05-814Councii File # � 5 ' o��
Green Sheet # ��(p
Refesed To
Committee Date
1 WHEREAS, in 2005 the assessment rate for street paving, including curb and gutter in connection with the
2 Residential Street Vitality Program (RSVP) was $29.50 per assessable foot; and
WHEREAS, in 2005 the assessment rate for the modified lantem style lighting was $5.21 per assessable foot, and
the alternative bent straw lighting was $3.27 per assessable foot; and
5 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council, by Resolution, has directed that these assessment rates be adjusted yearly
6 based on the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Urban Consumer Price Index; and
WHEREAS, the most recent Minneapolis-Saint Paul Urban Consumer Price Index showed an increase of 3.1%
from the first half of 20Q4 to the first half of 2005; now therefore be it
9 RESOLV ED, that in order for the assessment to reflect the increased construction costs and benefit to the property
� 0 owners, the assessment rate for street paving in connection with RSVP is increased 3.1 % from $29.50 to $30.41 per
'.1 assessable foot for all such RSVP projects approved byFinal Order after October l, 2005 to be constructed in 2406;
i2 and
�3 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the assessment rate far the modified lantern style lighting is increased 3.1%
! 4 from $5.21 to $5.37 per assessable foot, and the alternative bent siraw lighting increased 3.1% from $3.27 to $3.37
! 5 per assessable foot for all such RSVP projects approved by Final Order after October 1, 2005 to be constructed in
t 6 2006.
Date�� 7,c���
Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary
Requested by Deparhnent of:
P lic W r �s
os- 8►y
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
pV�/ — Pubticwolks
DBte Inifiated:
,��� . Green Sheet NO: 3027746
Confact Person & Phone: .'
Daniel A. Haak
2 �� Assign
Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number
ContraM Type:
0 Fubl"c Works 1 1
1 ti Wo D ent i r .
2 tvAttome
3 o's ce orA ' t
4 CouncJ (
5 Ctv CA k Gtv Qeck
Totai # of Signalure Pages _(Clip NI LocaUons for Signature)
Action Requested:
Approval of resolurion establishing the year 2006 Residential StteeC Vitaliry Program assessment mtes.
Recwnmendations: Appro�e (A) or Reject (R):
Planning Commission
CIB Committee
_ _ _ _ (.1HI Ssrvice Commission
Personal Service
1. Has this personlfitm eeer wmked under a contract for tfiis department?
Yes No
2. Has this persoNfirtn e�er been a city employee? �-
Yes No
3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill not [wmwlfy possessed 6y any
currept city employee?
Yes No
Expiain all yes answers on separaM sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (YVho, What, When, Where, Why): .
Itt 1990, the Cjty Council adopted a resolution calling for [he assessments for CSSP projects to be adjusted each year according to the ���
previous yeaz's change in Minneapolis-Saint Paul Urban Consumer Price Index (9Q-1459). In 1995, the City Council adopted a i
simiiaz resolution for the Residential S Veet Paving Program (95-1127). We are proposing [o increase assessmen[ rates for 2006 by �
3.1% for street paving and lighting as per past practice. �� 0 � , _ I
Assessments will keep pace with inflation.
All�G a �����
DisadvanWqes HApproved: �
Assessments will be 3.1%a highu for residents for Residential Sheet Paving and Lighting.
Disadvantapes {f NotApproved:
We witt be able to do less paving of oiled sffeets and older paved streets.
Financial Mformation:
TotalAmountof $�
Funding Source: N/A
August l8, 2005 10:44 PM
CostlRevenue 8udgeied: �'
Activ'M1y Number: N/A
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