230084Council File PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. _J 230084 _LIel' k -5 `and-ekterid-TENTH-TENTH n > Open; widen�,- E�--b� condem' ing and-faking those of 101E I p %6 81 Irvines-Enlargement--of , Rice-and ..Irv.-inest.-Add-it-ion:�-t-o-- the,..town. of--,Satnt--E',au•l,,,.-and,.-of--Lots- 9, 10, and 11, Block 3, Bazil and Guerints Addition to Saint Paul, bounded by the following B1�giRqWg..AtAkq_p ....................... I ........ . ..... . ....... . .. ­_­.._­..­­____­­ ---------------- - d L qAp�..of intersection of the southeasterly line of Block.3.,..kqA_�j_.qn Guerin 's Addition to Saint Paul, and the easterly projection of the southerly line of B 1 oc Pf 83, fiff v-ine s--En I a.r"-A!!dern,t­ of, -i Ric e - and ... 1r-v-ineG-Add1-tion7,toj tiVe-fown of--Saint Paul; .,-./ C.�-- - J Tf t thence northeasterly along the said southeasfte.rl tk'n-eZ661�?said J y - - -,,, ,,,J�lock,3,��ein %, northwesterly line of Tenth Street, a distance of" _64_­fi91F_fo a po� n jotm�nce,,. southwesterly direction along a curVe to the right with a radius of 200 feet, "ila"c—central angle of 410261, and tangent to said southeasterly line of Block 3 a distance of 144.63 f ee t t6 'a _point on the 969-tSe—FIFy 'Yine oa- said Block 58, being the line of - Tenth Street 75.64 feet westerly �1 f, - - JRgik-V o6t eginning; thence easterly along the A P 0 3 said southerly line and the easit y ectfon Itereof, a distance of, 75.64 feet to the' poi --t-of Sbe�gina.jp gproposll for tie msking of the following improvernant, viis,- widen, rand extend TENTHS' . Irvines••-Enlargftent--of ,•Rice.- and 10, and 11, Block 3, Paik and ............ described linesz -• B-eginning,..at..rtha..pD.int..of.,iri .ierints Addition to Saint P ,B 36-,'R TiWines 9iff-9 gemen by condemning -,and-taking, those parts of- L6t'-'1-;,--B lock- �es-­Addition-,to- the-town-of --Saint, Paul,•and• of ..lts, 9, 1s Addition: to • Saint gauli, bounded by the following ............. . ........... . ............................ . ......................... . . . ..... . ....... them-6e:E-pbrtheasterly along the said A , sa it. d nDrthwdstoTly-kineL- of, TntAItE eLo southwesterly ;direction along a u7r angled of O416 yG,tzatanNi , IMPPrE6 fee0-tqTf0P76f Terith StyeektA,7, , 6# a -f ! qptj f ke S p 9 ] FLky h c t the :Poiiit-6f"1;'-g'in-n"i-g.- -' �- 6 5. To.r4crt upon 04 of ths - and Lthe easterly projection of the: southerly line of 9 s ... Add i-tion- to-the-town.-of .-Saint - Paul-; southeasterly line of said Block 3, being the �adbo ,ts,titncp,,,,Of,15-.6,�.-teetdto agoijt,; thence. in .a S., I-V %yjz�i . I id Jy tu, blokl ii 41 J.) , P,q to the right with a radius 6f 206 feet, -a central 11 !0. f f%W,U%fi,g&s1&a15 ard r-o"M188IFTIVdistance of 144.63 ieti-cif,t,whidiMTockl 58-,,,cb6ing,ttheltibrth6klyjtl(ine.,-,df gi ,qn.qttPeginning; thence easterly along the 7 gToject on thereof,.a distance-of 75.64 feet to Lie la-4mel for on tne PeUtion of Woe or more ownem mattera to the Commie: of Finan► fi SEP 1 31966 Adoptedby the Council ............................................................................. YEA13 Councilman Dalglish Holland Meredith Peterso MR. PRE SIDBNT VNVq#-a 3000 7-54 SEP 13 1966 Approved...................................................................... ... . 114 ............ .... -------------- -------------------- --- ------- Mayor. I � PUBLISHED SEP 17 1966