226846Orislnal to City Clerk ORDINANCE �M PRESENTED BY s i -- - '�P. COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO.- An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6446, entitled: "An administrativl ordinance fixing the com- pensation rates of certain city positions and employments," approved January 23, 1925, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section, 1. That Ordinl ce No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out subsection B of Section I, reading as follows: "STANDARD RANGE -- The Standard Range applicable to each position in each of the classes established in Section 6 of the Rules shall be the Standard Range having the'same number as the Grade in which the class of position appears." and, by substituting in lieu thereof the following: "STANDARD RANGE -- The Standard Range applicable to each position in each of the classes established in Section 6 of the Rules shall be the Standard Range having the same number, plus two, as the Grade in which the class of positionlappears; so that Standard Range 15 shall be applicable to Grade a> 13, Standard Range 16 shall be applicable to Grade 14, , etc." Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Meredith Peterson RCP/. Passed by the Council FEB 21966 Tn Favor A vainest Mr.President (Vavoul' FEB 21966 Approved: Attest: f � City Clerk ayor uK &62 Form approved Corporation Counsel By .. p�$LISHED FEB 5 1966 ICITY CLERK 'LA ardln6nze avmdlng Sao. 6414+&¢ Ut'Ieda pe retlutx t car vlt pqsIttims X'gr npl*y =tsaxt** ts Apprc0ve4 $ u *ry zs* 492$s a o Too COUNC110 or, Tor Section 1. That 192% aa a e4ddd, be ostd thO out subsectlori U of Zottion. A, :ST AND 3 R-Mos — The t each of tboclaseaz etstab "neurd Range hawing the 4 of position eppeam" and, Shy oubatfiitutlng In hou "STMO W ILIME -- The In each of the cuasoa *stab "tandud name having the 4 tch the aass, at poem c applicable to Grade _13, St. ralde 14m, +ate." ON' $AINT PAUL 1 LS QIWAM tea, 6446, approVe,4 %Tahu3ry Z3, Ie hereby further armaded by otrUfts a as 0MOWN1 ark Aaftso uppifole to Bath p0*I0on d In sp-c"cA b of the Rules shw bo the nu or AS the Grado in. Wbic+h the clue the followings ►nd%Vd_ a e. plic0le to each position gad �eetlun 6 of tho .Rules *h3l.l ba the e numbarA plus two, as the avads In tat*a' to that endar4 Aage 15 ahtdl be Ord age. 16 *halt be applicablo t* 115ectl= Z. " hle ordinance *hell. ice Feet and be In forte fldrty cUys after Ito pissit o* 4pproyajm' and publScm t . J Passed by the Council - FEB 21956 DApproved -FEB 21966 Ist , //v Laid over to 3rd and PP Yea a Dalglish Holland Loss N�,Meredifh Peterson knen- J Nays 'r 2nd / Yeas Nays �alglish `Holland 2268446, ,�' e� Meredith 'St V Peterson d - Rosen --- P.,Sesident. Vavoulis President Vavoulis Mr. Vice President No"')