D001428C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR l proved Copies to: ADMINISTRATNE ORDER: - City Clerk (Original) BUDGET REVISiON - Finance Dept's Accounting Division - Requesting Dept. No: Lt�,d f`� a� Date:�-�� -�� ADMINiSTRASIVE ORDER, Co�istent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section �0.07.4 of the City ChaRer and based on the request of the Directnr af the Qffice of Human Rights to amend the 1997 Budget of the Ge�era( Fund, the Director of the �ce of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: DEPARTMENT 8� DIVISION: FUND , ACTIVITY AND OBJECT: Office of Human Rights GL GL GL GL GL GL • GL GL GL GL GL GL GL 001- 00152-0111 001-00752-0219 001-00752-0221 001-00152-0229 001- 00152-0235 001-00152-0256 001- 00152-0362 001-00152-0368 001-00152-0369 001- 00152-0381 001- Q0152-a382 007- 00752-0389 001-00152-0816 Full-Time Permanent Fees- Other Professional Service Postage Other - Communications Type If - Mileage Registration Fees - Locai Duplicating Supplies Office Supplies Misc - Office Supplies Books, Periodicals Newspapers Other Misc Supplies Cabinets, Bookcases CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 414,850 (21,500) 393,350 4,657 6,450 17,107 2,000 1,655 3,655 0 1,850 7,850 6,000 2,230 8,230 60Q 2,340 2,940 0 1,100 7,100 1,500 550 2,050 800 700 900 1,700 S50 2,550 361 2U0 561 0 800 800 0 3,375 3,375 432,468 0 432,468 . �� are y, t nager Date �� l Requ ed by: Department Director Date � A oved by: Financial Services Director 1i • . i: ,�.� . ... . 12l17/97 12f05/97 70TAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 Approval of Budget Revision PUWNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION GREEN SHEET �.,�,�.��.�, �0 60501 �� o,�..�. ❑ �� — ,.�,��. ❑..,.,�.,.�, � w.ait��sasswn ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) flas tnis aerso�Jfimi e.er v�orkea urMer a canhact r« u,is aepanmenrr YES NO Fres thia PNeuNfiim ever heen a cily emdoYee9 YES NO Daes Mis pewoNfirm P�s a slall not nwmellYP� M anY curreiR citY emGbYee? VES NO Is ihis personlfirm ata�geletl vendo(! VES NO a�M attacti lo araen sl�eet There aze surplus funds in salaries from a vacancy due to death of employee. Funds aze being transfened to cover the following unanticipated expenditures: department director search, need for addirional filing cabinets, rearranging office space to better accomodate staff, printer for off site interviewing of wimesses, hearing officer for discriminafion complaint hearing and other unanticipated miscellaneous expenditures. Can wntinue to provide quality service to clients and the community and increase the public aa�vareness of deparhnent services. �;2l31� �� e� None be curtailed. AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION Generai Fund (��M `�fs��: (GRCLEON� YE8 NO ncrmnHwa�c �0152 � � � �