05-819C{TY Preser_ted By Referred To Committee: Date 1 WxExaes , The Mayor and City Councii did approve City Chapter 131 regazdina Newsracks; and 2 3 W�aEas , The Director of Public Works is responsible for enforcement of Chapter 131; and 4 S WHHREAS , Chaptex 131 Section 20 disrusses the need for newsrack administration and enforcement; and � 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 � 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 WxEases , The needs discussed in Secflon 20 include safety, placement, proper maintenance and free speech; and 9 WHEREns , Newsracks poten6ally have a blighting influence on the City if not monitored and maintained frequently; and 10 ll WxeStFAS , The numbex of newsxacks on City rights-of-way have grown over the ye2rs to approxunately 2,000 units; and WxEtieas , Public Works' wst of administration and enforcement has grown significantly due to inattention to Chaptec 131 by newsrack owners and managers; and WxEZtsps , Chapter 131 Section b0 authorizes charging a fee sufficient to reitnburse the City for all of its expenses incurred foi administcarion and enfoicement following a report by the Dixector of Public W orks to the City Council; and WxeRSeS , The Director of Public Works submitted a report to the City Council in letter form dated July 22, 2005; and the cost of the administrarion and enforcement program documented in the report computes to $39 per newszack unit; and Wt7exsAS , The Mayor and D'uector of Public Works recommend the foRowing newsrack fee: - A fee of $39 annually foz each newstack unit placed on City righEof-way. Now, therefore, bB it RESOLVED � That the City Council adopts this annual newsrack fee, due immediately upon receipt of invoice from the Department of Public Works. 2005 fee period: Oct. 1, 2005 - June 30, 2006 (charge lull fee due to start-up cosis). 20D6 and following periods: JL�ly 1— June 30. . Be it further ResocvEO, that newscack organizations that do not pay theiT annual fee within thirty (30) days of invoice foi a newsrack locarion wIll have that newsrack unit reznoved and stored according to the provisioas of Chapter 131. Yeas Nays Abs ent Requested by Department of: enana� ✓ os ro� � arrz� � He ae� f g Lantry � A roval Recommended b Office of Montgomery ,� pp �' � Financial Services Director: ✓ � Iv O � Adopted by Council: Date � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � Approved Council File # O� _ U' l RESOLUTION Green Sheet n 3027479 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Form Approved by City Attorney: Mayor for i1: By: OS- 819 � Green Sheet 6reen Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � PW —r�n�s�w� Contad Person & Phon6: Bob Sandquis[ 2GCr6099 Must Be on Councif Aqem Contract Type: RERE$OlUf10N Date Initiated: �-���-� Green Sheet NO: 3027479 ' ' Deparfinent SentTOPerson InitiallDate - 0 blic Works � DeoarGneu[ Acct i A55ign 1 �PablicWorks IDeoarlmentDirector � Number Z i�n4a1 cuervices �ioancia� Servica Du. For r1i1 Roufing 3 'CiriAttomev � CtitvAttornev 1_�C= Order 4 or's OiSce Ma or/A � t I 5 I�ouixil � Ctc Cawd 6 i Clerk Ci Clerk Total # of Signature Pag _(Clip NI Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Review and appiove attached resolution establishing a newsrack fee pursuant to Ciry Chapcer 131. or Must Mswer the Following Questions: Planning Commission �, Has this persoNfirtn eaer woriced under a contract for this depaRment? CIB Committee Yes No GHI Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm eser been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not rmttnalty possessed by any curtent city employee? Yes No Explain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, issues, Opportunity (Whq Wha; When, Where, Why): � Newsracks on skee[ comers in the City often aze overlooked as a necessary part of Ciry life. ff not properly maintained, they can blight our downtown and neighborhoods. Many ptoblems have caused us to dedicate staff to inspection and notification when problems arise. Problems range from placement issues to graEfiti, littec and disxepair. Our inspection and notification program has begun to yield noriceable results, but it comes with a cost. Chapter 131 allows us to chazge a fee to recover our costs, and this resolution proposes the use of such a fee. Therefore, we propose an annual fee of $39 for each newsrack. This will be a sufficient amount to cover our annual program expenses. AdvanYapes NApproved: The City will be able to better maintain the appeazance of ow streets and cover the costs rela[ed to newsrack administration and enforcemenL ,. � � m , m d „ � � Disadvanpqes If Approved: None. AUG 2 2 2005 � , _ . � S�1 Disadvanta4es If Not Approved: The City will continue to see growing groups of newsracks on wmers of the City, with limited means to make sure they aze weA in a timely way. ToWlAmountof $O � Transaction: Funding Source: None Financial information: (Explain) CostlRevenue Budgeted: Y Activiry Number. NOne � R�393rCh C8`�#8� A�l� 2 3 2Q� July 28, 2005 91:48 PM Page 1