227090ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM 227090 RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Raul hereby concurs in the action of the Board of County Commissioners of Ramsey County, taken at their meeting on January 24, 1966, providing for cooperation between the City and the County with reference tol - providing a playground facility on 14.32 acres of land adjacent to the Battle Creek Elementary School on the east side of the City, such cooperative effort-to be worked out by. -a committee consisting of Deane Anklan, County Engineer, John Friedmann, County Recreation Director,1 William Lambert, Acting °Superintendent of Recreation Activities for the City of Saint Paul, and Bernard L. Edmonds of the City ArchitectTs office, together with the personnel in the City and.County Attorneys' offices, such joint participation to be set up under an agreement so as to qualify for a joint City - County application for Federal aids. wit • ■ ■ ■ , / // .• -Al COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland / Loss D In Favor Meredith Peterson Against Mr. President, Vavoulis ions 6-62 Y. FEB 11966 Adopted by the Council 19— FEB 11966 Mayor PUBLISHED FEB 5 1566 K Robert B. Gerber. Jr. Gitg Clerk and Commissioner of Registration OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS 886 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 5510$ Jan. 26, 1966. Mr. Stephen L. Maxwell, Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: The Council requests that you prepare a resolution concurring in the action of the County Board in referring the matter of a playground facility on land adjacent to Battle Creek Elementary School to a committee for investigation and report, this information more fully set out in the attached letter of Eugene Monick, County Auditor. - r Albert B. Olson Council Recorder 090 Ve t your L City Clerk AO/hp k, i� RN �61��oN to� 22 ' .. Jan. g6, x.966. • -• I�r. Stephen L: �utne].1, _ - - ' _ . - - � - _ '- • . . Corporation Counsel. = _ Dear Sir•t `- The Council regussts you pr e a resolution- cdneurring in the- Adtiou of the Conn referring -the natter of a: plVground facility on land $,d jac the Creek EleMntary ' Schbbl to a committee -or in tg idzi report, ihio inforsiation zore fully g6t oAt in the'AM a ter ene Monici., County Auditor. , r 7 • V#* tru],Y youre p+_ x - _ City' Plerk _ - AO/hp 4. { ,BOARD OF RAMSEY i COUNTY OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY I EUGENE A. MONICK COMMISSIONERS St. Paul City Council Court House and City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY AUDITOR RAMSEY COUNTY COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 55102 January 24, 1966 The Board of Ramsey County Commissioners, in session on January 24, 1966, concurring with a recommendation of the County Board Recreation Committee in joint meeting With Commissioner Frank L. Loss of the St. Paul Department of Pakks, Recreation and Public Buildings, took action whereby the County of Ramsey and the City of St. Paul will cooperate in providing a playground facility on 14.32 acres of land adjacent to the Battle Creek Elementary School on the east; this joint operation to be set up with an agreement which will qualify for a joint application for federal aids. The Board of County Commissioners referred the matter to Deane Ank].an, County Engineer, John Friedmann, County Recreation Director, Mr. William Lambert, Acting Superintendent of Recreation Activities for the City of St. Paul, and Bernard L. Edmonds of the City Architect's office, for investigation and report; it being understood that this technical committee will consult with the corporation counsel and the county attorney as necessary. A concurring action by the Council for the City of St. Paul will be greatly appreciated. Yours very truly, COMMISSIONERS GEORGE J. VAVOULIS CHAIRMAN JOHN E. DAUBNEY ARTHUR T. GIBBONS HAROLD F. GOODRICH ROY P. NADEAU ED SALVERDA DONALD F. WIEGAND EUGENE A. MONICK, County Auditor By ctJ JDS:is /J/ D. w , Executive Secretary 1� 3 V cf v � V -OMW22 Q�l SVY�yrJ4 6OARD OF RAMSEY JCOUNTY OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY EUGENE A. MONICK COMMISSIONERS St. Paul City Council Court House and City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY AUDITOR RAMSEY COUNTY COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 55102 January 24, 1966 The Board of Ramsey County Comdssioners, in session on January 24, 1966, concurring with a recommendation of the County Board Recreation Committee in joint meeting with Commissioner Frank L. Loss of the St. Paul Department of Parks, Recreation and Public Buildings, took action whereby the County of Ramsey and the City of St. Paul will cooperate in providing a playground facility on 1+.32 acres of land adjacent to the Battle Creek Elementary School on the east; this joint operation to be set up with an agreement which will qualify for a joint application for federal aids. The Board of County Commissioners referred the matter to Deane Anklan, County Engineer, John Friedmann, County Recreation Director, Mr. William Lambert, Acting Superintendent of Recreation Activities for the City of St. Paul, and Bernard L. Edmonds of the City Architect's office, for investigation and report; it being understood that this technical committee will consult with the corporation counsel and the county attorney as necessary. A concurring action by the "Council for the City of St. Paul will be greatly appreciated. Yours very truly, COMMISSIONERS GEORGE J. VAVOULIS CHAIRMAN JOHN E. DAUBNEY ARTHUR T. GIBBONS HAROLD F. GOODRICH ROY P. NADEAU EDSALVERDA DONALD F. WIEGAND EUGENE A. MONICK, County Auditor BY c JDB :is J D. Flan, Executive Secretary Y