D001430• ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. CP1.22 • as Saint Pau( Civic Center Exoansion CP-1 DemoLition Excavation & Bridae Construction known as Contract L-_City Project No.014440 Edward Kraemer & Sons, is composed of the following: 2. � _-CiryClerk No. VQO'����} _ - Finance Dept. Date�=�_/j � _ - DepL Accounting (Civic Center) � � , - Engineer (HGA) _- Contracmr _ - Project Manager (CPMl) CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Provide j-bazriers at site from December, 1995 to December, 1997 at excavation hole and street. Pick-up j-barriers when work for CP-4 is completed. Reason: Provide safe sepazation from site. Fiii void at water tunne{ not addressed by previous Request for Proposa{ #CI.24. Reason: Safery for people in tunnel. Provide bo(lazds at Dock Entry east per Edward Kraemer & Sons proposat dated 27 August 1997. Reason: To protect folding door from trucks. Total $8,000.00 6,121.84 1,599.58 $15,721.72 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 15.721.72 said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as conuact L-, 930-90300-0898-00000 Civic Center Expansion Fund. AS Attorney Committee Expan�j�`Gc�dinati g Committee �� Director of Civic Ce ter ��G�N�•�/ Archite t !-f3 and which amount is to be financed from: 9� Edward Kraemer & Sons Contractor 4_ By 9 �� � He of Depamment of Finance i( �� ]9�� � rkcfs mstrative Assistant to the Mayor ZZ D�,99� � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES N° 51539 GREEN SHEET ���'� INITIAVDAi£ INITIAUDASE DEPAflTMENT DIRECTOR � qNCOUNC�L CITYATTORNEY � QTYLLERK 9UDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. 8 MGT. SERVICES DIR. MAVOH (OR ASSIST� � �jy1� _ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS fOR SIGNATURE) C �t an�-e _, PV.NNING COMMYSSiOtd /� � _ CIB COMMI7TEE .Y7_ . _ STAFF _ . " __ DISTRICTCOURT _. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNC�L OBJECTIVE? INRIATING PROBLEbt, ISSUE, 0�C'a� r� Z 2 � a(w� ml �;,� e k.,�r � So �2S PfiRSONAL SERYICE GONTRACTS MUS7 ANSWER T4fE FOLLOW1tiG OUEST40NS: t. Has this pe�soNfirm ever wo�ICed under a wntract for this departmant? � VES NO 2. Has this per�n/firm ever been a city emptoyee� YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a sk�ll not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? YES NO Expla�n all yes answen on separate sMeet enE attach to green sheet Whel. When Wnere. WM1y1' �� � IFAPPROVED. RECEIVEE� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED' JAN 151998 4iT�' CLERK ��� �t�,C,`c. ��QqO \� ��j � �OP� 'l. 1 �5,! ° �o ��� r''� �� �� �� 5 + �a da:..�.a"_` s ;: JAt� 13 1998 ���� �� ��� �� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S t S , 72 i � /` GOST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWGSOURCE ��N 1�.1�� S� � ./'�Z �AC7IYITYlIUMBER �� '�� - 9a3�� `0898-ooQ�a FINANCIAL iNFOANiAT10N. (EXPLAIN) v d � il slg8 cs �9 f5' Syo`� FOF f 1 4}� V� a_- � • PROJECT: Saint Paul Civic Center DATE ISSUED: 9 December 1997 Expansion Project CONTRAGT NO.: GP-1 Saint Paui, Minnesota CONTRAGT TITLE: Demolition, Excavation & Bridge Constructian • CONTRACTOR Edward Kraemer & Sons 1020 West Cliff Road Bumsville, MN 55337 Original Contract Amount: $5,317,785.70 GO No. C1.1 C'12 C1.3 C7.4 C1.5 C1.6 C1.7 C1.8 C1.9 C1.10 C1.11 C1.12 C1.73 C1.14 C1.15 C1.16 C1.17 C1.18 C1,19 C120 C121 C1.22 Subtotai Deduct 00 Add 14,844.3� 7,104.85 28,810.80 9,928.70 24,241.68 96,260.00 38,228.40 5$,261.10 16,540.68 4�,158.38 17,65022 44,180.73 52,485.21 20,721.85 27,851.57 41, 593.01 7,432,991.00 9,284.10 8,259.18 24,774.75 4,301.04 17,721.72 2 036 19327 CONTRACT DATE: 29 March 1995 Net Amount of Contract includin this Chan e Orde $7 353 978.97 � 10/21/9i 11:15 FAS 612 890 2996 E KRA5IER :l�D SOtiS BCILLE • GQ- PROPOSA CoMractor Proposa! No.: � Date:_ Project: Saint Paul Civic Center Contract A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated beiow: It is requested the completion date be f! extended, O calendar days. The adjusted completion date will be _ r1 LJ / 1�n/1 � decreased, /�unchanged by 1 � 2. Description of the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicable). iReference RFP No.: • CCD No.: � FO No.: ) 3. Basss of payment: tCheck one) (��Firm price for parforming this change is ....................................5 B000 � Adequate supporting detaiis and information (Increase �educt) must ba attached io altow Qwner to evaluste. () Time and meterial par contract, but not to exceed 5 (} ACtual cost at completion of work S Submitted by: �'o��n `CAU.�w�ez � �e. . Dais: , Contractor Contre� u�� FOR CPNfi USE Action Recommended: (Check one) () Change will not be made. Explain: �Proceed on the following basis: ( � As indicated above, change and basis of payment is aeoep[able. () Change is acceptable, basis of payment +s nat accepcable. f S Basis of peymenc shalt be S ( � The following modification is recommended: () Change in complation date is accepted. (! Change is acceptabls with na change in price. (! Cha�ge is accepta4le +.vith no change in compleiion date. Reason for Change: ( 1 Dasig� Change �Client Raquest t 1 Field Candition ( t Suggested by Contractor ( 1 Desiga Omission or Other texplain� C J 3, ts this a part of tha originaal coMract scope? ( I YES �tJO 4. Is Gontractor's Estimate attached7 _�)O'ES () NO 5. A!E consulte�d 56YES ( 1 NO �. Preparad by: 'VLC�1/�.� CPMtt Approved by / HGA) Approved by OwnerY CPM! Job No.: 3225 f�ooz ;_ =� ;i, �. Data: /Z�� Date: Date: Approved by: (Ownerl Date: cc: Chris Hansen Baka 8akar Mike Pederson Dick Zehring � Eriks Ludins 3225- 3225- BL �ti�� : ' - t; _ � J � � SASNT PAUL CNfC CENTER EXPANSIODI � 10/21/97 11:19 FA% 612 890 2996 E KRAHER �ND SO\S BCILLE • BREAKDOWN SHEET CODSTRACTOR'S PROPOSAL SASNT PAUL C1ViC CENTER EXPANSION LABOR, MATER4AL & EQUIPMENT 6(RECT EMPLOYEE 1A60R MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT lNCORPORATED TOTAL LAB & MATERIAI & EQUIPMENT 75% FEE g TOTAL LABOR, MATERIAL. EQUIP., & FEE SUBCONTRACTORS S S S S 5 % FEE TOTAL SUSCONTRACTORS & FEE . S OTHER COSTS TRAVEL & SUBSISTENCE g MATERiALS & EQUlPMENT NOT IMCORPORATED $ REN7ALS ^ \OOO \F `de.a.v..�a�. Q 9"'�- TAXES g PERMITS & LlCENSE FEES UTILITfES, FUEL, FACILITfES AT SiTE 1NC1DEN7A� EXPENSES BOiVD & INSURANCE PROVISIONS TOTAL OTHER COS7S TOTAL OF CHANGE PROPOSAL ` J S S S �ems�ara. �.L•.�+ CL.`.\qs. To �a`.`41 CLw !o s..e�� �@..,c�4.,..� 'te W.mov.. �aL�s.�aq. ° `MA.... �°es �..� SAINT PAUL CIV1C CENTEfi EJCPANSSON .; $ooa l�j 003 � ��� S S �:- S_ $__ bb0� � ��� • • C"ONTRACTOR'S PROPOSAL Project• S��nr aa�d C;vic Center Contract No.: A change in the scope of the vvork is requested as indicated below: 1. ._ tj,is requested the completion date be ( 1 extended, O decreased, ,.' calendar days. The ad'yus2ed completion date wi11 be 3. _BasPS of payment: (Check onel /�1 () Firm price for performing this change is ....................................5_( (� !�/ �� Adequate supportirg details and information lincreased Deduct) must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. ' () Time and material per contract, but not to exceed $ ( � Acival cost at completion of work $ 17��1 2 ( unchanged by _ 2 S'�esoription of the change: {Refer io drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicabiel. (Reference RFP No.: • CCD No.: : FO No.: 1 ;_ -�,`f � @/ ��i' 7�tr�k Submitted by: FOR Action Recommended: (Check one) ( 1 Change will not be made. Explain: � Date: � T � � CPMI Job No.: 3225 p (.Proceed on the foilowing basis: �As indicated ahove, change and basis of payment is acceptable. () Change is accepta6le, 6asis of payment is not acceptable. { 1 Basis of payment sha41 6e S () The foflbwing modification is recommended: () Change in compietion date is accspted. ( 1 Change is acceptable with no change in prics. i) Change is acceptahie with no chanae in compietion date. • 3. Is this a part of the onginaal contract scope? () YES J� 4, ls Contractols Estimate attached? �{6YES () NO 5 A!E consuited. �Q)YES ( ) NO 2. Reason for Change: O Oesign Change O Client Request i 1 Field Condition � � /� ( 1 Suggested by Contrector �Design Omission or Other lexplainl NO� In 1►'Ia7/lKY, �ts�o��t l��o��r-. NO Prepared by:� L � CPMq Approved by NGA) Approved by Ow�er1 Approved by: cc: Chris Hansen eake t Eriks Ludins 3225- Mike Pederson 3225- BL Date: I Z' I�7 / Oate• Date• SAIN7 PAUL CIVIC CENTER EJCPANSION � ��� C� • C� BREAKDOWN SHEET CON7RACTOR'S PROPOSAL SAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSfON I.ABOR, MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT DIRECT EMPLOYEE LABOR MATERIALS & EQUIPMEIJT I CORPORATED C Yo��y�l e S8� 1 L?zv°=� TOTAL lA6 & MATERIAL & EQUtPMENT t5% FEE TOTAL LABOR, MATERIAL. EQUIP., & FEE SUBCONTRAC70RS Go(�p22��^�'� 5 % FEE TOTAL SUBCON7RACTORS & FEE OTHER COSTS TRAVEL & SUBSISTENCE MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT NOT INCORPORATED RENTALS �-ati�f�£ �'^"'P TAXES ?ERMtTS & IICENSE FEES UTlLIT4ES, FUEL, FAClIITtES AT SITE Ii3CSDEi3TAl EXPENSES 80ND & INSURAtVCE PROV1SiONS TOTAL OTHER COSTS TOTAL OF CHANGE PROPOSAL o$ S �� � Ov S z c S y J�'6U UI s � �y s 37S `'` $ � 5 �s 5 5 o� s y6y S S S S 5 s S7vy o Q S s 3 93 � o� $ Y�y s �i Z/ � SAIN7 PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION � �i�� K� • August 5, 1997 Mark Gunderson CPMI c/o St. Paul Civic Center I.A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza 143 W. Fourth Street St. Paul, MN 55102 ---- - :...-,Y- �J ' ' � '�.% � , _...- .� -�-s —'" Re: CP-1, St. Paui Civic Center Subject: Water Tunnel Form and Lean Mix Fill Dear Mark: EDWARD KRAEMER � SONS, /NC. 3��5-�ot. �. • Enclosed is a breakdown for pouring iean mix fill for the St. Paul Water Department. This work is per our June meeting with Ken Anderson - formerly of CPMI, Gephart Electric, St. Paui Signal Department and the St. Paul Water Dept. Pfease review and issue a work order for this additional work. If you should have any questions, please contact me at (612) 890-2820. Sincerely, ���� ���' Robert J. Beckel Reg. Operations Manager enc. � CONSTRUCTI9N DIVIS(ON � 1 D20 WEST CLIFF ROAD BURNSVILLE, MINNESOTA 55337 b 12-890-2820 FAX: 612-890-2996 AnE9� »n�ww� � � . RECEIVED ���� prqj�,�gj�,�gu1�C�,vic Center ConuaCt ko.: � /t�� 3 A change in the scape af the wark is requested as indicated betow: 7, it is requssted the completion date be ( 1 eactsndsd, t 1 decreasad, unchanged by _ calendar days. The adjusted complsti4n date wilt be 2. Desc:ripCion of tha change: (Reter to d�aHrings, specifications, addenda, if applicabls). tReforence RFP Na.: : CCD No.: =���•= � 3. $asy �rbf PaymenL: {Chack onel {.)`Tirm price for perfarming this changa is ....................... Adec{uate supporting deta(is and informa2lon musr. be attact+ad 2o altow Owner to evatuate. ( 1 Time and materlal per contract, but not to exceed () Aatusl cost at completian of work � s .s �5�99 �-` (InCreased Deduct) �1� -� () Proceed on the to�lowing basss: E 1 As i�catad above, change flnd basis of payment is aeceptable. {) Changa is acceptabie, basis of paYment is not acceptable. t 1 HeSis of paymant shalf !�8 S�_....• t 1 Tfie foilowing mo�flcatfon ls recommended: t 1 Changa in eompletioa date ks accepted. i) Change is acceptahle.with no change +n pcice. ( 1 Change is acceptabl� wi2h na change in comp[eUOn date. Resson for Chsngs: O D��sign Changa �) Client Request { 1 Reld Condition ( f Suggested by Conuactor ( 1 Design Omission or Other texpiain) O S .A: L ,: 3. !s this a part of the originaai contract scope? () YES t) NO 4, Is Ccntra�tor's Estimate attached7 O YES {) NO 5, AJE c:onsufied. ( 1 YES ( 1 No !'rapared by: CPMII Approv�d by 1HGA1 Approved by (Ownsrl cc: pate� Da2e: Date• �nuwi�o..w.. _'_"___. Erika Wdins 3225- 3225- SL SAINT PAUI CtV4C CHNTER EXPANStON �. Acticm Recommended: tCheck.one) .: CPMI Joh No.: 3225 (� Cllangs will nat be made. Explain: _. �C�i�}� � p�,�� Y r����f �� .��� �(!�c.+E Z ��c.a,rar�sf�� S�'rr-zn� � i a�ax�ownt s��r J oZ N r CONTRACTbR'S PROPOSQL SAINT PAUL CIYIG CFNTEit EXPANSION �'x rrc.�s t'R� !� ,.D l' a f�.dt� t,AfipR, MAZ"ERIAI. & EQU(PMENT � DIREl;7' EMPl.OY�E lABDR S 1 � p 2 ' MATI'sRfALS & E4USPMF3�1T WCORPORATEb S Z U 7Q7AL LA8 & MATERlAL & ECIUIPMEN7 5 �� 9 �' Z�.. S___.=:�sz.._.� 1596 FEE fi S TOTpJ. I.ABOR, MATERIAL, EQUIP., & fEE 9 l S 7 I • SU8COM7RACT�RS 5% FEE TpTP,t SUSCONTRACTORS & FEE S 3 S L OTHEft COSI'S 7RA�'EL & SUBSl9TE1VCE MA7F.RIALS & EQUIPMENT NOT tNCpRPORATED RENTAtS 7AXES PERMiTS & 4�CFJdSE �SES U'f`tLCfIES, FUfiL. FACILlTlES AT SfTE INClDEN'CA� EXPF,3V5�5 6flNb & INSURANCE PROVtSIONS TOTAL OTtiER COSTS TOTA� �F CHAtSGE PftOPOSAI. 9 S S S S S S S S � S _.15�2 � .._..,+ nn.a rnri)� rcwTrc cYOn111C1n/J Q . a! b ���� i1NPtiD TOP B' DIA �D STL �'IP� ILLE[? �� r. � � �Of2 LIN� � '�� -_-"- J . 5T11D ":CNORS =g o �s�d° FILL AFZd.lh1Y� 6` GOVER D F � 6 a E f • � ❑/�,� �xn rNww aucc � � `�.A � � 16hHGPCUS, YIMHESOTA 5540.T l � � aw BOl $fCPN AKNUE. SiA?E 501 � SFJ.TiLE. N�9UMGTOX 981W �pyy S�INT PAUI, C1VIC CENTER E�'PAtv�SIOii SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA i �- ✓ � �