227084s ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO FILE n 4 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCILESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY .. /,;, A 6/$_ WHEREAS, Under Project No. 64 -S -474, Comptroller's Contract L -6634, for the construc- tion of the KITTSONDALE SUBDISTRICT-NO. 5, Western Branch Storm Sewer, Contract "A", Peter Lametti Construction Company, contractor, the completion date-set forth in said contract is October 1, 1964, and WHEREAS, The actual date of completion of said contract was in fact November 18, 1965, and WHEREAS, There is no showing of sufficient extenuating circumstances beyond a reason- able delay, causing a failure to complete said contract by the completion date set forth therein, and WHEREAS, Pursuant to said contract, the City of Saint Paul may proceed against said contractor for liquidated damages in the amount of $10.00 per day for each day following the contracted -for date of completion and payment of costs for inspection incurred during the overtime period, and WHEREAS, It is the recommendation of the Department of Public Works, by and through its construction engineer, that the City waive said liquidated damages of $10.00 per day upon payment by said contractor of the sum of $551.27, the same being the reason- able inspection costs based on time sheets which are a part of the permanent records of the Department of Public Works; therefore be it RESOLVED, That the completion date of said contract may be and hereby is extended from October 1, 1964 to November 18, 1965, and that said City does hereby waive its liquidated damages in the amount of $10.00 per day contingent upon payment by said Peter Lametti Construction Company, the aforesaid contractor, of the amount of $551.27, the same representing reasonable inspection costs incurred by vi�.tiie of the failure to complete said project beyond a reasonable delay following the con- tracted completion date, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That appropriate City Officers are directed to prepare the necessary documents and forms to effectuate the conditions of this resolution and that said officers are directed to accept said sum and make such disbursements as shall be contingent with and authorized by this resolution and the purposes thereof. COUNCILMEN Yeas_ Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson - Rosels Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M &5z 6 Tn Favor A gainst FEB 11$ Adopted by the Council 19— ppro ed 19— Mayor 11 pususHED FEB 5 1966 EI VIED ion Ciiunie DUPLICkTE TO MINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO FILIi OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Milton Rosen COMMISSIONED DATE WiMRLAE, Under Project go. 64-8 -4749 Comptroller's Contract L -6684, for the construe.* tion of the KITTSONDAL11 SUBDISTRICT ND. 56 Western Branch Storm Serer, Contract "A ", Peter Iametti Construction Company, contractor, the completion date set forth in said contract is October 1, 1964, and WCERZAS, The actual date of completion of said contract was in fact November 18, 1965, and DREAM, Them is no showing of sufficient extenuating circumstances beyond A reason- able delay; causing a failure to ,complete said contract by the completion date set forth thatein, end WKLV AS, Pursuant to said contract, the City of Saint Peul way proceed against said contractor for liquidated damages in the amount of $16.00 per day for each day following the contracted -for date of completion and payment of costs for inspection incurred during the overtim*, period, and WRMIAS, It is the recommendation of the,Department of Public Works, by and through its construction engineer that the,City waive said liquidated damages of $10.00 per day upon payment by said contractor of the sum of $551.27, the same being the reason- able inspection costs based on time sheets which are a part of the permanent records of the Department of Public Works; therefore be it RZSOLVSD, That the completion date of said contract may be and hereby is extended from October 1, 1964 to November 18, 1965, and that said City does hereby waive its liquidated damages in the amount of $10.00 per day contingent upon payment by said Peter Lametti Construction Company, the aforesaid contractor, of the amount of $551.279 the same representing reasonable inspection costs incurred by vlttu.e of the failure to complete said project beyond a reasonable delay following the con- tracted completion date, and be it FURTHKR RMLVZDO, That appropriate,City Officers are directed to prepare the necessary documents and forms to effectuate the conditions of this resolution and that said officers are directed to accept said sums and make such disbursements as shall be contingent with and authorised by this resolution and the purposes thereof. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson 'So"Q__ Mr. President, Vavoulis IOU aI-02 FEB 1196E Adopted by the Council 19— Approves 19— In Favor Mayor Against