226827ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 22682' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Rosen. Publi Torks ,,.,= January, 1966 / if WHEREAS., In connection with the widening and extending of Shepard Road from Otto Avenue to Interstate 35 E, it is necessary to acquire certain Real Estate, as well as construction, Bridge and Sewer easements from the Texaco Co. Inc.; Socony Mobil Oil Company and Shell Oil Company, and j WHEREAS, Under C.F. No. 220231, approved October 6, 1964, the land acquisition for the above companies was authorized and payments made; now therefore be it, RESOLVED, That the cost for the I construction, Bridge and Sewer easements in an estimated amount of X65,650.00 be charged to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Find, Code 6000, Comptroller's Contract L- E�695 -4 and this same fund to be reimbursed from the Municipal State Aid Pond 64- 194 -102. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson ,ar4tf, Favor T JAN 181966 Adopted by the Council 19— PP 181966 19— Mayor ;PUBLISHED JAN 2 2 1966 DUrLICAv TO "IN-MR 0 �.J • J' / CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO L1J/ r`•YJ+ /d (S/ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -COUNCIL RESOLUTION -- GENERAL FORM COMMMMIS�SIONEe � j.�. ;r(1�1 BO O1$ —p in Ww*11 DATE— ZJa _ WH Bk In connection With the Widening and witerlding of Shepard Road frm Otto Avenue to Interstate 35 E *. It is neaesa=7 to aoquire certain Real Sefetol, as ja*31 as oonstruction, Bridge and Sewer easewinto from the Texaco 4 Iiw. f S000ay Mobil Oil Company and Shea Oil Compemyt and WHO UM, Under 0,11'. loo. 2202311 atpprImd October 6j 19640 the land acquisition for the above companies was authorised and paywnts mades, ww therefore be it#, RESOLYM� That the- Bost for tboii o0 uetraotion„ Bridge and Seger ftsewnts in an estimated amount of Wa650.00 be caged to tho Permanent Ispreverent Revolving Funds Code 60000 Comptrollores Contract Lw669 _4 and this same fund to be reinbaraed frak the Maniolpal State Aid Fund 64 -19b-02. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson -tosfn W- 00 president (Rosen) 10M sas L_ In Favor Against JAN 1 81966 Adopted by the Council 19_ AN18196' Approved 19— Mayor