05-834�l-l�I EN D� D - �% RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA PreseMetl By: Referretl TO: WHEREAS, in accordance with City ordinance, Mayor Kelly presented to the City Council on August 22, 2005 the Library Agencys proposed budget, with said recommended budgets totaling $17,593,781, and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 10 of the City Charter, Mayor Kelly presented to the City Council on August 1'I, 2005 the Mayors proposed budget, with said recommended budgets totaiing $500,689,360 before subtracting out "transfers to and transfers from funds" and "subsequent year debP; and totaling $426,403,595 after netting out "transfers to and transfer from funds" and "subsequent year debt", and 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 is 17 is 19 20 21 zz 23 24 25 2s 27 28 2s 30 31 32 33 34 � 36 37 � 39 40 W HEREAS, the Mayor did recommend, as part of the comprehensive 2006 financing plan for the City of Saint Paul, that the 2005 net property tax levy payable in 2006 be $65,845,514 as detailed below: +2,0% Budget Delinquency Revenue Allowance Net Levy Levy for Port Authority Levy for Library Agency Net Levy for City Government Committee: Date 46,628,230 932,563 �� r75,8"II .�,$�r iSS;sr7�rse;a5� 1,286,871 25,737 8,032,493 160,651 2,084,012 41,680 -64;554;�#27 9;29'f;897" /�S $�7,�{77 1,3tl�,t46 Mayor's Rec. Tax Lew 47,560,793 �s �, 931�3� 1,312,608 8,193,144 2,125,692 o ��, T ,,,=., +o? iZ3�(P25 66;846;bH (,7� t23�lo2G (1,312,605) (10,318,836) g4�}§ 65,`f9Z, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 275.065 Subdivision 1, the City Council, after considering the Mayor's recommendations, but absent public hearings on the Mayor's budget proposal, does hereby accept the budgets for fiscal year 2006, as proposed by the Mayor, as constituting the proposed budgets for the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Library Agency; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with the same referenced statute, the City Council, as a taxing authority, and after considering the Mayor's recommendation for property tax levies, including the requests of the Port Authority and the Library Agency, does hereby certify to the Ramsey County Auditor that the proposed maximum tax levy for the City of Saint Paul for taxes payable in 2006 (for use in calculating the Truth-In-Taxation notices to be mailed in November of 2005) as: ( [ 2 3, �02� Net Levy (City Operations, City Debt, Port Authority, and Library Agency): $6b845;5'ft Requested by Department of: Office of Financial Services - Budget Section BY: Adoption Certified by Council By: Approved by a : Dat B Z councii Fiie # �S �'3"� Green Sheet # �` (� -� q (,� City Levy for City Operations City Levy for Debt Service Levy for Port Authority City Levy for Library Agency Operations City Levy for Library Agency Debt Service Total Recommended: ��� � ' Adopted by Council: Date a-r�pT�-V ���X �, oZ.�� Approval Reco ended y Finance Di ector: By: os-�3�} � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � FS — Financisl Services Contact Person ffi Phone: Matt Smdh 266-8796 Be on Council Agenda by (Date): ToWI # of Signature Pages Date Initiated: 09SEPA5 Green Sheet NO: 3027964 � Assign Number For Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Signature) Approval of attached resolution certifying the proposed maximum tas levy for the City of Saint Paul for taxes payable in 2006 (for use in calculating the Truth-in-Taacarion notices to be mailed in November 2005). (R): � Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: 0 'nancial Services ' 1 inancialServices I DeoartmentDirutor I 2 'oancial Services Office Financial Servi 3 i Attome 4 avor's Office � Mavor/AssisTaot I 5 ouncil Ci Council 6 i Clerk Ci Clerk Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The City must certify the maacimum taY levy to the Ramsey County Auditor. Advantages If Approved: The masimum proposed taY levy will be certified with the Ramsey County Auditor for tases payable in 2006. Disadvantapes If Approved: None. Disadvantaqes If Not Approved: The maximum proposed tas levy will not be certified as required. 'otal Amount of Transaction: Fundinp Source: CostlRevenue Budgeted: ActiviW Number: Financial information: (Explain) � � OS- �63` Council Member Benanav moves to: amend the Mayor's proposed property tax Ievy increase for the 2006 City budgets from 3% increase to 5%. The additional 2% raised ($1,279,000) would be for the City's General Debt Service Fund to pay for existing debf service. See attached. And moves to inciude the following resolve: Be it finally resolved that Mayor Kelly is requested to assist the City Council in identifying additzonal spending cuts to his Proposed 2006 General Fund operating budget. ���+ L'I'I`Y �F' SA� PA�. 390 Ciry Ha1l Telephone: 651-266-8510 Randy C. Ke[Ly, Mayor I S Wes[ Ke1logg Boulevard Facsimile: 651-266-8573 Saint Paul, MN 55102 • September 12, 2005 Council President Kathy Lantry and Saint Paul City Councilmembers Suite 310, City Hail I S West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Council President Lantry and Councilmembers: I have vetoed CF OS-834, a resolution setting the proposed maximum tax levy to finance the 2006 City budget. On August 11, I presented the City Council with a proposed budget that preserved current levels of services to citizens, and also made significant new investments in public safety staffing. The proposed 2006 budget now before the Council is balanced, and includes a proposal for a 3% ta�� levy increase, an amount necessazy to fund my recommended increases in public safety expenditures. A majority of the Council has instead supported a 5% taa� increase next year, not because they find tYie 2006 budget unbalanced, or even because tkey prefer a larger overall level of spending in 2006. The basis for proposing a tax increase 67% higher than my recommendation is appazently a concern that the 2007 budget may require more tases, and they would prefer to tax more next yeaz in order to accwnulate funds for use in the following year. I reject this approach, and so I have vetoed the resolution. I believe that t� increases should be a last resort after other available financial resources have been utilized, and that when additional tax revenues are needed, they should only be imposed when required— not a year or more ahead of time. I urge the Council to support my original recommendafions for the 2006 proposed levy and related public safety investments. S�ely, „ , .. � � � _;, ;,�.. "y(�i'%�a,r �r,g,` „ . : , ^ ., A ..:� ;.. � Randy C. Kelly �'�P �. � Mayor �