05-82Council File # �S ` 8� Green Sheet # 3025030 RESOLUTION Presented Referred To OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ' � Committee Date WHEREAS, on January 28, 2004, the Saint Paul City Council adopted Council File #04-82, Ratification of Assessments for Providing Weekly Garbage Hauling Service for the Third Quarter of 2003(File No. J03TRASH3Q, Assessment No. 0956); and 4 WI�REAS, on Mazch 24, 2004, the Saint Paul City Council adopted Council File #04-356, Ratification of Assessments 5 for Providing Weekly Garbage Hauling Service for the Fourth Quarter of 2003 (File No. J03TRASH4Q, Assessment No. 6 9955);and 7 WHEREAS, on July 28, 2004, the Saint Paul City Council adopted Council File #04-759, Ratification of Assessments for 8 Providing Weekly Garbage Hauling Service for the First Quarter of 2004 (File No. J04T1Q, Assessment No. 9973); and 9 WHEREAS, the property at 775 Maryland Avenue East being described as Oak Ville Park I,ot 20, Block 11, with the 10 Property Identification Number 20-29-22-44-0148, was assessed amounts of $670, $720, and $670 respectively for these 11 assessments; and 12 WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Department received a written work order from Neighborhood Housing and 13 Property Improvement (NHPI) to stop the CiTy service following a May 27, 2003, Legislative Hearing wherein evidence 14 of a private licensed garbage hauler service was presented; 15 WHEREAS, this stop work order was either not received or processed by the Puks and Recreation Depardnent and a 16 subsequent stop work order was processed by NHPI in May of 2004; 17 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Legislative Heazing Officer recommends deleting the amount of these three 18 assessments accrued in the time period when City service was provided in error, and 19 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the reducrion of $2,060 be funded by the Exempt Assessment Fund. Green Sheet 3025030 05- g�- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Benanav Bostrom Coleman Harris Helgen Lantry Thune � � ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Requested by Department of. � Form Approved by City Attorney � 8 Adopted by Council: Date 9 10 Adoprion 11 By: 12 Approved 13 By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council os-�a, � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sfieet Green Sheet Green Sheet � , Deparimentlofficelcou�il: Date In+tiated: � �,��;, Z�AN-05 Green Sheet NO: 3025030 Co�ct Person ffi Phone: Denartment Serd To Person initiallDate Marcia Mcertnond � � 000 �� z66'$56� Assign 1 �cii De rim t Director Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Num6er Z erk For 3 Routing Order 4 5 Total # of Signature Pages _(Ciip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Deleting three assessments for garbage hauling services at 775 Maryland Avenne East. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Rejed (R): Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Ftas this perso�rm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civii Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill noi normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiaring Probfem, Issues, Opportunity (1Nho, What, When, Whete, Why): Advanfapes IfApproved: Disadvanqges If Approved: ' . ��unci= ��s��sch CeMer DisadvaMages If Not Approved: F� '-" � ' - __ ..,.- -'_ _ ��r:, ,. Total Amount of CosNRevenue Budgeted: =� - Tmnsaction: _ � • Fundinq Source: Activity Number: ' � Fircaneial Information: (E�cplain) o S— ga- Rs � .,,� y </ CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL INTER DEPART'MENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: January 26, 2005 TO: Councilmembers � FROM: Marcia Moermond, Legislative Hearing Officer �� RE: 775 Maryland Avenue East, Reynolds Wesley, properry owner Per the request of the property owner during the time period in question, I have conducted a second review of the assessment history of 775 East Maryland Avenue. At a legislative hearing on May 27, 2003, Mr. Wesley presented evidence that he had contracted with a licensed hauler. This evidence is necessary for the City to stop provision of its services. It appears that there was a written work order from Neighborhood Housing and Pzoperty Improvement (NI3I'I) to the Parks and Recreation Department to stop the City garbage hauling service immediately following the legislative hearing. This work order, however, was either not received or processed by Parks and Recreation. This error was identified in May of 2004 by NIIPI, and another stop work order was transmitted from NHPI to Parks and Recreafion. During this time period, Mr. Wesley moved to Tennessee and did not attend the legislative hearings associated with the assessments for garbage hauling seroice from June of 2003 through May of 2004. In my first review of the assessment history in October of 2003, it appeared there had been a second "initiation" of City gazbage hauling service. Notably, there is an extensive history with NIIPI enforcement actions at this property; however, based on my second review, I recommend the Council delete the followipg assessments: Assessment # File # 0956 J03TRASH3Q 9955 703TRASH4Q 9973 J04T1Q Amount $670.00 $720.OQ $670.00 Approved by Council 1-28-04 Approved by Council3-24-04 Approved by Council 7-28-04 c: Louise Langberg and Bruce Engelbrekt, Real Estate Division Reynolds Wesley CITY HALL THIl2D FLOOR 15 WEST KELLOGG BOULEVARD SAAVT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102-1615 � AA-ADA£EO Employe�