -20 Fourth St. Store & office 25.28 617 I -21 Fourth St. Store, Theater & tavern 34.56 623 Fourth St. Service Station 28.00 8011 Fourth St. & 401'03 Division St. Tavern, apartments & beauty shop 11.20 803iFourth St. Restaurant 8.00 8061Fourth St. Store 8.00 810lourth St. I 1016 Fourth St. I J-109 Fourth St. Store ° 1907-Fourth St. Studio & residence I 19571 Fourth St. 1968 Fourth St. 1974 Fourth St. I 2000IFourth St. 10291Fifth St. Store & residence Office 513 Sixth St. 702 Sixth St. 515 Seven CILME MEN Yeas I Nays Dalglish Holland I Loss ' Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. Pre Isident, Vavoulis ions e-es 1 Office & residence Apartments Apartments Apartments Garage 8.00 78.32 12.00 10.80 14.08 61.36 59.58 59.58 8.00 Multiple dwelling 8.00 Garage & Service Station 25.44 Shop & residerpopted by the Council 8.00 19— a Tn Favor Against Approved 19— Mayor 11 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 227097 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONED DATA Page 4. ADDRESS USE AMOUNT i 615 Eighth St. Stores $21_.88 1699 Ninth St. Office & factory 567.20 17`8 Ninth St. Office & Residence 8.00 2 1 Tenth St. Shop & duplex 8.00 48 Bald Eagle Ave. I Service Station 8.00 111 Bald Eagle Ave. Store 13.60 • i 322 Bald Eagle Ave. Garage & store 15.04 401iBald Eagle Ave. 215 Banning Ave. 312 1 Big Ave. 503- IBanning Ave. I 3667 Bellaire I 1330 Birch bake Ave. 1 405 -09 Bloom Ave. 1805; Cedar 1813' Cedar 1821ICedar 200 -220 Clark Ave. 211 Clark Ave. COUNCILMEN Yeas I Nays Dalglish Holland Loss I Meredith Peterson Rosen I Mr. President, Vavoulis IOM 6.64 Office & Service Station 13.84 Store & garage 14.76 Store & apartment 8.00 Beauty Shop & residence 0 ` Office 11.84 Shop & residence 8.00 Offices & shop 20.00 Apartments 74.08 Apartments 74.08 Apartments 74.08 Bank 110.40 Stores 47.92 Tn Favor Against Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19— Mayor 1 ORI 2 1/V 7o97 GINAL TO CITY CLERK , / • � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO !/ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE i Page 5. ADDRESS USE AMOUNT 223 Clark Ave. 1976 E. County Road E c 2000 -08 E. County Road E & 3575 -79 White Bear Ave. 1 2010 County Rd. E 20017 E. County Road. E & 3615 White Bear Ave. 2023 -2047 E. County Rd. E 2055 E. County Road E & 3615 Van Dyke 207 U E. County Road E 2086 E. County Road E --2240-E. County Rd.- E 248&E. County Road E i 2555, County Rd. E 18011,E. County Rd. F 19o41IIE. County Rd. F 2024,E. County Road F i 20481E. County Rd. F 2050 County Road F 2226! County Road F COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis IoM 042 G l Service Station $26.80 Office & residence 10.80 Stores 142.64 Service Station 15.92 Stores 50.24 Stores - 120.64 Service Station & Office 21.28 Drive -In 23.20 Office & residence 12.36 Boarding home - 8.00 Drive -In 8.00 Medical Clinic 55.04 Garage 105.60 Shop & Residence 8.00 Apartments 36.96 Apartments 61.92 Apartments 37.92 Office & resle$cp ed by the Council 10.80 19— Tn Favor Against Approved 19— Mayor ORIGINAL T TO CITY CLERK 2 227097 372liHighland Ave. Apartments 63.20 3725 -�High and Ave. _ Apartments 63.20 3731 1 Highland Ave. Apartments 63.20 3735 i -mod Ave. Apartments 63.20 Hwy. 161 & Cedar Ave. Restaurant & Bowling Alley u4.08 Hwy. 61 & 100 Motel 66.64 3959 Highway 61 401+1 Highway 61 { 3900-3920 Hoffman Rd. 705 Johnson Ave. I COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson f Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M "2 Store 22.00 Factory 40.24 Apartments 396.96 Multiple dwelling 9.68 Tn Favor Against Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19— Mayor ORWINAL TO CITY CLERK 22 ■ o97 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO U����fJ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DAB Page 7. ADDRESS USE AMOUNT I5 Lake Ave. Service Station $32.00 Lake Ave., S. Office 8.00 1981-210 Lake Ave., S. Apartments 15.28 300 S. Lake Ave. Club 12.00 301 Lake Ave.,S. Service Station 8.00 323 Lake Ave. S. Boat Works 26.76 i 501161 Lake Ave.,S. Shopping Center 379.20 719 Lake Ave.,S. & 1081 Eighth St. Shop & Residence 8.20 103 Lincoln Ave. Service Station 12.56 115 Lincoln Ave. _ Shop & residence 8.00. = 1-Lincoln-Ave. Mortuary & residence 8.00 i 409 Lincoln Ave. Apartments 8.00 Linden & E. County Rd. F Service Station 18.96 3990 I A Linden St. Apartments 54.16 39001B Linden St. Apartments 59.60 3900,C Linden St. Apartments 51.4+ 39001D Linden St. , Apartments 51.12 718 II Morehe a.d 48 Shady Lane COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis font "2 Apartments 22.16 Service Station 17.12 Adopted by the Council 19— Tn Favor -- against Approved 19— Mayor i 227097 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Page 8. ADDRESS USE AMOUNT 4&66 Sharon Lane Office & residence $10.88 1 514 Sharon Lane Office & residence 9.84 710 Stewart Ave. I 815 Stewart Ave. I 1102 Stewart Ave. 1209 Stewart Ave. 130 Stickley Blvd. - 1 206 -10 Stickley Blvd. 215 Stickley Blvd. 1 414 Stickley Blvd. 801+ Stickley Blvd. 90Q Stickley Blvd. 302 Washington Ave. 308 -10 Washington Ave. I 312111+ Washington Ave. 316�Washington Ave. 318 -,20 Washington Ave. I 322 1 Washington Ave. 324 Washington Ave. I COUNCILMEN Yeas I Nays Dalglish Holland Loss I Meredith Peterson Rosen I Mr. President, . avoulis i inns 642 I Apartments 32.56 Hall 24. i,2 Shop & residence 8.00 Store & garage 15.76 Service Station 10.80 Cafe & Service Station 23.20 Store 8.00 Service Station & Apartments 12.1+0 Store & apartment 8.00 Motel & Restaurant 109.1+1+ Service Station 10.72 Offices 8.32 Stores & apartments 10.08 Offices 13.76 Store & Offices 9.52 Store & apartment 8.00 Stores 8.48 Tn Favor Against Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19— Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 22709' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM /RESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Page 9. ADDRESS USE AMOUNT I 326 Washington Ave. Store $14.64 328 Washington Ave. i Store 8.00 330-32 Washington & 624 -30 Fourth St. Stores & offices 36.32 412 Washington Ave. Office 8.00 414 Washington Ave. Cafe, Bowling Alley & Tavern 30.88 418 Washington Ave. Lumber Yard 63.12 1300 Webber Shop & residence 8.00 i 1510 Webber I Nursing Home 114.96 3607 White Bear Ave. Stores 21.52 3629 White Bear Ave. Office 9.60 3904 White Bear Ave. Office & Residence 11.88 4042White Bear Ave. Shop & Residence 10.40 4070'74 White Bear Ave. i Stores & apartment 59.20 4120 White Bear Ave. Office & Residence 12.20 I • 4175 I White Bear Ave. Nursery & Residence 17.04 4235IWhite Bear Ave. Shop & Residence 8.48 1820 ',White Bear Court Office 12.08 �, F E13 1 1966 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ® 11969 Dalglish Holland prov 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredith 1\\ Mayor Peterson V - Rosea- Against I Mr. Pre I sident, Vavoulis FEB 5 1 100 64s i i I