226816ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK I 226 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO JJl�� OFFICE OF HE CITY CLERK C UN L RE I N ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that as determined by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota by its pertinent Resolution No. 65- 12/29 -2, dated December 29, 195, itihas become and is necessary to the proper and successful conduct and completion of the Upper Levee Project Minn. R -3 to file-an application for a further revision of the pertinent Loan and Grant Contract between said Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the United States of America, acting by and through its-Housing and Home Finance Agency, Contract No. R- 3(LG), dated July 10, 1958, as amended, so that the same shall provide therefor and effect an increase in the Project Loan and Capital Grant authorization, to wit: To effect an increase in.the Project Capital Grant authorization in said Project, as amended, from $319,879.00 to the maximum amount of $437,287.00, said latter sum being the maximum-amount available under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended prior to August 2, 1954; that said Council hereby approves such application of said Housing and Redevelopment Authority addressed to said Housing and Home Finance Agency, and the filing of the same with the latter, for said amendment to said Loanland Grant Contract, the granting of such application by said Housing and Home Finance Agency and the authorization by said Housing and Home Finance Agency of such amendment to said Loan and Grant Contract; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that said Council, in behalf of said City, hereby approves the filing of such application for said Loan and Grant Contract amendment by said Housing and Redevelopment Authority with said Housing and Home Finance Agency, and the execution of the necessary amendatory documents for the aforesaid amendment of said Loan and Grant Contract so that the same shall reflect, among other things, the aforesaid budgetary changes to be incorporated therein by said Authority with said Housing and Home Finance Agency upon the granting of such application by the latter; and FURTHER RESOLVED that said Council hereby concurs in said Housing and Redevelopment Authority Resolution No. 65- 12/29 -29 dated December 29, 1965, and approves the aforesaid application and amend- ment to said Loan and Grant,Contract thereby proposed and by reference does hereby incorporate said Resolution herein as part,and parcel of this Resolution. COUNCILMEN FO APPROVED I Adopted by the Council Yeas Nays Gyi Dalglish Asst. CoMoRM4 CO nSd JAN 18 1966 Holland Approv d 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredith Peterson ell Mayor Rosen Against PUBLISHED JAN 2 2 1966 AZtn ki 1.?re c' - (Itosen� font e-0 4 t G -7 10/20/60 CEra OF SECRELTARY The undersigned hereby certifies, as follows: (1) That he is the duly qualified and acting Secretary of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, herein called the "Local Public Agency" and the'keeper of the records of the Local Public Agency; (2) That the attached Resolution No, 65.12/29.2 is a true and correct copy of the Resolution as executed on the 29th day of December 19 65 S (3) The seal affixed below constitutes the official seal of the Local Public Agency and this Certificate is hereby executed under such official seal; (4) That the undersign Certificate. IN WIT?DIESS WHEREOF,' the this 3rd day of ( S E A L ) is duly authorized to execute this signed has hereunto set his hand 19 66 • SECRET 1 .... - $ 0 0 T4-101" N 65- 32/29.2 _•_ -+ ` - - - P A50LUtio -ri, ids -TIM HOUSIM !MM► -`- - 3 - - 1 + ,• ' _ .' -. -APT AMID OF T88.. - ti- icivy CF smor PAUL `'glmsom . . :. _ • - .. - - - ' • A�iE:02►ZAL� �TH� • FI�Ii�3 • � AN - • • . - , -' _ • ` AiATO�Y'APPLICATION.I`QTt WbI d2tD Oi obi FOR PROMT r W # the ou.9 and.ltadoveio iit'iuthority of, the City o 4 $a p - 1?4ul, w , !#ii fiaa eute ed into a cantxsl t `�iith the Unitod Stated of America 'Cott act, _ 06..Mnu, &•3(LO dated ruly-100. x,958; for, Project Temporory Loari`­ip -tha •am6unt < -•• _ 052i $,.73$ i and ftoAct Ccpltmi Graft im_the' Atdm of 0296o560,.001 for the vntertokina of they projott• dearribad iq iaid • Contract; 4nd WilgmGs the, AUtIiority and thc' United S`tatOe of A=rid, as Jtay Is, 19600" - on red 3nttt 4 virat .A=Ondatory, Cootok t Ar-an4ing Loan and Grarit Catti�rac�, �tQ. _ _ .•_. Minn• 'gi-300)'i hare'ln - the Project Tegorary loan vat. ravived' to tho 'mount of '$626,265 #09 rind the Project Capital_ Grant one reNrised to tha armunt of $399.096.00; and r A xtia AuttiQrf t aiesZ . tho `tinititd States - of Ainaricai pn• J•un6 1, 1962, - entered itit }o Smco ,Azaen a'tQrP Cain rotet ,Amending 14ai� 0 Grant Con�f 6t No.-- , wherein tho 119oloot (atp tal -Gramt v4s furthor - raviaed to the amo=t of 43210059:00; -*tA - S R ,the Aiithdrity and =iht i aitod States of A�t�tca,: an- Vcccabot 10,-1963, entered f nto a ixd ., emdatoryr C+o� #;# ' Az�ud�ng Loan and f ans Cpntr_ act ;o. xJinn. R-3(14)1, ahe%*ia the .RroJect Capital 'G ant --vast,' farther tevieed to th0. _ ?fit: of- SAS, it .head heett detOr 4m'd t�im� a 1urtber reviOjr.A,1A the Project -capital _ Grant authorization ke zecsssaxy to -an aoouat -of $437-,267.00 in"- o�de3r that .. the' Project- vey be proporly and M cese €ui 7 cs reed ait +oared • '. VROWO to aceom 4 =iC SxQ1f d Ott ft iq ,iwC4 *08,a 'to file" *n - 1idat4ty, location far qua a;iQ. Gz�eat :f t aaid,Project:, rov CFO ,;'SE IT H 50LV D byr tho . Aeftiseii�aiaeica of thb Uouecitt8 ercid �tedet'v eloptietit;,ithe�rit�rria the,ty� o� S�tia'iul, �iatadrara. thrt an �azatasry Appii� _ cation tot' T06" n4 .Grant,; �atraef` 00 24inti: k =3.(�) be_ f�i^r,d an behalf of thg ; Authority for the iolioa�l. e"out ` 4 - 1. Fri' as 3nczeaa 'th " ha' ofedt Capital -drant -i:i said Pt9jeat� a11E •aoNezidod, from 0196879.0cO to tha =t _ o! $63?,28 '0Q baiug , the t ria�ctanmt:,�mouat . t►v! XahL� .urtdp a of, the' _ -,af: 19490, .are, .axaraded Prior to data: - f r ' '- _ yew -. -.}' ya r`• i-; ":,..�.. .. - - - -- i _ .� .. • . .. TA 1kk' as 'IT FUIT iER iESOLM `mi r tho AfdFoai& APR�.�#: tips is hereby approved and the F eau 've P rector ig lore Author#;sedx °aad dtrieted'ou behalf ail, the AuthOtity.' _t r eutimit the 6". � the apftavt- . of of xb�'.��.ty -.of : Saint Paul', Kin-' - • nesota, and upon,. e4deipt of said a rpirkd � t'4;97tecuta and.. file -such A=44atory Qpp'li= cation fbt Tpao and Gxd t+dth­ -tt�a xou ng and Pinsaca agency of the_ unifed • - Stetee of 6t'zrica aitdq oY`prcavid� "ivch` t' dit�ional- ir}fgic atioft,, to= ftirniah. Sueh 40CUw", . °- maz t 'as° v4 p be raquire4:�&a ,btholf 'o tt�e;, uthority ,ao to .eCt as the aul�ho�rl ed corespondent of the 'housim, an devil o iont'`!#utho tty f. the Pit, _of =Saint 1?4u1; tix .171,�y;�F -t '� C`• Si+ A t, ri' -Y -•'• _� - _ y•- _ ' v ORIGINAL TO CITY C LF-RK c PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONI 226817 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCII,, RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, Robert L. Ames, the City Architect, has requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider any complaints about the expense incurred by the City of Saint Paul in removing a dangerous structure at 107 Lyton Place, more particularly described as Lot 5, Block 2,.Lytons Addition'to St. Paul, Minn.; and WHEREAS, it appears that the last .known record owner of the property is Michael Kasson, 210 Third Avenue N., South Saint Paul, Minnesota; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hold a public hearing in the Council Chamber at 10 o'clock a.m. on January 25, 1966, to consider any complaints about the expense incurred by the City of Saint Paul and to confirm the amount thereof; be it I FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Architect notify by mail the record owner of the property ink question at the last known address, as well as other interested persons of record. F ' r WOW " Asst. Corporation Counsel COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Aosen 1 . 4je President (poses). 1 Adopted by the Counc AN 181966 19— In Favor GI gainst < r AN 18 Wd Mayor PUBLISHED JAN 2 2 1966 258 f DU r MINT[R C) CITY OF ST. PAUL F IO�UNCIL NO ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM F2ESENM BY COMMISSIONER DATE _ 1 WHEREAS, Robert L. Ames, the City Architect, has requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider any complaints about the expense incurred by the City of Saint Paul in removing a dangerous structure at 107 Lyton Place, more particularly described as Lot 5, Block 2, Lytons Addition to St. Paul, Minn.; and WHEREAS, it appears that the last known record owner of the property is Michael Kasson, 210 Third Avenue N., South Saint Paul, Minnesota; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hold a public hearing in the Council Chamber at 10 o'clock a.m. on January 25, 1966, to consider any complaints about the expense incurred by the City of Saint Paul and to confirm the amount thereof; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Architect notify by mail the record owner of the property in question at the last known address, as well as other interested persons of record. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen . �.... Mr. Vice President (Rosen) 10M r JAN 18190 Adopted by the Council 19— JAN 181966 Approved 19— t Tn Favor Mayor Against f^ BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, City Architect 445 City Hall, 55102 223 -4212 January 6, 1961S� Hon. Council City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: A statement of expense haslbeen filed with the City Clerk on this date for the purpose of creating a lien on the property at 107 Lyton Place, described as Lot 5, Block 2, Lyton's Addi- tion. The property is owned by Michael Kasson, 210 Third Ave- nue N., South Saint Paul, and purchaser under contract is Harold Saunders, 155 Morton Street, Saint Paul. In this matter, the following resolutions were adopted by the City Council. C.F. 221608 adopted January 22, 1965 (published January 30,1965) set a public hearing at 101A.. M. February 23, 1965. C.F. 222094 adopted February 26, 1965 (published March 6, 1965) ordered the wrecking by and at the separate cost and expense of the owner, occupant, or other person in control thereof. 3 C.F. 223874 adopted June 8, 1965 (published Juhpl2, 1965) direct- ed the Commissioner of Parks And Recreation And Public Buildings to enter the premises and wreck and remove the dwelling thereon, and do any and all things therein necessary for the protection of life, limb, and adjoining property. C.F. 225109 adopted September 2, 196,5 (published September 4, 1965) approved the award ofd the contract for wrecking to A. Kamish Company for the sum of $675.00 in accordance with specifications and informal bid No. 8527. C.F. 226370 adopted December 21,:-1965 (published December 24, 1965) provided that the wrecking !expense of $675.00 and expense of the Department of Parks And Recreation And Public Buildings in connec- tion with the condemnation �n the amount of $74.22, making a total of $749.22 be paid out.of Wrecking Buildings - Demolition Account of General Fund 0976 - 256, and in the event said sum proves collectible from the owner, same is to be credited to 0976 - 256. 0 f- Pg. 2 The building has been satisfactorily wrecked and a regis- tered bill mailed to the owners. We are requesting that youlhold a public hearing with ten days' notice to consider any complaints about the expenses incurred and to confirm the amount. After the hearing, the Council resolution confirming the expense should end with a directive to the City Clerk to file a statement of expense for the purpose of securing a lien on the property. j o r tru' e �• Robert AL.A%me CITY ARCHITECT A