227080ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NOS: '��� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE COMMITTEE COUNCIL RESOLD ION -- GENERAL FORM BY COMM SSDIO , 1966 DATE RESOLVED= That licenses for permit to wnduct Bingo Games applied for by the following organizations, at the addresses stated, for the days, dates, and hours indic4ted on each application, be and the same are hereby granted. Catholic Athletic Assn. •156 W. 9th St. 12 Pds. App 5799 Renewal Memorial Post No, 533, A. L. 3452 University Ave. i 32 6752 It Each Appn. j Informally approved by Council As dated on appn. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 1 Dalglish i Holland i Loss Meredith Peterson R P Mr. President, Vavoulis coat 15,5s Tn Favor Against f EB 11966 Adopted by the Council 19— PUBLISHED FEB 5 1966