Council File # 0� 03
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1 VJhereas, tlie Department of Planning and Economic Development undertook a plauving study in 2002 and 2003
2 of the Le�ngton Pazkway and Snelling Avenue intersections on University Avenue with funding from a
3 Metropolitan Council Livable Communities Grant, and
4 Whereas, the result of the broad based-community plauning process was the University Avenue Transit Oriented
5 Development Framework, recommending transit-oriented development at these key transit nodes, and
6 Whereas, a stmunary of this report was approved by the Saint Paul Planning Commission on July 25, 2003, and by
7 the Saint Paul City Council on Febraary 25, 2004, and incorporated into the City Comprehensive Plan, and
8 Whereas, current zoning far University Avenue would preclude the type of development envisioned in the TOD
9 Framewark, and
10 Whereas, the City zoning code and state law require that zoning be in conformance with the city's Comprehensive
i l Plan, therefore be it
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13 planning process c
14 of the Administrat
15 insure conformance
of the P
ve Plan and the
16 including consideration of appropriate zoning in the event of the relocation of the
17 Metro Transit Bus Garage site.
Requested by Department of:
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
Approved by N�a�of : Date
Adopted by Council: Date ,�d,ca � �OS
oS- �3
� Green Sheet Green •Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �,
co �o��
Contact Person & Phone:
Jay Berenav
Must Be on Counal AAe,Wa by (Dafe):
Cor�trad Type:
� '
Green Sheet NO: 3025046
0 ICnnndi I I
1 oenril artme ' ecfor
Tofal # M Signalu'e Pages _(Clip NI Lowtions for SignaL�re) .
Action Requestad:
Initiate a process to hazmonize the zoning in the study area of the TOD Framework from B3 to a combination of 1'N2 and 1N3 to insure
conformance between the City Comptehensive Plan and the Saint Paul Zoning Code.
qaGas: Appro�e (A) or R
Planning Canmission
CIB Committee
Ciul Senice Commission
1. Has this person/firtn e�er worked under a cwdract for this department?
Yes No
2. Has this persoNfirm e�er been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this personlfirm poss�s a skill rwt namalty possessed by any
cunefrt city anployee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Mitiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity �Ylho, W ha; When, Wfiere, Whyy.
Advanfages H Approved:
Disadvantages IF Approved:
DisadvarAa,qes M Not Approved:
� orai.smwunt m
� Transaction:
Funding Source:
Financial lnformadon:
(R): � Personal Service ContraUs
CosNievenue Budgeted:
Activity Number:
January 26, 2005 2:40 PM Page 1
/� i7�/L7'7 � `GD
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Council File # �� 0 3
Green Sheet # 3bas �T �O
1 Whereas, the Department of Planning and Economic Development undertook a planning study in 2002 and 2003
2 of the Le�ngton Parkway and Snelling Avenue intersections on University Avenue with fixuding from a
3 Metropolitan Council Livable Communiries Grant, and
4 Whereas, the result of the broad based-community plauning pxocess was the University Avenue Transit Oriented
5 Development Framework, recommending transit-oriented development at these key transit nodes, and
6 Whereas, a summary ofthis report �, ,�
7 the Saint Paul City Council on Febr ��� G�� �
8 Whereas, current zoning for Unive�
9 Framework, and
10 Whereas, the City zoning code and �
11 Plan, therefore be it
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, r. _ ' a` • � --°-_-•.
13 planning process under the i
14 of the Administrative Code tc
15 insure conformance between.tk
6 ��
ter 107
Yeas Na s Absent
Adopted by Council: Date
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
/��/ �
Requested by Department of:
Form Approved by City Attorney
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
mission on July 25, 2003, and by
� Comprehensive Plan, and
envisioned in the TOD
with the city's Comprehensive
Development will initiate a
Approved by Mayar: Date
Substitute language for Item 13:
RESOLVED, that City of Saint Paul and the Department of Plamiing and Economic
Development will initiate a plannin�process under the guidance of the Plannin� Commission as
required bv Chapter 107 of the Administratice Code to harmonize the zoning in the study area of
the TOD Framework to insure conformance between
the City Comprehensive Plan and the Saint Paul Zoning Code.