05-84Council File # DS g y Green Sheet # �-�� o �� RESOLUTION CITY OF Presented 9 10 11 12 13 PAUL, MINNESOTA �� WI�REAS, the Board of Water Commissioners and the City of Saint Paul have agreed to the terms and condirions of an agreement covering direct and indirect central services to be performed by the City for Saint Paui Regionai Water Services; and WHEREAS, the Board of Water Commissioners has authorized this agreement by approval of Resoludon No. 4993; and WI3EREAS, the Board agrees to reimburse the City $697,Q58 in 2005 for these services; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper City officaals are hereby authorized and directed to execute an agreement with the Board of Water Commiss3oners to provide central services, a copy of the agreement will be kept on file in the Office of Financial Services. Yeas Nays Absent Benanav Y - Bostrom �. Harris v Helgen �/ Lanhy ,i Montgomezy � Thune �/ Ado� Adoj By: App� By: Requested by Depazanent of: Saint Paul ReQional Water Services By: t�lR�.1.d� /�. General Manager Form Approved by City Attomey os S� "` � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � �,.�.. WA - warer utitity , , Contact Person & Phone: Schneider - 66274 i Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): � �a��-05� i Green Sheet NC3: 3024863 � Assign Number For Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages .5 (Cfip All Locations for Signature) Approve council tesolution and agreement between the Boazd of Water Commissioners and the City of Saint Paul for central services to be provided by the City to the Boazd in 2005. Kecommenaanons: Hpprove lH) or tce�ect �n�: Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission rersona� service concraccs must wnswer tne rouowmg auesno�: t. Has this person/firm ever worked under a conGact for this depaftment? Yes No 2. Has this person�rm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Ooes this Aersonlfirm possess a skill not nom�ally possessed by any Cutrent CItY efilpl0y80? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The attached agreement between the Board and the City establishes wttat services are to be performed, how the fee is determined, and the cost per service. The total charge for 2005 cerrtral services is $697,057.65. The Boazd of Water CommissSoners authorized this agreement by approval of Resolution No. 4993. AdvantaAes If Approved: City w111 be compensated for services provided to the Board. DisadvanWpes If Approved: none. ��� 1 � 2��� � Disadvantages If Not Approved: Total AmauM of 697058 Transaction: Fundina Source: $50 � Financial information: � (Explaln) ueuatanenc �enc �a re�son 0 hVater UtiliN ( 1 itv Attarnev 1 2 a or'sO�ce � i 3 �Couocil � CostlRevenue Butlgeted: Y ActivfN Number. Zg181-0290 R��e�rch Gatster � �{ oS- S� BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIOt�ERS RE50LUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Zanmiller COMMISSIONE� - p 4993 November 9. 20�4 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul and the Board of Water Commissioners have agreed to terms, condirions and fees concerning direct and shared central services to be performed by the City for the Board during 2005 ("Central Services"); and WHEREAS, staff has prepared an Agreement for 2005 Central Services, which sets forth said terms, conditions and fees, and does recommend approval of said Agreement; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Agreement between the Boazd of Water Commissioners and the City of Saint Paul to provide 2005 Central Services for fees totaling $697,057.65 is hereby approved, and that the proper o�cers are hereby authorized to execute said Agreement on behalf of the Board. Water Commissioners Yeas Vice President Anfang Naps Cardinal Kleindl MonYgomery Zanmiller President Harris In favor 6 ppp 0 Adopted bp the Board of Water Commissioners November 9. Zp04 C.��� �' ...� secv. �� �� AGREEMENT between THE BOARD OF WATER CONIlVIISSIONERS and THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA for 2065 CENTRAI. SERViCES This agreement ("agreement"), made and entered into this 9`� day of November, 2004, by and between the BOARD OF WATER COMI��SSIONERS OF THE CITI' OF SA.INT PAUL, a Municipal Corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota (`Board"), and the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA, a home rule charter city under the laws of the State of Minnesota ("CSty"). WFIEREAS, the City currently establishes and charges an annual fee to city departments and the Board, lrnown as a fee for central service costs ("Central Service Charge"), which fee rennburses the City for the costs of benefits, services and other transactions that the Board receives from the City and its various departments; and WHEREAS, the Board desires to control its expenses, manage its use of the City's central services, and more effectively budget for the annual Centrai Service Charge expense; and WHEREAS, the Boazd believes that it can achieve these goals by entering into an agreement with the City for the provision of central services which establishes the annual amount of the Central Service Charge; and WL�+REAS, the Boazd and the City entered into an agreement dated April 13, 1999, and an Amendment No. i to that agreement dated December 14, 1944, which together discounted by approximately sixty-seven percent (67%) the charges for services provided by the Office of the Mayor, the Office of fhe City Clerk and City Council Administration fox the years 1999, 2000 and 2001; and V:�ENGINEERING\CLERICAUBOARD�AGREEMENTSU4IISC4S7' PAUUCENTRAI.SERVICES 2005 11-04-04.DOC OS-'8�f WHEREAS, the Boazd and the Ciry desire to enter into an agreement for the provision of central services to the Soard for the yeu 2005, with the intent that said agreement be amended each year as part of the foliowing year's budget process. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration o£ the terms, covenants, warranties and conditions hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto, intending to be legaliy bound hereby, mutually agree as follows: Section 1. Central Services. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Ciry sha11 sell, transfer, assign, provide or supply the Board those Central Service benefits, supplies, equigment, services, and operations that are suimnarized and described in E�ibit A, which is attached hereto. Section 2. Term. The term of this Agreement shall commence on January 1, 2005 and shall expire on December 31, 2005. Section 3. Payment. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and in consideration of City's aD eement to seli, transfer, assign, provide or supply the Board with the Central Services as summarized and described in Exhibit A, Boazd agrees to pay to City the sum of Six Hundred Ninety Seven Thousand Fifty Seven Dollars and Sixty Five cents ($697,057.65) in yeaz 2005. The Boazd shall make this payment to the Ciiy by means of twelve (12) monthly installments in the amount of $58,088.14 each, beginning January 1, 2005 ar within thirty (30) days of final execution of this Agreement, whichever is later. On ar before May 15, 2005 and as a part of the 2006 budget determination process, the City and the Board shall review and may adjust the fee in a manner that is mutually acceptable to both parties. The adjustment will be based on the central service rate changes, the local CPI, or some other mutually agreed upon factor. The dollar amount agreed upon will become the Central Service Chazge for 2006. Section 4. Termination. This agreement may be terminated in whole or in part in writing by either party in the event of substantial failure by the other party to fulfill its obligations under V��ENGINEERIlVG\CLERICAUBOARD�AGREEMENTSlMISC1ST PAUL\CENTRAL SERVICES 2�05 I1-�9-04 DOC d5-�3 �1 this agreement through no fault of the terminating party, provided that no termination may be effected unless the other parry is given not less than sixty (60) calendar days written notice of intent to tertrunate. Section 5. Successors and Assigns. All terms, covenants, and conditions ofthis Agreement shall be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the parties hereto and their respecrive successors, heirs, executors and assigns. This Agreement and the rights and obligafions of any parry hereunder shall not be assignable except with the written consent of the other parties hereto, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Section 6. Notice. Any notice, request, demand, statement or consent required or pernutted to be given hereunder shall be in writing, sha11 be signed by or on behalf of the party giving notice, and shall be personally delivered or sent by express service, telecopier, or certified or registered mai1, return receipt requested, postage prepaid,to the other party to the respective address given herein below: If to Boazd: General Manager, Saint Paul Regionai Water Services McCarrons Center 1900 Rice Street Saint Paui, MN 55113 If to City: Disector, Office of Financial Services 160 City Hall & Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paui, MN 55102 Any such notice given as aforesaid shall be conclusively deemed to have been given and received on the day on which such norice was delivered. Either parry may, from time to time, fiirnish, in writing, to the other party, such notice of a change in the address to which notices are to be given hereunder. Secrion 7. Incorporation by Reference. Er.hibit A attached hereto is hereby incorporated by reference and made a part hereof. V.�ENGINEERING\CLERICAUBOARD�AGREEMENTSNIiSC�ST_PAUL\CENTRAI, SER�'ICES_2005_l 1-09-04 DOC os-By Secrion 8. Waivers and Amendments. This Agreement may be amended, superseded, canceled, renewed or extended, and its terms or covenants hereof may be waived, only by a written insmxment executed by the parties and pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. The failure of any party at any time or times to require perFormance of any provision hereof shall in no manner affect its right at a later time to enforce the same. The parties reserve the right by mutual written consent to amend, modify, supersede and cancel this Agreement, ar waive the terms or conditions. Secrion 9. Entire Agreemen� This Agreement and the Exhibit attached hereto set forth the entire understanding and agreement between the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersede all prior agreements, arrangements and understandings, written or ora1, relating to the subject matter hereof. Section 10. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which may be deemed an original but together shall constitute but one and the same instrument. Section 11. Severability. This Agreement is intended to be performed in accordance with, and only to the extent permitted by, all applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. If any provision of this Agreement, ar the application thereofto any person or circumstance, shall, for any reason and to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of trus Agreement and the application of such provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby but rather shall be enforced to the extent pernutted by law. [The remainder of this page left intentionaily blank.] V1ENGINEERiNG\CLERICAL�BOARD�,SGREEMENTSIMISC\ST_PAUUCEIJTRALSERVICES_2005_11-09-04.DOC 4 o5-�y IN RTITNESS RTAEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in their behalf respectively as of the day and yeaz first above written. I\1�tit1]tI J� By Stephen .Schneider General Manager BOARD OF WATER CODi1VIISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL � ' By � � . Patrick Harris, President Approved as to form: BY D�'I �Sa- d) � U� 1 Assistant City Attorney B �i.� O anet Lindgren, Secr CITY)QF SAIN'I' PAUL, MINNESOTA Kelly, Xvi�yor, City of Saint Approved as to form: By W'1/cS�2 �. Assistant City Attorney � B ���� ' i/�� Donald 7. Luna, C' Clerk B �t,�����F� Matthew G. Smith, I7irector Office of Financial Services Funding:850-28181-0290 ($697,057.65) V:IENGINEERINGICLERICAUBOARDIAGREEMENTS�NIISCAST PAULVCENfRAL SERVICES 2005 11-09-04 DOC a5 -8'} Exhibit A Budget Year 2005 Central Service Benefits, Supplies, Equipment, Services, and Operafions Per FTE Per FTE Total cost cost (Based on (SPRWS) 248 FTE's) City Attomey-Civil Division provides counsel and advice to the Mayor, $431.9 the City Council, and cit7 departrnents and offices on housing, development, licensing, zoning, labor, and other governmental operations. $431.9 $107,068.01 City Council is the legislative and policy making body of St. Paul, and $689.7 $227.6 $56,422.04 provides policy and financial review to department activities, sets Human Resources goals and policies, adopts the annual budgets, and approves resolutions and budget amendments. Citizen Services Office-City Clerk manages the administrative and $111.9 $36.9 $9,147.51 record keeping functions for all City Council actions, accepts claims, suuimons and complaints and other legal documents on the city's behalf, ensures publication of ordinances and public notices, and processes vacation of pablic right of ways. Citizen Services Office-Information and Complaint serves as an $60.6 $20.0 $4,958.00 advocate for residential and corporate citizens in responding to requests and complaints about ciry services, works closely with city departments to improve response times to requests for services, and provides public information regarding city services and events. Financial Services establishes and implements accounting policies and procedures to safeguard city assets, xecords all financial transactions, creates and maintains payroll records, ensures compliance with state and federal laws, works with the Mayor's Office, City Council, and departments to establish and implement annual city operating and capital budgets, and reports on the city's fmancial condition in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. General Government Accounts-Financial Forms is the printing expense of the city's annual budgets, financial report, payroll and vendor checks, electronic funds transfer forms, and other miscellaneous fmancial forms. $505.5 $404.4 $100,250.76 $21.? $21.7 $5,379.43 V:�ENGINEEAING\CLERICAL�BOARD�.SGREEMENTS�IvIISCVST_PAUL\CENTRAI.SERVICES_2005_11-09-04.DOC 6 OS-8y E%hibit A Bndget Year 2005 Central Service Benefits, 5upplies, Equipment, Services, and Operafions General Government Accounts-Municipal Memberships are the costs of the city's participation and representation in various municipal organizations, such as the Minnesota League of Cities, U. S. Conference of Mayors, and Ramsey County League af Local Governments. General Government Accounts-Surety Bunds are the costs to obtain faithful performance bonds for a11 employees and officials as securiry far the faithful performance of their duties. Office of Financial Services upgraded the soflware and hazdware platform operating the City's Financial Management System. Hnman Resources provides affirmative action functions, recruitment, testing, collective bargaining, training and emplayee development services, workforce plamvng, and consulting services. Human Resources-Risk Management administers employee and reriree health care benefit plans and workers' compensation and other benefit plans, negotiates with managed care carriers, coordinates citywide American with Disabilities Act compliance and safety programs, manages tort claims, and works with departments to reduce the number and cost of claims. Human Rights-Contract Compliance reviews city contracts to ensure compliance with city ordinances on affirmafive action plans for contractors, and monitors urilization goals of women and people of color on city assisted conshuction projects. Mayor's Of�ce leads and directs the delivery of city services, sets priorities far city operations, represent the city's interests at the local, state and national levels, and serves as ombudsperson between citizens and neighborhood organizations and city departments. Per FT'E Per FTE cost cost (SPRWS) $32.1 $32.1 $3.2 $3.2 $31.2 $31.2 $772.1 $?72.1 $2795 $279.5 $87.9 $87.9 $393.1 $129.7 Total (Based on 248 FT`E's) $7,957.59 $793.28 $7,734.48 $191,403.59 $69,288.05 $21,790.41 $32,152.63 V:�ENGINEERIlVG\CLERICAL\BOARD�AGREEMENTS\A9SC\ST PAUUCENTRAI,SERVICES 2005 11-09A4.DpC a5 -�y Exhibit A Budget Year 20Q5 Central Service Benefits, Supplies, Equipment, Services, and Operafions Subtotal Office of Technology Direct Payment. SPRWS provides most technical service using its own staff, but relies on TMS to provide citywide services like emaii and the network backbone. Totalfrom 850-28181-0290 Estimated transacrion chazges paid from 850-28181-0299 upon receipt of invoices: Contract and Analysis Services $ 90,000.00 Treasury $ 60,000.00 $150,000.00 Per FTE Per FTE Total eost cost (Based on (Ciry) (SPRWS) 248 FTE's) $b14,345.78 $82,711.87 $697,057.65 V:�ENGINEERIlVG\CLERICAL�BOARD�.AGREEMENTS�MISCIST PAUL\CENTRALSERVICES 2005 11-09-04.DOC o5-gy BOARD OF WATER COMMiSStONERS RESQLUTlON — GENERAL FORM No 4993 PRESENTED BY Zanmiller November 9, 2004 COMMISStONER DAT� WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul and the Boazd of Water Commissioners have agreed to terms, condifions and fees conceming direct and shared central services to be performed by the City for the Boazd during 2005 ("Central Services"); and WITEREAS, staff has prepared an Ageement for 2005 Central Services, which sets forth said terms, conditions and fees, and does recommend approval of said Agreement; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Agreement between the Board of Water Commissioners and the City of Saint Paul to provide 2005 Central Services for fees totaling $697,057.65 is hereby approved, and that the proper officers aze hereby authorized to execute said Agreement on behalf of the Boazd. Water Commissioners yp,�, Anfang Nays Cardinal Kleindl Montgomery Vice President Zanmiller President Harris Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners November 9. ZQ04 In favor 6 OpposetL � ^� SECY. 05 8Y AGREEMENT between THE BOARD OF WAT`ER COMMISSIONERS and THE CIT'Y OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA for 2005 CENTRAL SERVICES This agreement ("agreement"), made and entered into this 9 day of November, 2004, by and between the BOARD OF WATER COMNII3SIONERS OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a Municipal Corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota (`Board"), and the CITY OF 5AINT PATI., NIINNESOTA, a home rule charter city under the laws of the 5tate of Minnesota ("City"). WHEREAS, the City currently estabiishes and chazges an annual fee to city departments and the Board, known as a fee for central service wsts ("Central Service Charge"), which fee reimburses the City far the costs of benefits, services and other transactions that the Board receives from the City and its various departments; and WI3EREA5, the Board desires to control its expenses, manage its use of the City's centrai services, and more effectively budget for the annual Central Service Charge expense; and WHEREAS, the Boazd believes that it can achieve these goals by entering into an agreement with the City for ihe provision of central services which establishes the annual amount of the Central Service Charge; and WHEREAS, the Board and the City entered into an agreement dated April 13, 1999, and an Amendment No. 1 to that agreement dated December 14, 1999, which together discounted by approximately saxty-seven percent (67%) the charges for services provided by the Office of the Mayor, the Office of the City Clerk and City Council Administrarion for the years 1999, 2000 and 2001; and V:�ENGINSERING\CLERiCAUBOP.RDIAGREEMENTSVYIISC\ST PAUL\CENTRAL SERVICES 2005 11-09-04.DOC • .. WHEREAS, the Board and the City desire to enter into an agreement for the provision of central services to the Boazd for the yeaz 2005, with the intent that said agreement be amended each year as part of the following yeaz's budget process. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms, covenanTS, warranties and conditions hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto, intending to be legally bound hereby, mutually agree as follows: Section i. Central Services. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, City sha11 sell, transfer, assign, provide or supply the Board those Central Service benefits, suppfies, equipment, services, and operations that are suuimarized and described in E�ibit A, which is attached hereto. Section 2. Term. The term of this Agreement shall commence on January 1, 2005 and shall expire on December 31, 2005. Secrion 3. Payment. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and in consideration of City's agreement to sell, transfer, assign, provide or supply the Board with the Central Services as siimmarized and described in E�ibit A, Board agrees to pay to City the sum of Six Hundred Ninety Seven Thousand Fifly Seven Dollars and Sixty Five cents ($697,457.65) in year 2005. The Board shall make this payment to the City by means of twelve (12} monthiy installments in the amount of $58,088.14 each, beg3nning January 1, 2005 or within thirty {30) days of final execution of this Agreement, whichever is later. On ar before May 15, 2005 and as a part ofthe 2006 budget determination process, the City and the Board shall review and may adjust the fee in a manner that is mutually acceptable to both parties. The adjustment will be based on the central service rate changes, the local CPI, or some other mutually agreed upon factor. The doilar amount agreed upon will become the Central Service Charge for 2006. Section 4. Terminafion. This agreement may be terminated in whole or in part in writing by either party in the event of substanfial failure by the other pariy to fulfill its obligations under V.�ENGINEERIlVC�CLERICAL�BOARD�.9GREEMENTSIMCSCIST PAUL\CENTRAL SERVICES 2005 11-09-0&.DOC 2 � : this agreement through no fault of the ternunating party, provided that no terniination may be effected uuless the other pariy is given not less than siYry (60) calendar days written notice of intent to ternvnate. Secfion 5. Successors and Assigns. All terms, covenants, and condirions of this Agreement shail be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the parties hereto and their respective successors, heirs, executors and assigns. This Agreement and the rights and obligafions of any party hereunder shall not be assignable except with the written consent of the other parties hereto, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Secfion 6. Notice. Any notice, request, demand, statement or consent required or pernutted to be given hereundex shall be in writing, sha11 be signed by or on behalf of the party giving notice, and sha11 be personally delivered or sent by express service, telecopier, or certified or registered mail, retum receipt requested, postage prepaid, to the other parry to the respective address given herein below: If to Board: General Manager, Saint Paul Regional Water Services McCarrons Center 1900 Rice Street Saint Paul, MN 55113 If to City: Director, Office of Financial Services 160 City Hall & Court House 15 West Keilogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 Any such notice given as aforesaid shall be conclusively deemed to have been given and received on the day on which such notice was delivered. Either party may, from tnne to rime, furnish, in writing, to the other parry, such norice of a change in the address to which notices are to be gjven hereunder. Section 7. Incorporation by Reference. Exhibit A attached hereto is hereby incorporated by reference and made a part hereof. V.�ENGINbER1NG�CLERICAL�BOARD�.9GREEMENTSrNIISC1ST PAULVCENIRAL SERVICES 2005 11-09-04 DOC 05•� Secfion 8. Waivers and Amendments. This Ageement may be amended, superseded, canceled, renewed or extended, and its terms or covenants hereof may be waived, only by a written instnmient executed by the parties and pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. The failure of any party at any time or fimes to require performance of any provision hereof shall in no manner affect its right at a later time to enforce the same. The parties reserve the right by mutual written consent to amend, modify, supersede and cancel this Agreement, or waive the terms or conditions. Secfion 9. Enfire Agreement. This Agreement and the E�ibit attached hereto set forth the entire understanding and agreement between the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersede ali prior agreements, arrangements and understandings, written or oral, relating to the subject maCter hereof. Section 10. Counterparts. This Ageement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which may be deemed an original but together shall constitute but one and the same instrument. Section 11. Severability. This Agreement is intended to be performed in accordance with, and only to the extent pemutted by, all applicabie laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. If any provision of this Agreement, or the appiication thereof to any person or circumstance, shall, for any reason and to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of tlus Agreement and the application of such provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby but rather shall be enforoed to the extent permitted by law. [The remainder of this page 1eft intentionally blank.] V.�ENGIIVEERINGVCLERICAL�BOAR.DIAGREEMENTSUvIISG�ST_PAULVCENTRAL SERVICES 2005_11-09-04.DOC 4 o5-8'Y IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in their behalf respectively as of the day and year first above written. APPROVED: By C Stephen . Schneider Generai Manager BOARD OF WATER COMII�SSIONERS OF THE CTI'X OF SAINT PAUL By � Patrick Harris, resident Approved as to form: BY �/�c� .�:� Assistant City Attorney Approved as to form: BY t�t i:fi.c _ �J 1. ��� � Assistant City Attomey By � z,.a anet Lindgren, Secr •y By Matt ew G. Sm h, Director Office of Financial Services Funding:850-28181-0290 ($697,057.65) VIENGINEERING\GLERICAL160ARDWGREEMENCSN�IISC�.ST PAUL\CENTRALSERV[CES 2005 11-09-04.DOC BY G=.� � � , Donal J. L a, City Clerk o5-8y Ezhibit A Budget Year 2005 Central Service Benefits, Supplies, Equipment, Services, and Operafions City Attorney-Civil Division provides counsel and advice to the Mayor, $431.9 the City Council, and city departments and offices on housing, development, licensing, zoning, labor, and other govemmental operations. Per FTE Per FTE Tota1 cost cost (Based on (SPRWS) 248 FTE's) $431.4 $107,068.01 City Council is the legislafive and policy making body of St. Paul, and $689.7 $227.6 $56,422.04 provides policy and financial review to depariment activifies, sets Human Resources goals and policies, adopts the annual budgets, and approves resolutions and budget amendments. Citizen Services Office-City Clerk manages the administrative and $111.9 xecord keeping functions for all City Council acfions, accepts claims, summons and complaints and other legal documents on the city's behalf, ensures publication of ordinances and public notices, and processes vacation of public right of ways. $36.9 $9,147.51 Citizen Services Office-Information and Complaint serves as an $60.6 $20.0 $4,958.00 advocate for residential and corporate citizens in responding to requests and complaints about city services, works closely with city departments to improve response times to requests for services, and provides pubiic information regarding city services and events. Financial Services establishes and implements accounting policies and procedures to safeguard city assets, records all financial transactions, creates and maintains payroll records, ensures compliance with state and federal laws, works with the Mayor's Office, City Councll, and departments to establish and implement annual city operating and capital budgets, and reports on the city's financial condition in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. General Government Acconnts-Financial Forms is the printing expense of the city's annual budgets, fmancial report, payroll and vendor checks, electronic funds transfer forms, and other miscellaneous financial forms. $505.5 $404.4 $100,250.7b $21.7 $21.7 $5,379.43 V:�ENG7NEERIlVG\CLERICAUBOARD�AGREEMENTSwIISC1ST_PAUUCENTRAL SERVICES_2005_l 1-09-04.DOC 6 OJ�V ! Ezhibit A Budget Year 2005 Cenirai Service Benefits, Snpplies, Equipment, Services, and Operations General Government Accounts-Municipal Memberships are the costs of the c3ty's participation and representation in various municipal organizations, such as the Minnesota League of Cifies, U. S. Conference of Mayors, and Ramsey County League of Local Govemments. General Government Accounts-Surety Bonds aze the costs to obtain faithful perFormance bonds for a11 employees and officials as security for the faithful performance of their duties. Office of Financial Services upgraded the software and hardware platform operating the City's Financial Management Syatem. Human Resources provides affirmative action functions, recruitment, testing, collective bargaining, training and employee development services, workforce planning, and consulting services. Human Resources-Risk Management administers employee and retiree health care benefit plans and workers' compensation and other benefit plans, negotiates with managed care carriers, coordinates citywide American with Disabilities Act compliance and safely programs, manages tort claims, and works with deparnnents to reduce the number and cost of ciaims. Human Rights-Contract Compliance reviews city contracts to ensure compliance with citp ordinances on affirivative action plans for contractors, and monitors utilization goals of women and people of color on city assisted construction projects. Mayor's Office leads and directs the delivery of city services, sets priorities for city operations, represent the city's interests at the local, state and nationallevels, and serves as ombudsperson between citizens and neighborhood organizations and cit7 departments. Per FTE Per FTE cost cost (5PRWS) $32.1 $32.1 $3.2 $3.2 $31.2 $31.2 $772.1 $772.1 $279.5 $279.5 $87.9 $87.9 $393.1 $129.7 Total (Based on 248 FTE's) $7,957.59 $793.28 $7,734.48 $191,403.59 $69,288.05 $21,790.41 $32,7 52.63 V�\ENGDVEERDVG\CLERICAL�BOARD44GREEMENTS�ivIISC\ST PAUL\CENTRAL SERV[CES 2005_I I-09-04 DOC 7 os�� Exhibit A Budget Year 2005 Central Service Benefits, Supplies, Equipment, Services, and Operarions Per F'I'E cost (City) Subtotal O�ce of Technology Direct Payment. SPRWS provides most technical service using its own staff, but xelies on TMS to provide citywide services like email and the network backbone. Totalfrom 850-28181-0290 Estunated transaction charges paid from 850-28181-0299 upon receipt of invoices: Contract and Analysis Services $ 90,000.00 Treasury $ 60,000.00 $150,000.00 Per FTE cost (SPRWS) Total (Based on 248 FTE's) $614,345.78 $82,711.87 $697,057.65 V��ENGINEERIlVG\CLERICAL�BOARD�AGREEMENTS�IvIISC�ST PAULICENTRALSERVICES 2005 11-Q9-04.DQC 1 ; BOARD OF WATER COMMISStONERS RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM No 4993 PRESENTED BY Zanmiller COMMISSIONER DATE Nnvemhar 9, �nnli WI3El2EAS, the City of Saint Paul and the Boazd of Water Commissioners have agreed to terms, conditions and fees concerning direct and shared central services to be performed by the City for the Boazd during 2005 ("Cenual Services"); and WHEREAS, staff has prepared an Agreement for 2005 Centrai Services, which sets forth said terms, conditions and fees, and does recommend approval of said Agreement; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Agreement between the Board of Water Commissioners and the City of Saint Paul to provide 2005 Central Services for fees totaling $697,057.65 is hereby approved, and that the proper officers are hereby authorized to execute said Agreement on behalf of the Boazd. Water Commissioners Yeas Vice President Anfang NayB Cardinal Kleindl Mantgomery Zanmiller Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners November 9, 2004 President Harris In favor_� Oppos� � � F secr. 05 �Y AGREEMENT between T'HE BOARD OF WATER COD'INIISSIONERS and THE CITY OF SAINT PATL, NIII�TNESOTA for 2005 CENTRAL SERVICES This agreement ("agreemenY'), made and entered into this 9 day of November, 2004, by and between the BOARD OF WATER COMIVIISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a Municipal Corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota (`Board"), and the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, a home rule charter cily under the laws of the State of Minnesota ("City"). WEIEREAS, the City currently establishes and charges an annual fee to city deparhnents and the Board, known as a fee for centrai service costs ("Central Service Charge"), which fee reimburses the City for the costs of benefits, services and other transactions that the Boazd receives from the City and its various deparhnents; and WI�REAS, the Board desires to control its expenses, manage its use of the City's central services, and more effectively budget for the annual Central Service Charge expense; and WHEREAS, the Board belleves that it can achieve these goals by entering into an agreement with the City far the provision of central services which establishes the annual amount of the Central Service Charge; and WI3EREAS, the Board and the City entered into an agreement dated April 13, 1999, and an Amendment No. 1 to that agreement dated December 14, 1999, which together discounted by approximately sixty-seven percent (67%) the charges for services provided by the Office of the Mayor, the Offace of the City Clerk and City Council Administration for the yeazs 1999, 2000 and 2001; and V:�ENGINEERING\CLERICAL�BOARD�AGREEMENTS�IISCVST PAUL\CENTRAT. SERVICES 2005 I1-09-04 DOC 05 8y WHEREAS, the Board and the City desire to enter into an agreement for the provision of central services to the Boazd for the year 2005, with the intent that said agreement be amended each year as part of the following year's budget process. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms, covenants, warzanties and conditions hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto, intending to be legally bound hereby, mutually agree as follows: Section 1. Central Services. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, City sYta11 sell, iransfer, assign, provide or supply the Board those Central Service benefits, supplies, equipment, services, and operations that aze sununarized and described in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto. Section 2. Term. The term of this Agreement shall commence on January 1, 2005 and shall expire on December 31, 2005. Section 3. Payment. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and in consideration of City's agreement to se11, transfer, assign, provide or supply the Board with the Central Services as summarized and described in E�ibit A, Boazd agrees to pay to City the sum of Six Hundred Ninety Seven Thousand Fifiy Seven Dollars and Sixty Five cents ($697,�57.65) in year 20�5. The Board shall make this payment to the City by means of twelve (12) monthly installments in the amount of $58,088.14 each, beginning January 1, 2005 or within thiriy (3�) days of final execution of this Agreement, whichever is later. On or before May 15, 2005 and as a part of the 2006 budget determination process, the City and the Board shall review and may adjust the fee in a manner that is mutually acceptable to both parties. The adjusrinent wi11 be based on the central service rate changes, the local CPI, or some other mutually agreed upon factor. The doilaz amount agreed upon will become the Central Service Charge for 2006. Section 4. Termination. This agreement may be terminated in whole or in part in writing by either party in the event of substantial failure by the other party to fulfill its obligations under V1ENGINEERING\CLERIC.4UBOARA�IGREEMENTSVvIISC�ST PAUUCENTRAL.SERVICES 2005 11-09-04.DOC 2 � v � this aa eement through no fauit of the terminating pariy, provided that no termination may be effected unless the other parry is given not less than sixty (60) catendaz days written notice of intent to terminate. Section 5. Successors and Assigns. All tesms, covenants, and conditions of this Agreement shall be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the parties hereto and their respective successors, heirs, executors and assigns. This Agreement and the rights and obligalions of any party hereunder shali not be assignable except with the written consent of the other parties hereto, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Secriun 6. Nofice. Any notice, request, demand, statement or consent required or pernutted to be given hereunder shall be in writing, shall be signed by or on behalf of the pariy gzving notice, and sha11 be personally delivered or sent by express service, telecopier, or certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, to the other party to the respective address given herein below: If to Board: General Manager, Saint Paul Regional Water Services McCanons Center 1900 Rice Street Saint Paul, MN 55113 If to City: Director, Office of Financial Services 160 City Hall & Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 Any such notice given as aforesaid sha11 be conclusively deemed to have been given and received on the day on which such notice was delivered. Either parry may, from fime to time, fiunish, in writing, to the other pariy, such notice of a change in the address to which notices are to be given hereunder. Secfion 7. Incorporation by Reference. Eachibit A attached hereto is hereby incorporated by reference and made a part hereof. V�IENGINEERING\CLERICAL�BOARD�AGREEMENT51MISC1ST PAUL\CENTRALSERVICES 2DOi I1-09-04.DOC OS'8� Secfion 8. Waivers and Amendments. This Agreement may be amended, superseded, canceled, renewed or eatended, and its terms or covenants hereof may be waived, only by a written instnunent executed by the parties and pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. T1ie failure of any party at any tune or tnnes to require performance of any provision hereof shall in no manner affect its right at a later time to enforce the same. The parties reserve the right by mutual written consent to amend, modify, supersede and cancel this Agreement, or waive the terms or conditions. Section 9. Entire Agreement. This Agreement and the Exhibit attached hereto set forth the entire understanding and agreement between the parties hereto wlth respect to the subject matter hereof and supersede all prior agreements, arrangements and understandings, written or ora1, relating to the subject matter hereof. Section 10. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which may be deemed an original but together shall constitute but one and the same mstrument. Section 11. Severability. This Agreement is intended to be performed in accordance with, and only to the extent permitted by, a11 applicable 1aws, ordinances, niles and regulations. If any provision of this Agreement, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall, for any reason and to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement and the application of such provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby but rather sha11 be enforced to the extent pemutted by law. [The remainder of this page left intentionally blank.] V1ENGIlVEFd2INGVCLERICAL�BOARD�AGREEMFNTSIMISG�ST PAUUCENPRALSERVICES_2(105_11-09-�4DOC 4 os-$y IN WIT`NESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in their behalf respectively as of the day and yeaz first above written. APPROVED: � t`� 1 / � ` ----�- � � . - ' - .- General Manager Approved as to form: BY K��Sr:�. �, U.�.C�:y/ Assistant City Attorney � Approved as to form: p+}' �/�SGC- :7I, �-C..C7f7�'1 Assistant City Attorney � BOARD OF WATER COMNIISSIONERS OF'THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL � ` By � Patrick Harris, resident B �-� ` , .� anet Lindgren, S retary C] :, B J '�/( l.IS� ' i / V✓""� Donald J. Luna, Ci�y C1erk By � Matthew G. S 'th, Di •ector Office of Flnancial Services Funding:850-28181-0290 ($697,057.65} V:IENGINEERING\CLERICAL\BOARDIAGR&HMENTS�MISCIST PAUL\CENTRAL SERVICES ?A05 11-09-04DOC 05-�Y Eahibit A Bndget Year 2005 Central Service Benefits, Supplies, Equipment, Services, and Operations Per FTE Per FTE Totai cost cost (Based on (SPRWS) 248 FTE's) City Attomey-Civil Division provldes counsel and advice to the Mayor, $431.9 the City Council, and city departments and offices on housing, development, licensing, zoning, labor, and other govemmental operations. $431.9 $107,068A1 City Council is the legislative and policy making body of St. Paul, and $689.7 $227.6 $56,422.04 provides policy and financial review to department activities, sets Human Resources goals and policies, adopts the annual budgets, and approves resolutions and budget amendments. Citizen Services Office-City Clerk manages the administrative and $111.9 $36.9 $9,147.51 record keeping fixnctions for all City Council actions, accepts claims, suivuions and complaints and other legai documents on the city's behalf, ensures publication of ordinances and public notices, and processes vacation of public right of ways. Citizen Services O�ce-Information and Complaint serves as an $60.6 $20.0 $4,458.00 advocate for residential and corporate citizens in responding to requests and compiaints about city services, warks closely with city departments to improve response times to requests for services, and provides public information regarding city services and events. Financial Services establishes and implements accounting policies and procedures to safeguard city assets, records a11 fmancial transactions, creates and maintains payroil records, ensures compliance with state and federal laws, works with the Mayor's Office, City Council, and departments to establish and implement annual city operating and capital budgets, and reports on the city's fmancial condition in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. General Government Accounts-Financial Forms is the printing expense of the city's annual budgets, financial report, payroll and vendor checks, electronic funds transfer forms, and other miscellaneous financial forms. $505.5 $404.4 $100,250.76 $21.? $21.7 $5,379.43 V:�ENGINEEAAVG�CLERICAUBOARD�AGREPMENTSWIlSC�ST PAULVCENIRALSERVICES 2005 ll-09-04.DOC o� 8Y E�hibit A Budget Year 2005 Central Service Benefits, Supplies, Equipment, Services, and Operations General Government Accounts-Municipal Memberships aze the costs of the city's participation and representation in various municipal organizations, such as the Minnesota League of Cities, U. S. Conference of Mayors, and Ramsey County League of Loca1 Governments. General Government Accounts-Surety Bonds are the costs to obtain faithful performance bonds for ali employees and o�cials as security for the faithfixl performance of their duties. Office of Financial Services upgraded the software and hardware platform operafing the City's Financial Management System. Human Resources provides affirmative action functions, recruihnent, testing, coilective bargaining, training and employee development services, workforce planning, and consulting services. Human Resources-Risk Management administers employee and retiree health care benefit pians and workers' compensation and other benefit pians, negotiates with managed caze carriers, coordinates citywide American with Disabilities Act compliance and safety programs, manages tort claims, and works with departments to reduce the number and cost of claims. Human Rights-Contract Compliance reviews city contracts to ensure compiiance with city ordinances on affirmative action plans for contractors, and monitors utilization goals o£ women and people of colar on city assisted construction projects. Mayor's Office leads and directs the delivery of city services, sets priorities for city operations, represent the city's interests at the local, state and narional levels, and serves as ombudsperson between citizens and neighborhood organizations and city departments. Per FTE Per FTE cost cost (SPRWS) $32.1 $32.1 $3.2 $3:? $31.2 $31.2 $772.1 $7721 $279.5 $87.9 $3931 Total (Based on 248 FTE's) $7,957.59 $793.28 $7,734.48 $191,40359 $279.5 $69,288A5 $87.9 $21,790.41 $129.7 $32,152.63 V��ENGINEERING\CLERICAUBOARDWGREEMEN"fS�NIISC�ST PAUL\CENfRALSBRVICES 2005 I1-09-04DOC 45• 8�l ��b�t A Budget Year 2005 Central Service Benefits, Supplies, Equipment, Services, and Operafions Per FTE cost (City) Subtotal Office of Technology Direct Payment. SPRWS provides most technical service using its own staff, but relies on TM5 to provide citywide services like email and the network backbone. Total from 850-28181-0290 Estimated transaction chazges paid from 85 0-28 1 8 1-02 99 upon receipt of invoices: Contract and Analysis Services $ 90,000.00 Treasury $ 60,000.40 $ I50,000.00 Per FTE Total cost (Based on (SPRWS) 248 FTE's) $614,345.78 $82,711.87 $697,057.65 V:IENGINEERING\CLERICAUBOARD\.AGREEMENTS�MISC�ST PAUL\CENTRAI,SERVICES 2005 11-09-04.DOC os $� BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM No_ 444� coMME55EO Zanmiller pq November 9. 2004 WfIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul and the Board of Water Commissioners have agreed to terms, conditions and fees concerning direct and shazed central services to be perfornned by the City for the Board during 2005 ("Central Services"); and WHEREAS, staff has prepazed an Agreement for 2005 Central Services, which sets forth said terms, conditions and fees, and does recommend approval of said Agreement; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Agreement between the Board of Water Commissioners andthe City of Saint Paul to provide 2005 Central Services for fees totaling $697,057.65 is hereby approved, and that the proper officers are hereby authorized to execute said Agreement on behalf of the Board. Water Commissioners Yeas Vice President President Anfang jqgyg Cardinal Kleindl Montgomery Zanmiller Harris Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Novembex 9, ZQ04 Tn favor 6 Oppos� 0 >�-.-c� 5£GY. as-8y AGREEMENT between :1 : 1 � ' 1 1 ` - • and TSE CTTY OR SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA for 2005 CENTRAI. SERVICE5 This agreement ("agreemenY'), made and entered into this 9�' day of November, 2004, by and between the BOARD OF WATER COMNIISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAITL, a Municipal Corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota ("Boazd"), and the CITY OF SAINT PALTL, MINNESOTA, a home rule charter city under the laws of the State of Minnesota ("City"). WHEREAS, the City currently establishes and charges an annual fee to city departments and the Board, known as a fee for central service costs ("Central Service Charge"), which fee reimburses the City for the costs of benefits, services and other transacrions that the Boazd receives from the City and its various departments; and WHEREAS, the Board desires to control its expenses, manage its use of the City's central services, and more effectively budget for the annual Central Service Chazge expense; and WETEREAS, the Board believes that it can achieve these goals by entering into an agreement with the City for the provision of central services which establishes the annual amount of the Central Service Charge;and WFIEREAS, the Board and the City entered into an agreement dated April 13, 1999, and an Amendment No. 1 to that agreement dated December 14, 1999, which together discounted by approximately sixty-seven percent (67%) the charges for services provided by the Office of the Mayor, the Office of the City C1erk and Gity Council Administration for the years 1999, 2000 and 20Q1; and V.�ENGIlVEERINGVCLERICAUBOARD�AGREBMENTS�IvIISC�ST PAUL\CENTRALSERVICES 2005 llA9-OA.DOC 05-8y R'HEREAS, the Board and the City desire to enter into an agzeement for the provision of central services to the Boazd for the yeaz 2005, with the intent that said agreement be amended each yeaz as part of the following year's budget process. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms, covenants, warranties and conditions hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto, intending to be legally bound hereby, mutually agree as follows: Section 1. Central Services. Subject to the terms and condirions ofthis Agreement, City sha11 se11, transfer, assign, provide or supply the Board those Central 5ervice benefits, supplies, equipment, services, and operations that are suuimarized and described in E�ibit A, which is attached hereto. 5ection 2. Term. The term of this Agreement shall commence on January 1, 2005 and shall expire on December 31, 20Q5. Section 3. Payment. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and in consideration of City's agreement to seli, transfer, assign, provide or supply the Boazd with the Centrai Services as sununarized and described in Exhibit A, Board agrees to pay to City the sum of Six Hundred Ninety Seven Thousand Fifty Seven Dollars and Sixty Five cents ($697,057.65) in yeaz 2005. The Board shall make this payment to the City by means of twelve (12) monthly installments in the amount of $58,088.14 each, beginning January 1, 2Q05 or within thiriy (3Q) days of final execution of this Agreement, whichever is later. On ar before May 15, 2005 and as a part of the 2006 budget determination process, the City and the Boazd sha11 review and may adjust the fee in a manner that is mutually acceptable to both parties. The adjushnent will be based on the central service rate changes, the local CPI, or some other mutually agreed upon factor. The doilaz amount agreed upon will become the Central Service Charge for 2406. Section 4. Termination. This agreement may be terminated in whole or in part in writing by either pariy in the event of substantial failure by the other parry to fixlfill its obligations under V'�ENGIlVEERIlVG\CLERICAUBOARD�.SGREEMENTS�NIISC\ST PAUUCENTRAL SERVICES 2005 11-09-04.AOC 2 as -�� this aa eement through no fault of the terminating party, provided that no ternunation may be effected unless the other pariy is given not less than siYty (60} calendar days written notice of intent to terniinate. Secfion 5. Successors and Assigus. All terms, covenants, and conditions ofthis Agreement shall be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the parties hereto and their respective successors, heirs, executors and assigns. This Agreement and the rights and obligations of any pariy hereunder shall not be assignable except with the written consent of the other parties hereto, which consent sha11 not be unreasonably withheld. Secfion 6. Notice. Any notice, request, demand, statement or consent required or permitted to be given hereunder shall be in writing, shall be signed by or on behalf of the parry giving notice, and sha11 be personally delivered or sent by express service, telecopier, or certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, to the other parry to the respective address given herein below: If to Board: General Manager, Saint Paul Regional Water Services McCanons Center 1900 Rice Street Saint Paul, MN 55113 If to City: Director, Office of Financial Services 160 City Ha11 & Court House 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 Any such notice given as aforesaid shall be conclusively deemed to haue been given and received on the day on which such notice was delivered. Either pariy may, from time to time, fumish, in wri6ng, to the other pariy, such notice of a change in the address to which nofices are to be given hereunder. Secfion 7. Incorporation by Reference. E�ibit A attached hereto is hereby incorporated by reference and made a part hereof. V:�ENGIlVEERIN(}VCLEffiCAUBOARD�AGREEMENTSIMISCVST PAULVCENTRAI. SERVICE5 2005 I I-09-04.DOC QS-8�{ Section 8. Waivers and Amendments. This Agreement may be amended, superseded, canceled, renewed or extended, and its terms or covenants hereof may be waived, only by a written instnunent executed by the parties and pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. The failure of any party at any time or times to require perfozmance of any provision hereof shall in no manner affect its right at a later time to enforce the same. The parties reserve the right by mutual written consent to amend, modify, supersede and cancel this Agreement, or waive the terms or conditions. Section 9. Entire Agreement. This Agreement and the E�ibit attached hereto set forth tt�e entire understanding and agreement between the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersede all prior agreements, anangements and understandings, written or ora1, relating to the subject matter hereof. Section 10. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which may be deemed an original but together shall constirixte but one and the same instrument. Section 11. Severability. This Agreement is intended to be performed in accordance with, and only to the extent pernutted by, all applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. If any provision of this Agreement, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, sha11, for any reason and to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement and the apptication of such provision to other persons or circumstances stAall not be affected thereby but rather sha11 be enforced to the extent permitted by law. [The remainder of this page left intentionally blank.] V.�ENGINEERIlVG\CLERICAL�BOARD�.SGREEMENTSN�IISC\ST PAUL\CEMRAL SERVICES 2005 ll-09-04.DOC DS-$`f IN R'ITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto haue caused this Agreement to be executed in their behalf respecrively as of the day and yeaz first above written. �\� 1;�1]'/ �11� By Stephen . Schneider General Manager BOARD OF WATER COMIVIISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL � B � � � . Patrick Harris, resident Approved as to form: B �di/�� b�. �e �� Assistant City Attorney Approved as to form: $�i��G�r�(i G''�-af'�� (JJanet Lindgren, S retary BY �'Y�o� �. ��� Assistant City Attorney SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA By Donald J. Luna, City Clerk : Matthew G. Smith, Director Office of Financial Services Funding:850-28181-0290 ($697,057.65) V:�ENGLNEERING\CLERICAL�SOARDWGREEMENTS�ivIISC�.ST PAUL\CENTRALSERVICES 2005 11-09-04.DOC Ir : E�hibit A Bndget Year 2005 Central Service BeneSts, Supplies, Equipment, Services, and Operations City Attorney-Civil Division provides counsel and advice to the Mayor, $431.9 the City Council, and city departments and offices on housing, development, licensing, wning, labor, and other governmental operations. Per FTE Per FTE Total cost cost (Based on (SPRWS) 248 FTE's) $431.9 $107,068A1 City Council is the legisiative and policy making body of St. Paul, and $689.7 $227.6 $56,422.04 provides policy and financial review to department acrivities, sets Human Resources goals and policies, adopts the annual budgets, and approves resolutions and budget amendments. Citizen Services Office-City Clerk manages the aduiinistrative and $1119 $36.9 $9,147.51 recard keeping functions for all City Council actions, accepts claims, suuunons and complaints and other legal documents on the city's behalf, ensures publication of ordinances and public notices, and processes vacation of public right of ways. Citizen Services Office-Tnformafion and Complaint serves as an $60.6 $20.Q $4,958.00 advocate for residenfial and corporate citizens in responding to requests and complaints about city services, works closely with city departrnents to improve response times to requests for services, and provides public information regarding city services and events. Financial Services establishes and implements accounting policies and procedures to safeguard city assets, records all financial transactions, creates and maintains payroll records, ensures compliance with state and federal laws, works with the Mayor's Office, City Council, and departments to establish and implement annual city operating and capital budgets, and reports on the city's fmancial condition in accordance with generaily accepted accounting principles. General Govemment Accounts-Financial Forms is the printing expense of the city's annual budgets, financial report, payroll and vendar checks, electronic funds transfer forms, and other miscellaneous financial forms. $505.5 $404.4 $ l OQ,250.76 $21.7 $21.7 $5,379.43 V:AENGINEERINGACLEffiCALVBOARD4IGREEMENTS\NIISCIST PAULVCENTRALSERVICES 2005 I1-09-04.DOC � Eghibit A Budget Year 2005 Central 5ervice Benefits, Supplies, Equipment, Services, and Operations Per FTE Per FTE Total cost cost (Based on (SPRWS) 248 FTE's) General Government Accounts-Municipal Memberships are the $32.1 $32.1 $7,957.59 costs of the city's participation and representation in various municipal organizations, such as the Minnesota League of Cities, U. S. Conference of Mayors, and Ramsey County League of Loca1 Governments. General Government Accounts-Surety Bonds are the costs to obtain faithful performance bonds for all employees and officials as security for the faithful performance of their duties. $3.2 $3.2 $31.2 $31.2 $793.28 Office of Financial Services upgraded the software and hardware platform operating the City's Financial Management System. Human Resources provides af£rmative action functions, recnutment, testing, coilective bargaining, training and employee development services, workfarce planning, and consulting services. Human Resources-Risk Management administers employee and retiree health care benefit plans and workers' compensation and other benefit plans, negotiates with managed care carriers, caordinates citywide American with Disabilities Act compliance and safety programs, manages tort claims, and works with deparhnents to reduce the number and cost of claims. Human Rights-Contract Compliance reviews ciry contracts to ensure compliance with city ordinances on affirmative action plans for contractors, and monitors utilization goals of women and people of color on city assisted construction projects. Mayor's Office leads and directs the delivery of city services, sets priorities for city operations, represent the city's interests at the local, state and nationai levels, and serves as ombudsperson between citizens and neighborhood organizations and city departments. $7,734.48 $772.1 $772.1 $191,403.59 $279.5 $279.5 $69,288.05 $87.9 $87.9 $21,790.41 $3931 $129.7 $32,152.63 VIENGINE&RINGVCLERICALIBOARDAA.GREEMENTS\MISCVST PAUL\CENTRALSERVICFS 2005 I1-09-04.DOC .�,:� Ezhibit A Budget Year 2005 Centrai Service Benefits, Supplies, Equipment, Services, and Operations Per FTE cost (City) Subtotal Office of Technology Direct Payment. SPRWS provides most technical service using its own staff, but relies on TMS to provide citywide services like email and the network backbone. Totalfrom 850-28181-0290 Estimated transaction charges paid from 850-28181-0299 upon receipt of invoices: Contract and Analysis Services $ 90,000.00 Treasury $ 60 000.00 $150,000.00 Per FTE ToYal cost {Based on (SPRWS) 248 FTE's) $614,345.78 $82,711.87 $697,057.65 V:�ENGINEPR7NG\CLERICAL�BOARD�AGREBMENPS�MISC\ST PAUL\CENTRAL SERVICES 2005 I1-09-04 DOC �'� BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM Na- �qQ3-- PRESENTED BY Zanmi l�eT coMMissioNert -- oqTc November 9 2004 WI�REAS, the City of Saint Paul and the Board of Water Coxnmissioners have agreed to terms, conditions and fees conceming direct and shared central services to be performed by the City for the Board during 2005 ("Central Services"); and WHEREAS, staf�has prepazed an Agreement for 2005 Central Services, which sets forth said terms, conditions and fees, and does recommend approval of said Agreement; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Agreement between the Board of Water Commissioners and the City of Saint Paul to provide 2005 Central Services for fees totaling $697,057.65 is hereby approved, and that the proper officers are hereby authorized to execute said Agreement on behalf of the Board. Water Commissioneis Yeas Vice President President Anfang xaps Cardinal Kleindl Montgomery Zanmiller Harris Adopted by the Board of Watez Gommissioners November 9. ZQ�4 In favor b Oppos� � � � secr.