05-815.. ;;.. . Council File # �' � �s Green Sheet # � � .3 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented 3i Referred To Co�ittee Date WI�REAS, The Mayor recommended, and the Saint Paul City Council approved Council Resolution 04-323 which approved the Residential Street Paving projects to be constructed in 2004 and tentatively approved projects for the years 2005 through 2008; and 4 WHEREAS, The tentatively approved proj ects for subsequent years must be reviewed by the CIB Committee 5 and the Mayor, and be approved by the City Council and the Mayor prior to each conshuction year; and WfIEREAS, The Deparhnent ofPublic Works has been directed, on a yearly basis, to bring forward a revised list of Residential Street Paving projects, moving up another year of proj ects to final approval; and adding another year oftentative projects;and 9 WfIEREAS, The adopted 2005 Capital Improvement Budget funds the Residential Street Vitality Program at 10 7.525 million of CIB funds in 2005; and tentatively recommends $7.000 million of CIB funds in 2006; $7.000 11 million of CIB funds in 2007; and $7.000 million of CIB funds in 2008; and 12 WHEREAS, The estimated costs of Residenrial Street Vitality Program projects have been revised to reflect 13 the increased cost of construction; and 14 WHEREAS, Public Works recommends that two projects listed in Resolution 04-323 be constructed over two 15 years, both projects, BakerBellows and Arlington/Pascal, shall be constructed in 2005 and 2006. These schedule 16 modifications keep the Residential Street Vitality Frogram within the adopted and proposed Capital Improvement 17 Budgets as approved by the Mayor and Council; now therefore be it 18 RESOLVED, The City Council accepts the following list ofprojects, giving final approval for those listed for 19 2005 and tentative approval for the projects listed for years 2006 through 2009. 20 YEAR 21 2005 22 2005 23 2005 24 25 26 2006 2006 2006 PROJECT NO. 51 16 42 87 16 51 27 2007 61 28 2007 49 29 2007 80 30 2007 34 PROJECT NAME ARLINGTON/PASCAL (Two-Year Project) BAKER/BELLOWS (Two-Year Project) EDMCJND/GALTIER CHATSWORTH/GOODRICH BAKER/BELLOWS ARLII3GTOi3/PASCAL IICJBBARD/GRIGGS SEVENTHBAY GRIGGS/JEFFERSON ORANGElPARK � ° 1 YEAR 2 2008 3 2008 4 2008 5 2008 6 2009 7 2009 8 2009 9 2009 PROJECT NO. PROJECT NAME 4 WHITE BEAR/BURNS 10 IVY/KENNARD 20 EARL/MCCLEAN 70 ASHI,AND/PASCAL 67 KNAPP/RAYMOND 28 MAGNOLIA/EARL 71 CRETIN/GOODRICH 47 5EVENTH/DOUGLAS OS- 81S' Adopted by Council: Date �o� � � � (7 , Adoption Certified by Counc�Secretary � � Datie l� "' r � - �� ��-� , � , / � i T� �/�� Approval ec es led by Budg D'uector: By: os- 8�5" � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � pW - Pubticwo�ks Confact Person & Phone: Daniel A. Haak 266 6084 Must Be on Council Agen Contract Type: RE-RESOUff10N Green Sheet NO: 3027737 Department SentToPerson Gc W r GeW rks De tDirector Ctv Atfnrne � fa or's t'fice or/Assistant co�a C'tv Clerk (Slv Clerk ToW I# of Signa Pages _(Clip A ll Lo cat i ons for Signat Action Requested: Approve Councit Resolution giving fund approval of the 2005 Residentiai Street Vitality project areas and tentative approval of 200G 2009 projectazeas. idations: Appro�e (A) or R Planning Commission CIB Commiltee CiHI Senice Commission '17-AUC DS � ' Assign Number For Rou6ng Order 0 1 2 3 4 5 Personal Service Contrects MuslMswerthe Following Questions: 1. Has this persoNfimi e�er vrorked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirm e�er been a ciiy employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any curtent city employee? � Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issaes, Opportunity (Who, What, When, V9here, Why): This Resolution is a follow up on Resolution 04323 which approved the 2004 RSVP pro}ects. The 2006 [hrough 2009 project schedule is based on $7.0 Million of CIB per year because of past experience of adopted RSVP budget. AdvanWpeslfApproved: � Public Works, other City Depar[ments, Utility Companies, and outside agencies can star[ the planning and coordination for the 2006- 2009 projects. DisadvantageslfApproved: None AUG 2 6 20�5 'S OFFICE DisadvanWAeslfNotApproved: Difficul[ [o plan for fu[ure projects. Expectations of residents will no[ be me[. �i� ioq�wmountof $0 Transaction: Funding Soarce: WA CosURevenue Budgeted: �' Financial Information: (Explain) August 1$ 2 05 1:01 AM AcErvityNumber. rJ/q Page 1 AUG 2 5 2005 � �;4�t�t�,`i� Rae??�rrh G?nfiBP AUG 2 6 20p5