2268541 I 1 y <4 r . 1 CITY OF.ST. PAUL j Resdl`ation Ratifying Assessment 1 In the matter of the assessment of ' FB "tll wt "40"u-0 W 268 COUNCIL gILE NO By— z - Y sr, vt *401, t *- I _ I ASSI<IS, SABLE s ' F.O. - .238493 - Aron St., both, sides from Breda Ave. to-Wynne Ave..- - '1,0, -- 219497 - Sherburne Ave., both sides from Virginia St. to Farrington St. F.O. - 219602. - ,Fuller Ave., both sides from Dale St. to Kent St. F.O. - 219578 _Capitol Heights, Mast side from Winter St. N'ly to the N/L of Lot 3, Blk. 14, Ashton and`Sherburne's Add, and on the east side of Capitol Eta. from the S/L of Lot 9 to the N/L of Lot 14, Blk. 13, Ashton's t Sherburne's Add.,> •F,O. - 219280 - Thomas Ave., both sides afros Milton St. to Chatsworth St. ! F.O. - 219542 - Chatsworth St:, east side from Thomas Ave. 8 approximately 126 ft. abuttin8 -. ,974_,P' pmas Ayr nwT. yuczZ. �,-• �� x�: rso-. �s`�F F.O. - 219543 - Chelms-ford St.,,east side from Hendon -Ave. to Dudley Ave. Chula Sford,..St.- ,, caste._ side-from--Hendon Ave. to Dudley Ave. P.O. - 219548 - Front Ave., south side 'ffoii Maakubin `St. to Arundel "St� M� ay ppy.0..�a•-21p56 Front -Avs. north -side from._>'lackubia St. to Arundel St. ! F.Q. 219574 - Carter Ave., both sides from t? .. R ywo'Sa' ''Aw- .:to _ d eve. M A public hearing haviog bean haul tipmi the - ,­,1sstrert for -fie :.bove ireprovement, end euid a5F: 17. �s NON- ASSESS ABLSs mez�.0av -7 219 #93°x'= i'A�coaa:��E ;?cbath {'ridi 7:ffomrmiidat`An;:to V ►nne_Aw it,:c1i�• satisfstctory,- ' F 0 '= 219497 - Sherburne.Avo., bothIsides from Virginia Sc- to Farrington St. - Iic i 1 trefo• F.0'. - 219542 - Chatawacth St., sastlside from Thous Ave. S approximately 126 ft. abutting: 974 Thomas Avenue. . F RS -239576} Front Ave.. ,north ,si o yfrom Haakubin St., to Arundel Stl 1�,..w1 L r ,u.a 1'ja +t ill: �a.'L - t'.. fll 9b ! • 'i r%•l'-' ?)!e •" 3lfn "f ?Il" 'n ^1.j r"`fi t^ rSj, 'r �t.ri F.O. - 219578 - Giapttol Heights, was side srom WintirSt'. N ly Eo' the QjU of "Lot-3, Ilk* same is here%y+ir,;ered l4; cAsiitoiitaiacla Shsrb rz ,'s7rAdd. }faod pp ,11thpof41stz,aids,of,,,C��.,� 0o �Zts- from ^' the S /Lof Lot 9 to the N/L of Lot 14, Bik. 13, Ashton s 8 Sherburne s Addl.: FRO'.IT �21T9S74�� Cait r A''' ; ��biAfi'�si 'as from }`it��o'ad =Ave it Lo 1ComoyAi4i r�,..;ed t<, be r- payable %n_ _.c COUNCILMEN ) 191966 Yeas Dalglish Nays t Adopted by the Council Holland Meredith JAN 191966 Peterson I Approve Yice President (Rosen) 7n Favor Against II Mayor PUBLISHED IAN 2 2.1966 Form R -2 2M 10 -68 8 4 ° CITY OF ST. PAUL 2'" a t ` - OFFICE OF .THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment In the matter ofLthe assessment of 00�"_ of X00 _ took 0**o,t ASSESSABLE; F.O. - 2b949$ -Arona St., both sides from Breda Ave. to Wynne Ave. } ' I.0. - .219497 - Sherburne Ave., both sides from Virginia, St. to Farrington St: 1�0. - 219602 - Fuller Ave.,-both sides from Dale St. to Rent St. = F.O., 219578 - Capitol Heights, west, side from Winter St.- N'ly to the N/L of Lot 3; Blk. 14, Ashton and Sherburne's Add. and on the east side of- Capitol Hts, from the S/L of Lot 9 to the N/L of Lot 14, Blk. 13, Ashton's & Sherburne's Add.` F.O. = 219280 - Thomas Ave., both sides ofrom Milton St. to Chatsworth St. F.O. - 2195,42- Chatsworth St a,- eastTsidefromThomas,Ave;� S approximately l-2ft.� abutting 1.497 `Thoma s Avenue . k F.O. v219543 s- Chelmsford Sty,- ,eas.t sijee,fr,om++ Hendon Ave. to Dudley,; Ave. 2�954ii�`Clielmsford St.; ' m Hendon Ave. to Dudley Ave. -west -side fro P.O. �2I9548�� Front Ave w south side from, Mackubin_ St. to, Arundel - St. 2195 6 i= °Front Aver" north side from Mackubin St to rundel St. ' F.O. - 219574 - Carter Ave., both sides from Raymond Ave. to Como Ave. To the Coun -A of th:z Uty or 5t. iii: �" NON- ASSESSABLE;. 3a,� oalaner of Vixiaw,!' br?rtgv 3 {it �'?L1P.i,1 l�P ft�ilsYSiali.`� i#$ $ 5.f.".ifr's1;iTaL 4 the QX• F.O. 215493"- Arona St., both sides ffom Breda Ave. to Wynne Ave. F O:di'_:i?21. 9497' 3 =" Sher ui!'ne A�ie n`botli'`s de #s�' front Virginia, 'Stiff. tl'o= Fairing o �St r`t' v'z' F.O. - 219542 - Chatswcr th St. , east side from Thomas Ave. S approximately 126 ft. abutting 974 Thomas Avenue. F.O. - 2195 Front', Av.eo north side' f'rom'Mackubin SE:, to Arundel'St: ''-tidr," F.O. - 219578 - lCapttol'Heigh'ts �',Oe- 'At' "sidde "from`WinfiiiSth.: N *ly`to the; N /L; -of Lot 3, Blk. In4X'ci,4n Ashto�i`an!1 Slierburne''s Add.- Vdd'on' the east side -of "Capitol Hts. from Postal tli "edS /L' of- Lo" t'' 9"to`the`N /L.'of'Lot'14 -'Blk:"13 Asht'i ' Sherburne's Add. ; biie- "� r F.O. - 219574 Cart r' Ave: ;'both 'side's" `frdm'Rajmond'Ave to Como `Ave Colleetit�n cats . .................�... , .......... , , - .rte;._ # - - t uri- costs ror canrirmation .... V L .JJ" TOTAL EXPENDITURES ........................ $ 20,560 99 Charge to ......... 092Q- 701.....{ ................ $ 1,437 18 ......... . ......... HRH.APPPS444W.. ........... $ 880 z_ Net Assessment ................. 1 ............... $ 18,243 60 f Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ 18,243.60 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Counc' or such ac ' there as may be considered proper. Dated December 21, 1965 _ issioner e. Form R -2 2M 20 -68 8