230088Original to City Clerk ORDINANCE I_ COUNCIL FILE NO. 2300 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. - i f--- An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint PaullLegislative Code pertaining to the Zoning' Code. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: i Section 1.1 That Chapter 60 entitled Zoning Code Use Districts is hereby amended by deleting from Section 60.19 entitled Billboards and Signs the following words: "which exist on March 1,11962" after the words "supported by the building ". Section 2.1 Ordinance No. 12148, C. F. No. 205621, adopted and qproved February 6, 1962, be and the same hereby is rescinded and repealed. Section 3.1 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas NOV 101966 Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Holland Meredith In Favor Petersen Against ' — - - -- -- :s NOV 101960 ,vim pr�;aP� % Approved: City Cj�rk WO F_"/ orm approved Corporation Counsel BLISHED NOV 12 1966 - r - '+__' Sept, 21,'x966. r Mr: Joseph P. Sum erg 1 Corporation Counsel.'-- _ ' - Deer Sirs .. The City Council laid over t y to October 219t. L • - the attached ordiizancesl amending the Bui ode and' Zoning Code _ pertaining to signs,and hillb , c., requests &,report fran you in' their impl'icatio - V try yours, 40 - City Clerk,r A06p - a tom} Nov 1g66. t Hon. Ber-nwrd T. Holland-- 'CCmiasioper of- Public Utilities. Dear Sir! s The City-'Council . toa y .r ed i Lighting " y ,and th ®'City Architect the attached Q 2300$$. pertaining s to Billboards and Signs for • study and n" on-to the: - Council. ` Very tru7,y • yours i . . ,. _.. _ `. - -. "' . -- - - .,:,.�... - • µCity, Clark Nov. k., 1966.. = • 1 Mr. Robert L.. Ames! City Architect. Dear Sirs. k - The City'Council. today re ed to Building Department. �- and _thee Lightx_ ng - Bureau the attar copy of F. 230088 pertaining to Billboards and Signs for study roc tion to -the Council. i - Ve ruiyy yours, z F City Clerk-_ hp = - �3�00�� �stt cry+ Area Code 612 tip° GERALD A. ALFVEBY 2235121 „ a PAUL J. KELLY ' •• THOMAS J. STEARNS `,.� ;;•, t. tia' JON R. DUCKSTAD DONALD C. HANSON ARTHUR M. NELSON ROBERT E. O'CONNELL JEROME J. SEGAL First Assistant CITY OF SAINT PAUL THOMAS M. MO�OINEY DANIEL A. KLAS LEGAL DEPARTMENT Special Assistant 316 City Hall, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 JOSEPH P. SUMMERS Corporation Counsel October 28, 1966 To the HonorablelMayor and Members of the City Council Gentlemen: You have requested a report on the effect of Council File 230088, relating to marquees and awnings, on present law. The Zoning Code currently forbids the placement of any projection greater than twelve inches over a public sidewalk on certain enumerated downtown streets, with two exceptions: (1) "al ings and appurtenances necessary thereto," and (2) " marquees which are permanent roofed structures attached to and supported by the building, which exist on March 1, 1962." The effect of the amendment would be to permit the construction of marquees over sidewalks along the designated downtown streets. In my opinion, the construction of awnings over such sidewalks is already permitted by ordinance. It would, of course, remain necessary to obtain a building permit for any such construction. A lis JPS :bl Attachment t of the streets involved is attached. r= Sincerely, f Jose h P. Summers Corporation Counsel } Seventh St',reet between Wabasha Street and Sibley Street, Wabasha Stleet between Ninth Street and Kellogg Boulevard, S ixth Street between S t. Peter Stre e t and Sibley Street, Robert Street between Eighth Street and Kellogg Boulevard, Fifth Streit between St. Peter Street and Jackson Street, Minnesota Street between Ninth Street and Kellogg Boulevard, St. Peter Sltreet between Kellogg Boulevard and Tenth Street, West Side of Market 'Street between Sixth Street and Seventh Street, now lizoned "Commercial" and "Light Industry ". Ist "J kV Laid over to 3rd and app a Yeas p i Carlson + — 2nd 4t 6 l v I )a Yeas 2300 I Carlson Dalglish Holland rr' Nays V _r'r _�l ", Dalglish Holland Meredith Peterson Tedesco Mr. President Byrne 2300 I Carlson Dalglish Holland rr' Nays V _r'r _�l ",