230100ORIGINAL CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY COMMISSION ;CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM COUNCIL - FILE NO. Whereas, The City Architect,- having requested the City Coun eil to hold a public hearing to consider the advisability of order- ing the repair or wrecking and removal of the two family dwelling at 292 N. Kent Street, more particularly described as Lot 3, West Side Annex of Lot 8 of Marshall's-Subdivision of Block 27, Mackubin & Marshall's Addition'L the Council held a public hearing on August 10, 1966 to consider the matter; now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the City Council, having heard the matter here- in, does hereby approve and adopt as its own the findings and con- clusions of the City Architect that the said structure constitutes a hazarous building, as defined by Chapter 393,• Minnesota Laws of 1965, by reason of its inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, physi- cal damage, unsanitary condition, and abandonment, and that it constitutes a hazard to {the public health, safety and welfare, as more fully set out in the attached letter to the City Council, dated July 26, 1966, which letter is incorporated herein by refer- ence; and be it j Further Resolved, That the City Architect, on behalf of the City Council, is herebylauthorized and directed to execute an Order to the last known owner of record of the property, as well as other interested parties, pursuant to'Chaptem.. 393, Minnesota Laws of 1965, to correct the hazardous condition orwreck and remove the hazardous building located on said property, and to inform the owner that unless such corrective actiont.is taken to comply with the Order, or an Answer served upon'the City of Saint Paul, a Motion for Summary Enforcement of this Order will be made to the District Court, and all necessary expenses incurred by the City of Saint Paul in taking any corrective action herein will be assessed against the real es- tate and collected as other taxes. COUNCILMEN Yeas _ Nays Carlson Dalglish ,Holland Meredith Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne In Favor Against t i sela 11I No Adopted by the Council 19- 4 MP MP x proved 19— Mayor PUBLISHED SEP 17 1960 22 AI DUPLICATE TO PRINTER 230100 \l CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE - Whereas, The City Architect, having requested the City Coun eil to hold a public hearing to consider the advisability of order- ing the repair or wrecking and )- 4moval of the two family dwelling At 292 N. Dent Street, more particularly described as Lot 3, West Side Annex of Lot 8 of Marshall's Subdivision of Block 27t Mackubin $ Marshall's Addition, the Council held a public hearing on August 10, 1966 to consider the matter; now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the City Council, having heard the matter here- in, does hereby approved and adopt-as its own the findings and con- clusions of the City Architect that the said structure constitutes a hazarous building,, as defined by Chapter 393, Minnesota Laws of 1965, by reason of its inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, physi- cal damage, unsanitary condition, and abandonment, and that: it constitutes a hazard to to public health, safety and welfare, as more fully set out in the - attached letter to the City Council, dated July 26, 1966, which letter is incorporated herein by refer- ence; and be it Further Resolved, That the City Architect, on behalf of the City Council, is hereby authorized and directed to execute an Order to the last known owner of record of the property, as well as other interested parties, pursuant to Chapter 393, Minnesota Laws of 1965, to correct the hazardous condition or wreck and remove the hazardous building located on said property, and to inform the owner that unless such corrective action-'is taken to comply with the Order, or an Answer served upon the City of Saint Paul, a Motion for Summary Enforcement of this Order will be made to the District Court, and all necessary expenses incurred by the City of Saint Paul in taking any corrective action herein will be assessed against the real es- tate and collected as other taxes. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Holland Meredith - Pet rson- Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne OP'113 Adopted by the Council 19— 6t,p 13 1966 Approved 19— -----In Favor Against Mayor 22 I CITY OF SAINT P A lJ`` Capital of Minnesota - ` - BUREAU OF PUBLIC - BUILDINGS ROBERT LJ AMES, City Architect 445 City Hall, 55102 i r 1 22Y33223 -42 12 11 July 26, 1966 Ipn. Thomas k . , Ryne Dayor Members t -and hG ouricil Subject 292 {' enit street i µ Cent1emen The., %oii.oi�ih -,.xrh ?11 :report of the buil'ding."Depa,rtm6nt on condi- Lions. �.f the: property,• ;iocated at, 2'?2, Kent Street •owned by Harry :P,. and ;There a,,Bei�1 it a' d: Twl:.n' pity �:edera3:; Savings "8; Loan Asso- ciation;'•,rhbrtgagee.` The legal descr_iptioii `of the property is L.ot 3., -VYest side: °annex -. Lot" S of .� prshal.l.'s. Subd vibiion� of Bi k 2' , 'Mackubi'n" 'Mazshal]�yls Addy t3.on.; 1nspeg0Qns. mere ,made Jg1X ' 6 and l5, 1966..' • =This i:'s a two story frame,- two.- fami,,l.y� gwe1l3�6g, presently `unod- tupled,* It is;- 22 feet wide.- 26 1 eetia g, and; 28, feet hloh ,of frame construction. , EXTERR : Qitt -side' Wal1s-;,.are,;c.Qver d -with, _gomodgitlon siding in .fair condi- tion: Froht``porch 3..s, .o `t. of .;pl�tinb and level;, floor s 'rotted. Inidow-sash. -�ar'e ,broker ut +:�: Rear chimney "above -t`he rod, line •is'- ,uery. poor conditi6n. Re"ar" shed is dil,ap.1dated, with walls and roof rotted -out beyond repair. BASPA IVT .1The'build ng has a. stop foundation: All �basemeht. windows are broken out; ^ Tl a ;w3.ndin stair i.,s very steep :and dilapidated, has illegal - risers and .credos. Several joists are rotted out and supporting : posts are ,rotted at the bottom., FIRST 'FLOOR- #A rooms) j The..fron- liying room floor sags, plaster is cracked, door trim battered; 'Dining 'room floors are buckled .arid plaster is,crackedip The bedrbom floor , has buckled,:-,,Kitchen plaster is poor., ,floors are. buckled: • All need aint�. and- ciean- up: The front stair, to the second floor hasroke.' treads, loose handrail* and several•balus- ters are missing., P ag.6 2, pECOND FLOO , - a, (A 'rooms ) front liv inq room ceili loose and falling. Kit room and',center bedroom llito.red with debris., plaster is badly craekedo two doors are on plaster- is badly tracked. -Center 6od clean up and paint. Rear staIrway PLUMBING Baoementt I galvanlzdd pipe used contrary to.dode., Virst floor ,.Sirik not vented and tub Oot properly trapped. Second floor; No, vents. :oh lavatory. anoi the � sink. These fixtutes are not propi. Orly tr appO. ELECMCAL There it BX and other il�egal Wiring io' the ,basement. Electric wiring throughout is Int'Offici6nt. Lamp .cards. and surface plugs are stapled to baseboards. it is, the conclusion of ;the Bureau of Public Buildings that by reason. of inadequate maiint6nanceo dilapidation* physical damage} unsanitary condition anI, abandonment that this building constii6 tut6ia hazard to public health, safety and welfare It is the further recommendation of the City,Architect that the douncil, hold a clock A. M. on Wednesday, August _public bearing at? 01 109 1966 to consider the l 'Advisability and-nepestity'pf ordering the 'correction or wtocking,and removal of the structure on the subject property., and that the City Architect,, on'behalf,of the City Obuncili, notify'by mail the record owner of the property in 'question at the last known address; as well as other inter- etted persons of record,, of the date and time of this he,aring,ip SB...A CC: Piro Prevention, au qur t* qbert L. me CITY- ARCHITECT-