230089Original to City Clerk ORIDINANCE 230089 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY _ ORDINANCE NO Yeas An ordinance amending Chapter 22 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Building Construction. THE COtiNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Chapter 22 entitled Building Code - Signs and Outdoor Display Structures is hereby amended by deleting from Section 22.05 -1 -j the following words: "which exist on Mar6h 1, 196211 after the words "supported by the building". Section 2. adopted and approve hereby is rescinded Section 3. in force thirty (30 publication. Councilmen Carlson Dalglish Holland Meredith IxeteY'9orT N 0 rdinance No. 12149, C. F. No. 2056229 February 6, 1962, be and the same and repealed. t is ordinance shall take effect and be days after its passage, approval and mov 101966 Passed by the Council n Favor Against, NOV 101966 orr::eIv k .iu I Approved: 3'resi Clerk I j2y Mayor Form approved Corporation Counsel B PUBLISHED NOV 12 1966' _ z. ` • Nov. 4, !.966.. Mr. Robert L. Ameaj - k - •.` z _ City Arehiteot. - Dear Sirs Tho Oity Council todAyr r _ eci he Building De�artment- - r end. the Lighting Bure,.0 the Attached a. P. 230089,, being an ordinance pertairiing 0 Sign'- utd Msplay Struotures for turfy and recomm*nd.atin vft7 truly your+e, :, µ City Clerk r hp . ._ Nov. 4s 1966. # . Han: Bernard T.. Holland! = a Com- missioner of Riblio 'Utiutieo. _ Dear Sirt i - - The City Councill, today rof ed to t Lighting Bureau _ and the Building Department the at a ea a C. F. 230089 tieing • an ordinance pertaining to Signs an tdo nplay Structures for 4�r study and recomendation •to the Counc , hp Very truly YiMW4 City Clerk: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTRA- OFFICE COMMUNICATION 8 November 8, 1966 To: Commissioner Bernard T. Holland From! Owen J!. Beatty Subject: C.F. 230088 and C.F. 230089 Modification of building codes pertaining to billboards and signs. We have reviewed these proposed modifications with Mr. Ames, City Architect and find no serious complications insofar as our street lights are concerned. Mr. Ames has agreed to notify us whenlany permits for these extending canopies or signs are received so we may check them for possible inter- ference with our existing or proposed street lights. With this agreIement with the Building Bureau we can see no objection to this building code change,. OJB:jg cc: Mr. Robert Ames, City Architect Ist Laid over 3rd and app Yeas Nays Carlson �Dalglish Holland Meredith `Peterson 7 Tedesco . Mr. President Byrne 2ndQ /-Y, JOV I 01) 04 Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish R, 23 0 S9 Holland Meredith Peterson Tedesco rhe° O .ice Presi ynt i et on).