05-829 / SUBSTITUTE RESOLUTION .� � Presented OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 22 ' Resolution Granting the Owners of 1956 Feronia Avenue an Additiona! 60 Days to Complete the Rehabilitation of the Properry and Continuing the Performance Deposit 1 WIIEREAS, the City Council adopted Council File # OS-619 on July 13, 2005 granting the owners an additional 90 days to 2 complete the rehabilitation of the property and referring this matter back to legislative hearing for recommendation; and 3 Wf�REAS, the City Council adopted Council File # 041224 on December 22, 2004 ganting the owners of 1956 Feronia 180 4 days to rehabilitate the structure as conditions established in the legislative hearing process were met, induding the posting of a 5 $25,000 performance deposit; and 6 WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Council File #04-459 on July 28, 2004, which authorized the City to demolish the 7 property at 1956 Feronia Avenue if the owner failed to make repairs within 30 days; and 8 WHEREAS, Council File #04-459 was an effod to provide the owners of 1956 Feronia a second chance to remove or repair this 9 structure, which was wnsidered to possess some azchitectural significance; and lo WIIEREAS, the first chance was given in Council File #03-816 which granted the owner 180 days for the rehabilitation of the 11 structure; and 12 WfIEREAS, the 180 day time period granted in Council File #03-816 concluded with no progress on the building and the t3 forfeiture of the $2,000 performance bond for lack of progess; and 14 WfiEREAS, 180 day time period granted in Council File #04-1224 concluded with approximately 5% progress on the building 15 and the forfeiture of the $2,000 performance bond for lack of progress; t6 WHEREAS, these performance deposits aze intended to act as incentives for the timely wmpletion of this rehabilitation and aze 17 returned upon completion of the project if the project is completed within prescribed rimelines; now, therefore, be it IS RESOLVED, the City of Saint Paul Ciry Council hereby amends its previous actions and grants the owners, Naomi Isaacson 19 and Lauren Mazie Ballinger, an additional 60 days to November 19, 2005 to complete 50% of the rehabilitation of the property, 20 ifthe owners post the an additional $2,000 performance bond in the Office of License, Inspection and Environmental Protection 21 hv 4��0 n.m_ nctnhrr 7. 9005_ Benanav � Bosuom �/ Harris ,/ Helgen � Lantry �/ Montgomery ,/ Thune ,/ Requested by Deparunent of: � Form Approved by City Attorney � Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Cer[ified by Council Secretary B Appro B Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Council File # OS-829 Green Sheet # 3027885 o5-Sa9 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Greeq Sheet Green Sheet, � co -���� Confact Person & Phone: Marcia Mcertnond on CounN Agenda by (Date): ContractType: RE-RESOLUTION Date Initiated: O1SEP-0S � , Assign Number For Routing Order Green Sheet NO: 3027885 0 omN 1 m De arlmentDirec[or 2 Clerk Gti Clerk 3 4 5 InitiallDate Total # of SignaW re Pages _(Clip NI Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Resolurion granting the owners of 1956 Feronia Avenue an additional 180 days to complete the rehabilitarion of the property and continuing the performance deposit. iaanons: approee (A) or h Plannirg Commission CIB CommRfee CiHI Se�ce Commission 1. Has this persorJfifin e�er �wrked under a contract for [his department? Yes No 2. Has this person/fifin e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill not nortnalty possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separste sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunily (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advantages IfApproved: Disadvantages IfApproved: Disadvantages HNotApproved: Transaction: Funding Source: Financial Info�mation: (Explain) CosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number. September 1, 2005 221 PM Page 1 Council File # OS ' ��9 Green Sheet # 30a�g RESOLU710N Presented OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �n Granting the Owners of I956 Feronia Avenue an Additiona1180 Days to the Rehabilitation of the Property and Continuing the Performance Deposit 1 WHEItEAS, the City Co adopted Council File # 05-619 on July 13, 2005 �anting the owners an additiona190 days to 2 complete the rehabilitation o e properry and referring this matter back to legisiative hearin� for recommendation; and 3 WHEREAS, the City Council a ted Council File # 04-1224 on December 22, 2004 granting the owners of 1956 Feronia 180 4 days to rehabilitate the structure as onditions established in the legislative hearing process were met, including the posting of a 5 $25,000 performance deposit; and 6 WHEREAS, the City Council adopted 7 at 1956 Feronia Avenue if the owner f 8 WIIEREAS, Council File #04-459 was an 9 structure, which was considered to possess 1 File #04-459 on July 28, 2004, which authorized the City to demolish the property make repairs within 30 days; and tA provide the owners of 1456 Feronia a second chance to remove or repair this architectural significance; and 10 WHEREAS, the first chance was given in Counci ile #03-816 which granted the owner 180 days for the rehabilitation of the 11 structure; and 12 WHEREAS, the 180 day time period granted in Counc File #03-816 concluded with no progress on the building and the 13 forfeiture of the $2,000 performance bond for lack of pr ess; and 14 WHEREAS, the owners were notified in a legislative hear' conducted on August 23, 2005 that the legislative hearing officex 15 would recommend granting an additional I80 days and conf ' g, rather than requiring the forfeiture of, the $25,000 performance 16 deposit posted in December 2004, if an additional $25,000 pe ance deposit is posted by September 30, 2005; 17 WIIEREAS, these performance deposits aze intended to act as inc tives for the tunely completion of this rehabilitation and are 13 returned upon completion of the project if the project is completed in prescribed timelines; now, therefore, be it 19 RESOLVED, the City of Saint Paul hereby amends its previous actions d gants the owners, Naomi Isaacson and Lauren Mazie 20 Ballinger, an additiona1180 days to complete the rehabilitation of the pro , if the owners post the $25,000 performance bond 21 in the Office of License, Inspection and Environmental Protection by 430 . September 30, 2005. Yeas Na s Absent Benanav Bostrom Harris Helgen Lanhy Montgomery Thune Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: Deparnnent of. � Form Approved by Ciry � Approved by Mayor for � Council MIN[JTES OF THE LEGISLATIVE HEARING �-�e� S� �""�i52�i ORDERS TO REMOVE/REPAIIt, CONDEMNATIONS, ABATEMENT ASSESSMENTS, ABATEMENT ORDERS, REN"I'AL REVOCATION CERTIF'ICATES Tuesday, August 23, 2005 Room 330 Courthouse, 15 Kellogg Boulevazd West Marcia Moermond, I,egislative Hearing Officer The hearing was called to order at 10:00 a.m. STAFF PRESENT: John Betz, Neighbarhood Housing and Property Improvement (LIEP); Steve Magner, NfIPI; Dennis Senty, NI3PI; Cari Williamette, License, Inspections, Environmental Protection (LIEP) � Update on 1956 Feronia Avenue. The following appeazed: Mark Balay, azchitect, 110 Myrtle Street East; Rebekah Brown, 1350 South Frontage Road, Hastings; Zech Sindt, 5915 Highway 14 East, Rochester. Steve Magner reported that since the last time they were here, the bond was posted and no work was done except for the last two to three months. The 50% criteria has not been reached for the extension. The rear of the properiy was fenced off, and one of the boards on the south side of the building was loose. His office normally summary abates that, but they did not send the nofice because they were plamiing to be at this fonun today. Ms. Moermond asked where they are with the property. Mr. Sindt responded it took three months to get through the pernut phase. They haue been working on the foundation by hand because they cannot get heavy equipment up there. They have to dig up all the footings. They were jacking up the floors to get everythiug level. The CiTy is not allowing them an ample amount of time to cornplete it. When they started it, fhey were going to sa�e the wood posts, but most were bad so they changed everything to steel posts. They are working on the stairwells now. He got involved in this in November or December. When he got involved, he was ailowed a month to get bids. This is a$2 Million job, and he needs tnne to get proper bids. Ms. Moermond asked does he understand this has been a registered vacant building and in the hearing process for years. Mr. Sindt responded he did not know that when he got involved. Mr. Balay stated the owner asked him to make an inspection yesterday. They have done the beginnuigs of masonry interior repair. They went fixrther then intended with the interior skeleton of the building. All of the items have been done according to the plans. Everything done has been coordinated. The basement is basically rubble, and they are planning to pour it. They are going to start work on the front stair. They have demolished the old stair. The vandalism has been reduced. The client has made the commitment and is continually spending money on this. Ms. Moermond stated that she heard that after the plans were reviewed, they were sitting on the counter for month waiting to be picked up. Mr. Sindt responded that they never informed his office. � � . LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINLJTES OF AUGUST 23, 2005 Page 2 Mr. Magner stated the issue was before the Legislative Hearing Officer on 11-23-04 and the recommendations were certain conditions. The bond was not posted until 1-4-05. There was a resolution passed giving them sis monttis. The permit for the job was not pulled until April 15. Mr. Sindt stated he thought eveiytliing was ready to go in February. It took longer, so he put the workers on other jobs. Ms. Brown stated that Jay Benanav said he realizes that this job cannot be done in 180 days. It may take a yeaz or more. His biggest thing was to make sure work was in progress. Ms. Moermond stated if building permits were pulled in April, that will take them to mid October. If the work is at the 50% mark, LIEP can extend the permits back to April 15 again. That is still shy of complete time in the sununer. They can look into how much discretion there is in the building pemuts from 160 days. They may not haue to pull more permits to complete the pro}ect. Ms. Moermond will make a xecommendation to grant until Apri115 to work on the building. If it is not complete, it can come back to hearing again. She will also look for an additional $25,000 to be posted. The usual thing is for the City to forfeit the $25,000 bond (first one), but Ms. Moermond does not think that is appropriate. She will add another $25,000 bond, which is refundable on completion of the project. Ms. Brown stated the title company is not going to release $25,000 to post another bond. They have a budget and $25,000 has aiready been taken out for the bond. The only way is to find additional fmancing. They will probabiy have to reappraise the building. This will create a bad problem for the short term. Ms. Moerxnond stated she can give another date to post the bond. They can go to the public hearing. She will give them until September 21 to post the bond. The title company will not release that money without getting additional financing. Ms. Moermond suggested that they talk to the title company and to Mr. Benanav. Ms. Magner stated the south side window needs to be boazded and rubble removed. Otherwise, an abatement order will be issued on that. Mr. Sindt responded they will remove it, but they have to get it out 20 yards at a time. If they leave a dumpster out for more than 24 hours, people duxnp items in there. Ms. Moermond recommends granting the owner an additional 180 days to complete the rehabilitation of the properiy on condition that a second $25,000 bond is posted by noon of September 21, 2005. Appeal of Vacant Building Registration Fee at 991 Davton Avenue; owners: Thomas and Carolyn Ross. (1VIIPn Thomas and Cazolyn Ross, owner, appeared. � • , I LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUTES OF AUGUST 23, 2005 Page 3 Dennis Senty reported that on 6-30-OS he opened a Category 2 file on 991 Dayton. The building was posted, the file was opened, and the letter sent. Cari Williamette (LIEP) reported that she was called to the property on 10-21-04 by the electrical contractor to look at storm damage. There was obviously no storm damage. All work was done in the basement and two units. The kitchen and batUrooms were being gutted and remodeled. There was an electrical pernut for storm damage, but not for interior work. She looked at the interioz wozk and said there would be an additional fee. That was taken care of on 5-4-05, and she was never called again to do a final inspection of the building. She finally was able to get in the building on August 1. Not all the electrical work was completed to code. There were hazazdous overhead lines n,nning to the gazage. T'he electrical contractor called her back on the second and said he was not going to do any further work because what he was being asked to do was done by vandalism, but the work being requested by Ms. Williaznette was primarily from age. Mrs. Ross stated that Mr. Buttons came out and did the work. They do not know what kind of permit he paid for. They fixed the walls, stripped the woodwork, and had the floors sanded, etc. There was a line that they forgot to do. They bought the properiy in August and they have been working on it themselves. When the notice appeared on the back door, they did not see it until it was too late; however, they knew it had to do wifh the electrical. The building is secure. Ms. Moermond asked has anyone been living there. Mrs. Ross responded no. It is up for sa1e. They are probably going to rent it because the market is slow. In answer to several questions, Mr. Senty responded that there are no outstanding orders and there is no condemnation for lack of basic facilities. Mrs. Ross stated that they bought the building from Mr. Brooks, who was in a nursing home for years. It was empty for a few yeazs before they bought it. They finished rehabilitating it, and it is ready to be occupied. Mr. Senty said it has a Code Compliance Inspection. Ms. Moermond recommends denying the appeal and waiving the Vacant Building Fee for 90 days. They should fill out the paperwork to register it. The fee will not have to be paid if the property is off the vacant building list in 90 days. It meets the definition of a vacant building and has been unoccupied for a number of yeazs. The guy hired did not pull the right pertnits. 4 5-8�,9 LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINiJTES OF AUGUST 23, 2005 Page 4 Appeal of Nofice of Condemnation and Order to Vacate at 583 Reanev Avenue; appellant: Tem Lynn James. (NFIPn Dennis Senty eaplained that this is in the CARE azea designated by Police and the Mayor's Office. The condemnation was listed for a ntunber of items on the property. All the items were corrected up until this time. There was a dispute with Xcel Energy about the lock on the gas meter; however, the dispute has been resolved and now the gas is on. Ronald Michaeison, Southern Minnesota Regional Legal Services, appeared and stated his client said that it has been unlocked. Mr. Senty responded the condemnation will be lifted tomonow. Ms. Moermond recommends granting the appeal and the tenant not occupying the building until the condemnation has been lifted. Mr. 5enty added that he can give verbal permission today and the written pernussion will go out tomonow morning. JOSOlE Summary Abatements: Excessive Consumpfion of Inspecfion Services for Property Code Violations for January through part of Apri12005. 115 Case Avenue Mazcia Moermond recommends laying over to the September 6 Legislative Hearing, as the file was not auailable on this property. 305 Bazclay Street Marcia Moermond recommends laying over to the September 6 Legislative Hearing, as the file was not available on this property. 499 Marvland Avenue East The following appeared: John R. Davidson, owner; and Bazbaza Lawson, daughter, 10607 56�' Street East, Albertville. John Betz reported the assessment today is far the two $50 excessive Consumption fees and the $75 fee. The orders had compliance dates of 12-20-04 and 12-27-05. On 1-7-05, the first $50 excessive consumption fee was chazged because there was still refuse there. On 2-4-05, the vehicle violation still existed, which created the second $50 fee. On 3-21-05, another inspection was conducted on the refuse and the $75 fee was imposed. Those aze the three on the agenda today. Ms. Davidson stated the spring season was bad with rain and he couldn't get out. Last month, he took out his 1978 Ford and had it junked. He gave away 70 bicycles for handicapped people and , . • .. LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINLJTES OF AUGUST 23, 2005 Page 5 had another 60 taken out. He took out the snowblower in the backyazd. He got rid of six t.v. sets and has a few more. He took out many bike wheels. He has the Audi caz ready to take out. Ms. Moermond asked aze there outstanding orders. Mr. Betz responded there are hundreds of bicycles there. Mr. Davidson responded he had about 160 bicycles and has about 7 left. He fixes them up and gives them away. He was an electronic development engineer. Electronics and mechanical things aze his hobby. Ms. Moermond asked aze there photos of the yard. Mr. Betz responded he does not find any in the file. Mr. Lawson said he needs a car because his daughter lives far away. He tries to be self sufficient, has a cane, has a limited income, and is in the retirement yeazs. He will do his best to get the rest of it cleaned up. In answer to several questions, Mr. Betz responded that the compliance date is still back to 12-4- 04. The Audi is the outstanding vehicle and there aze other items outstanding. Apparently, there is an issue with bicycles, building materials, snowblowers, televisions. The latest inspection was on 7-14-04 and it showed some improvement. Ms. Moermond recommends making the date of 9-30-OS to get the rest of the cleanup done. That means he does not get any more bills. Also, it seems the owner needs an outbuilding, shed, or garage to store things. No one wants to stop him from working on bicycles and t.v. sets. She can ask the district council if they know anyone who can provide assistance. Mr. Lawson stated he is not going to fool azound with bicycles anymore. He lived through the Depression and built the house himself. People who lived through those times knew what it was to save something and make things out of it. Ms. Moermond recommends reducing the assessment from a total of $195 to a total of $50. There will be another $150 biil coming his way. If he has things cleaned up to the satisfaction of the inspector by the end of September, she will delete the assessment; however, he will need to turn in the card. 726 Hawthome Avenue East Sy Vu, owner, appeared. John Betz reported that orders were issued on 6-2-04. There were several violations for paint, handrails, defects to the wood trim, gazage overhang pulling away from the structure, etc. The compliance date was 8-1-04. A reinspection was conducted on 2-14-05, the violations to the house were still not corrected, and the overhang had been corrected. A$50 excessive a5-sa9 LEGISLATIVE HEAI2ING Iv3INUTES OF AUGUST 23, 2005 Page 6 consumption fee was chazged and another letter sent to the owner with a compliance date of 6-6- O5; all the repairs were made at that time. Ms. Moermond asked why there was so much time between the comply date and the reinspect date. Mr. Betz responded he did not know. Mr. Vu responded the weather was not good between March and June, as there was a lot of rain. Ms. Moermond recommends deleting the assessment, as the work was done. 1751 Bush Avenue Dennis Peabody, owner, appeazed. John Betz reported he does not have a complete file with him. Orders were issued on 11-16-04. Within the orders, ali vehicles must be correctly licensed. One of the vehicles noted was a black Suzuki. There was a compliance date of 11-16-04 given for the vehicle. There was a reinspection on 1-5-05, the vehicle was still in violafion, and a$50 excessive consumpfion fee was imposed. Mr. Betz does not know if the vehicles are still there. Mr. Peabody said all the vehicles are properly licensed. The black Suztdci is his girlfriend's and she just recently moved into a house. Her vehicle sits in his driveway on graveL It is drivable, and she uses it for storage for one of her sons. The problem started with the inspector a couple of years ago. Ae said he had to get rid of building materials, brick. He called the inspector back and said the neighbor's retaining wall fell over. A Vietnamese inspector said that he had to paint and scrape his house because it was the Mayor's concern. Mr. Peabody told the inspector that he was trespassing, and Mr. Peabody would do it when he could get up on a ladder. This inspector went and spoke to Joel Essling (NHPn who came out and talked to him. Now, Mr. Peabody is getting biiled for inspector time. Mr. Essling put him on the Paint-A-Thon list. The house was built in 1954 with cedaz siding and does not hold paint. Mr. Peabody has been out of work since September 2003. If he can find someone to paint it, or the inspector wants to paint it, he would supply the paint. On July 13, Social Security said he is disabled, and he is waiting on back wages. Mr. Essling also said he does not haue to pay the $50 fee. Mr. Peabody told the inspector that he could come to the door and talk to him, but the Vietnamese inspector said that one of the inspectors got shot, to which Mr. Peabody told this inspector that he is not a violent man and can talk to him. He added that he has no kids, no wife, and is at the house by himself. Ms. Moermond stated she would like to see the place painted. They can put an extension on the orders until the end of next suinmer. Mr. Peabody said that the Vietnamese inspector does not like him. �5 -$a9 LEGISLA"I'IVE HEARING M1I�IUTES OF AUGUST 23, 2005 Page 7 Ms. Moermond stated she is concerned that Mr. Peabody told the inspector that he was trespassing. Mr. Peabody responded that be is a Vietnam Vet and does not like Vietnamese. Mr. Betz stated the original order went out on 11-15-04. There were several violations including house paint, building numbers, and two vehicles, including a black pickup truck. Mr. Peabody xesponded the Suzuki was removed from the dirt, is drivable, and had a tarp on it. It has a dead battery now, but he will be taking it over to his girlfriend's house, which is a Habitat for Humanity house. The 1978 Chevy pickup was his hunting truck, and he is thinkiug of updating it. The Suzuki and truck are operational and licensed. The sticker is not on the license plate, but he showed it to the inspector. They got him for pazking on dirt instead of graveL He needs a driveway poured, but he has no money for that. He does not feel he has to pay the $50 fee because the inspector said he did not have to. Ms. Moermond asked who did what inspection. Mr. Betz responded that Mr. Essling inspected the property on 1-5-OS and said the velucle lacks current license plates. Mr. Peabody added that both license plates aze visible from the alleyway. Ms. Moermond asked was there any notation in the file about Mr. Essling having communicated that this would not go forward as an excessive consumpfion bill. Mr. Betz responded no. Ms. Moermond's recommendation is forthcoming, as she will get in touch with Mr. Esslang. She will lay over this matter to another City Council Meeting if Mr. Essling will ca11, as Mr. Essling said he has a hearing at 4:00 on September 7. Ms. Moermond will give him an extension to August 31, 2006, to paint the property. 902 F Street Ms. Moermond recommends deleting the assessment, as Mr. Betz said it was paid yesterday. 586 Van Buren Avenue Ms. Moermond recommends deleting the assessment, as Mr. Betz said the orders were sent to the previous owner. 2078 Third Street Ms. Moermond recommends laying over to the September 5, 2005 Legislative Hearing 704 Desoto Street Ms. Moermond recommends deleting the assessment. LEGISLATNE HEARING MINUTES OF AUGUST 23, 2005 Page g Ms. Moermond recommends approval of the following assessments, as no one appeazed: 1457 Albanv Avenue 1140 Arkwright Street 1751 Bush Avenue 950 Desoto Street 724 Fifth Street East 922 Fourth Street East 36 Front Avenue 916 Hawthome Avenue East 798 Ielehart Avenue 726 Oakdale Avenue 1162 Rose Avenue East 925 Sixth Street East 323 Summit Avenue 996 Third Street East 260 Winifred Street East The following was heard at 3:00 p.m.: Resolution to consider a stay on the order to remove or repair the building(s) at 1774 Norfolk Avenue. (Laid over from 8-16-OS) The following appeared: Ruth HaufF, Guazdian with Lutheran Social Services; Robin Towney, attorney representing Lutheran Social Services. Mazcia Moermond stated the Council adopted a resolution to remove or repair on 6-1-05. That was a 45 day order to get Lucky Moore (owner) time to sell the properiy. The Council granted a stay and referred it back to Legislative Heazing. The stay was granted for a period of 90 days to about October 21. Ms. Moermond would like to give a package to the City Council which would include a work plan. Mr. Magner reported that Ms. Moore paid and registered the building on 1-25-05. She will roll back the date to October 19, which is when the Council has a public heazing. She understands that Lutheran Social Services is not working on permanent housing because they are not assigned as the guardian. That would be Ramsey County Adult Protection would be the unit. Ms. Hauff responded Robin 5aulberg and Kay Wittgenstein aze working with Ms. Moore. She is in an emergency shelter right now. Ms. Moermond said that Ms. Moore is saying that people do not have to worry about her because she can stay with a friend. Ms. Hauff responded that Ms. Moore will not share who the friend is or anyfl�iug about this person. o5-s�y LEGISLATIVE HEAFtING MIN[JT'ES OF AUGUST 23, 2005 Page 9 Ms. Moermond stated they explored the option of selling to Stonebridge Development, who is willing to pay appraised value. Ms. Hauff responded they want to see the appraisal. Five other people were contacted and all want to see an appraisal. Ms. Moermond asked aze there other comments. Ms. Hauff responded the cleanup started yesterday. It will take about three weeks to get it cleaned out. There is a concem about the stability of the main floor, as the trash goes to the ceiling. The gazbage may be holding up the floor. They have to look at that before they go too faz, as they do not want people to get hurt. Mr. Towney stated they have a hearing set for September 6. They aze not anticipating any objections to that. Mr. Magner stated that as long as the personnel aze securing the building when they leave at the end of the day and they aze hauling out items, filling dumpster, and having the dumpsters removed, there aze no specific problems. There may be more fermenting going on when they start digging into it. Mr. Magner has not been in the basement, as the entrance was not clear and defined. Ms. HaufF said she has the application with her for the Code Compliance Inspection. Ms. Moore had a list of items that she wants from the house, Some are newspapers, but they are not keeping them. They have found dishes, jewelry. They came across some old social security checks that were uncashed, and they will check with social security to see if they can be reissued. They have found coins, but most things aze contasninated with rat and mouse feces and have to be pitched. They are takiug pictures of things that need to be thrown away. The cleanup is about $5,000. Ms. Moermond asked how the cleanup would be paid. Mr. Towney responded it would be paid from the sale of the house. Ms. Moore would get the balance of that. Ms. Hauff added that the cost includes the dusnpster fees. The initial estimate far the cleanup was between $4,000 to $5,000. The judge wanted somebody from Lutheran Social Servlces there to do the inventory. Ms. Moermond would like the house to be standing at the point of sell. Ms. Moermond recommends laying over to the October 4 Legislative Hearing and the October 19 City Council Public Hearing. At that point, they should be close to precluding the purchase agreemerit. The hearing was adjourned at 3:23 p.m. i".��"'1