226844JOriginal to City Clerk OR PRESENTED BY DINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. 2,6844 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classed Service of the City," approved February 13,. 193 5, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in its proper alphabetical order the following title and specifications for: I Custodian - Engineer V _1_ Original to City Clerk PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE 0,9.6844 COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO.-D Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss - Meredith U Peterson Mr. Presiden_ t (Vavouli 1 Attest: r • City Clerk iM zz y Form approved Corporation Counsel IFES 3I9i�� Passed by the Co cil n Favor Against Approved: &F-ID 3 �96� �� 1SHED F $ �96� M Title of class: Duties and responsi USTODIAN -ENGINEER V s: 226844 Under supervision, ' o be responsible for the cleaning and beating of a school buildi g in which 20 or more custo4a� workers (either full -time or regular part -time are employed; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work per ormed: To assign, plan, di I ect and supervise the work of all custodial " employees, To be responsible for the operation of all the boilers, the air - conditioning systems and the maintenance of the mechanical equipment related to the swimming pool. To protect the building from damage in case of emergency. To make minor emergency repairs and to report needed repairs or maintenance work to proper authorities. To perform all the Iduties specified for Custodian - Engineer IV. Minimum qualification s: years' ex erilnce as a Custodian-Engineer IV or four years' Two yea p g experience as al Custodian - Engineer Ili, Must furnish a Chief Engineer's Grade C license. -2- P I 7v CITY CLERK A4 6td4Aw* amto ;AAA otft=dol o"Muo qwtfll $0111tione it itho "Saw Optoved robtw"T IS* 1935 '000tiou I. TW Ov It* PVboor 40AU004 *VOW as orduumce om, 76070 owtlodt ado thb:ftU*t# and too pftsifilUato *tloaf for ** vttlou's cusoas of di s4"llao d tbo C, Ityll" ws aratudslL 'JTV OV $AM- PA UL DOO QAOA!Nt 1040co 140. 16070 oproud Va l� mtf M. Mos, 10 UtOby tU*th*r 4MWSOCV�y 1"OHAS U. to foltowths tIU6:and specutcAtwao sort i*!* , v Title of class: CUSTODIAN - ENGINEER V Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to be r sponsible for the cleaning and heating of a school building in w,�ich 20 or more custodVal workers (either full -time or regular part -time) are employed; and to perform related work a� assigned. Examples of work performed To assign, plan, direct and supervise the work of all custodial employees. I To be responsible for the ioperation of all the boilers, the air - conditioning systems and the maintenance of the mechanical equipment related to t�e swimming pool. To protect the building frpm damage in case of emergency. To make minor emergency repairs and to report needed repairs or maintenance work to proper authorities. To perform all the duties specified for Custodian- Engineer IV. Minimum qualifications: Two years' experience as a Custodian - Engineer IV or four years' experience as a Custodian- Engineer Iii. Must furnish a Chief Engineer's Grade C license. -2- CO 2 TWO -tatty d1kyo, Ofter its Vast N 09 Aban to** eftoet 1A fosme *VOrOV4# Oad-publioation. Passed by the Council - FEB 31966 Approved - FEB 31966 a I st 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app — Adopted --Y,QAS Nays Yeas Nays alglish `Dalglish ,,,,olland Holland Loss /�\ Loss �`� \� Meredith ��� Meredith Peterson � a `Peterson L/ \ i 7tVavoulis r. Presid Adu AUM Ere4dent (Roaeja) ,® 1