226894original to City Clerk ORDINANCE 226894 COUNCIL FILE NO. 3 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. Yeas Councilmen' Nays, Dalghsh Holland Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavaulis) i I Attest: City Clerk im X22 Form approved Corporation Counsel Passed by the Council MAR 11966 In Favor Against 11966 . ­­--Approved: : :PUBLISHED MAR 5 1966 Original to City Clerk ORDINANCE 2260'JA COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. a Section 4. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the specifications for the following titles: Groundsman Water Meter Serviceman i Water -Shed Laborer and, by substituting in, lieu thereof, respectively, the following specifications: i i i 1 f t , i r L orleinal to city clerk { ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance ,amendi.ng Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: 'tAn ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum tqualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, It _ s approved February 13 1935, as amended. t THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: r Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February. 1935, as amended, be, and the same is hereby further amended by striking`—,_____ out the title and specifications for Car and Truck Greaser, and by sub- stituting i.n. lieu thereof the following title and specifications for Car and Truck Serviceman: 1 ' a J S 7 J r . i Yeas Councilmen Dalghsh _ Holland -- Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavaulis) Attest: >nz 2 R r 4 Nays t -1- Passed by the Council Approved: City Clerk Aayor Form approved Corporation Counsel By.'t'-/'- �`�a In Favor Against f , original to City Clerk ORDINANCE 226894 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO. i i Yeas Attest: Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the specifications for the title "Utilityman11, and by, substituting in lieu thereof the following line: 11(This title is abolished except as to present incumbents. Section J. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in `their proper alphabetical order the following titles and specifications: i Equipment Repairman ' Filter -Plant Maintenance Man I Parking Meter Repairman Traffic Signman Utility-man I I 1 i i - i t 1 i Councilmen Nays Dalglish ! Holland Loss Meredith Peterson j Rosen 1 Mr. President (Vavoulis) t City Clerk w3w 1M zz Form approved Corporation Counsel By i Passed by the Council Approved: In Favor Against Mayor 1 Title of class: i WATER METER SERVICEMAN Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to inspect, test, adjust, repair, remove and install water meters; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To dismantle, inspect, test, adjust and repair various types of water meters: To clean and renovate water meters. To operate meter testing machines. To replace worn parts. To remove and install water meters. . Minimum qualifications: Two years' experience as a Utilityman I working on Water Meters. t i t � 4 Z Title of class: WATERSHED LABORER Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to perform manual labor in connection with forestry operations, repairing of conduits and structures, and other work in the maintenance of the watershed; and to perform related work as assigned, Examples of work performed: i To cut weeds and to apply chemicals to weeds on land and in lakes. To cut and burn underbrush. To fell and to cut up dead trees. To do pick and shovel work in ditches. To clean conduits and reservoirs. To make simple and emergency repairs to pipe and conduits and reservoirs. To dump chemicals asp directed into the lakes. To install and repair fences. To shovel snow. To repair and replace _rip rap. To use power mowers, weed cutters, patrol boats, pumps, power tools and to drive ' pick-up tracks. To repair and maintain tools and equipment. To use pneumatic tools in placing mortar and grout, i Minimum qualifications: Good physical condition; must be at least 18 years of age. } Y Title of class: # GROUNDSMAN Duties and responsibilities Under" supervision'. to perform manual labor in a park, on a playground, or other public grounds; and to perform related work as assigned. f Examples of work performed: To operate self - propelled mowing equipment. To water and mow golf greens and fairways. To see that grounds are kept-neat-and orderly. To assist forestry crews in cleanup after trimming operations. To cut grass, sprinkle lawns, =trim hedges, -rake leaves, pick up brush and branches, and work on drainage systems. To cut and lay sod. i To aerate and fertilize lawns and greens. To cut and spray weeds. To mulch leaves. To care for playing fields. To act as crew leader when working with Park Aides. To do manual labor in'connection with forestry operations in the Water -Shed. To maintain skating facilities, including putting up poles for lights. To make simple repairs to buildings and playground equipment. To make simple repairs on mowers and other equipment. To set up and repair fences including snow fences. To shovel snow. To perform janitorial, work and to fire and maintain low - pressure boilers. To operate chain, saws to cut up debris and brancl:e;j. To operate tractors on park area off the city streets. To drive vans, pickup_ s and other smaller vehicles in connection with their work. Minimum qualifications: Eighth -grade education. Must be at least 18 years of age. i 1, i Title of class: ' UTiLITYMAN I l i Duties and responsibilities: 1 Under supervision, to be trained in the maintenance and repair of parking and water meters, traffic signs, small motorized equipment, filter plant equipment, etc. ; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: In the capacity of a trainee: To maintain and r! pair mowers, small motors, sickle bars, saws, and other equipment. To maintain, install, and repair parking meters. To maintain, install, and repair water meters. To maintain, install, and repair traffic signs. To maintain and repair building structures and mechanical equipment pertaining to water treatment. Minimum qualifications: I High school graduation. Must be at least 18 years of age. i i j(I - I T i 1 t } i j1I t } Title of class: 2 6894 TRAFFIC SiGNMAN i Duties and responsibilities; Under supervision, to maintain, repair, and install street traffic - signs; and to perform related work as assigned. j Examples of work performed: To place traffic signs and posts, To straighten, repair, -or replace damaged signs and posts. To assist on a street marking crew. Minimum qualifications: Two years' experience as a Utilityman % working on Traffic Signs, s i i r 1 i f t i 1 r f f Title of class: PARKING METER REPAIRMAN Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to install, repair, and maintain parking meters; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: 1 To dismantle, inspect, adjust, clean, and rdpair parking meters. To wind and check meters to see that they are operatic g properly. To hood and remove hoods from meters. To install and remove parking meters. To keep records of repairs and servicing of parking meters. Minimum qualifications: Two years' experience as a Utilityman Y working on Parking Meters. i s . 1 i I I i r _, L Title of class: i . 7 FILTER PLANT MAINTENANCE MAN 226894 Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to repair and maintain the buildings, �) structures and mechanical equipment, except steam generator and finished water pumping equipment, at the Water Department water treatment plant; and to perform related work as assigned. I Examples of work performed: To repair and maintain filters except the actual filter media, , clear wells, chlorinators, flocculators, clarifiers, and related equipment., To repair and maintain conveyors, compressors, sludge pumps* chemical feeders and similar equipment. To repair and maintain space heating units and radiators in the filter plant. a To remove old and install new equipment as needed. To place and replace fencing, screening, and other structural materials. To act as leadman on repairs to filters. Minimum qualificationsi Two years' experience as a Utilityman I working on the above equipment. i t i t 1 , t • i Title of class: 226oN EQUIPMENT REPAIRMAN Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to repair and maintain small motorized equipment, appendages to heavy equipment, mowers, blades, chains; -etc. ;'and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work -performed: To repair and maintain mowers, sickle bars, scarifier teeth, discs, saws, and other equipment To remove, xepair, and attach to trucks auxiliary equipment such as plows, oil dispensing bars and sanders. To repair internal combustion engines bn saws and mowers. To sharpen, adjust, and overhaul mowers, sickle bars, chain saws, airifiers, water pumps; mulchers, edgers, etc. Minimum qualifications: Two years' experience as a Utilityman I working on the above equipment. i I i a I f 'f i 1 1 Title of class: + CAR AND TRUCK SERVICEMAN 226894 Duties and responsibilities:, t Under supervision, to service cars and trucks by greasing, oiling, gassing, etc. ; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed. i To grease, oil and gas trucks and cars. To'ehange grease in transmission and differential. To service, remove, change, and replace batteries. To remove and replace tires, filters, fan belts, headlights, spark plugs, etc. To wash cars and trucks. To act as parts runner when needed. To operate a tow truck. To assist in the repair: of tires. To assist'mechanics as instructed. To keep the shop area iclean. To act as watchman. i t Minimum qualifications, ' One year's experience as a car and truck serviceman. - t t 1 i r i j 1 1 t I st 2n6 Laid over to 3rd and app Adopted Yeas Al 1N1 Yeas j Nays 1 -"'*�alglish \ Dalglish �olland Holland Loss 226894 �eredifh Mereeditlr 7 ]\ -",,-.Peterson \ Pete; rson Rosen Rosen M�. President Vavoulis r. President Vavoulis " �• T Om '® 4 / O i