230062ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK tR PRESENTED BY RO COMMISSIONED CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO 230 2 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM F. Peterson September 7, 1966 1 Whereas C. F. 229903 approved August 24, 1966 authorized the Construction of a public sewer by City Forces in an easement to be obtained the center of said 'sewer to be 25 feet north of and parallel to the south line of Lots7,6 and 5, block 4, Robert L. Ware's eastern Heights from the existing•5 foot sewer in Lot 7 to 234 feet east of the existing sewer and, Whereas this resolution was approved without the necessary . source of financing -for the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, now therefore be it, Resolved that the above mentioned-Council resolution be amended to include financing of the above project by assessments against benefited property in the amount of 8 21660.55. COUNCILMEN Yeas ays Dalglish Holland L-esS — Meredith .Basra -- �� a Mr. President, Vavvufts 10M 6.62 �I ' Tn Favor Against SEP 8 1966 k Adopted by the Council 19— SEP 8 1966 Approved 19— r Mayor - PUBUSUED SEP 10 1966 - DUPLICATE TO PRINTER 230062 c CITY OF ST. PAUL FCOUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IF COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRL:V.A'TED BY Whereas C. F. 229903 approved August 24, 1966 authorised the Construction of a public aswer by City Forces in an easewnt to be obtained the center of said sewer to be 25 feet north of and parallel to the south line of Lots7,6 mid 5s block 4. Robert L. Ware'le eastern Height$ frm the Wd.eting 5 foot ewer in Lot 7 to 234 Feet east of the existing sewer and., Whereas this resolution Was approved without the necessary source of financing for the Per>xenent Zmprovewnt Revolving Fund, now therefore be It* Resolved that the abo" mentioned counen resolution be amended to include financing of the above project bT aasessments against benefitted property in the awant of # 2,, 660,, 55. COUNCILMEN Yeas ('' �6)-6 Nays Dalglish l Holland —LOSE--- Meredith Tn Favor P -etrr. l s�� 40 " Against Mr. President, da nuhs- 10M 6-62 ftY 61966 Adopted by the Council 19— SEEP 8 1966 Approved 19— Mayor