23005807GINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No. 230058 {S OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I NC L R LUTION- GENERAL FORM r PRESENTED BY / COMMISSIONER DATE September 1, 1966 RESOLVED, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the - Contract Committee and rejects all bids r 1ceived in regard to the Sale of Water Department property on Maryland Avenue west of White,Bear Avenues Saint Paul, Minnesota, for the reason that the appraised value of the property exceeds the amount of the proposal submitted by the highest bidder, and that the Committee on Lands may, with the consent of the Council, I sell such property according to Otdinance #x.3309 F.B 1870 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Holland Meredith -Pc ers off Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne ��� 81966 Adopted by the Council 19— REP $1966 Approved 19— In Favor 411-ta 1 Mayor Against PUBLISHED SEP 10 1966 1 za 1 a rITY o'. DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASES 1 253 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE ROBERT E. LARKIN ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 PURCHASING AGENT THERESA F. BEYER PURCHASING FOR THE CITY OF ST. PAUL AND COUNTY OF RAMSEY DEPUTY PURCHASING AGENT September 2, 1966 1 REJECTION OF BIDS F. B. #1870 '), � q) 0 �k BUYERSt STEPHEN F. PRANKE DONALD E. STANTON HAROLD F. RAFTER RICHARD L. MONN The Contract Commit ee hereby rejects all bids received on Formal Bid #1870lin regard to the Sale of Water Depart- ment property on Maryland Avenue west of White Bear Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota - for the reason thaj the appraised value of the property ex- ceeds the amount of the proposal submitted by the highest bidder. I It is recommended that a higher figure be obtained under the new Ordinance 41109. THE CONTRACT COM UTTEE Joseph J. Mitchell AIDS ;;ANTED BY CITY OF ST. PAUL, COUNTY OF RAMSEY, RAMSEY COUNTY WELFARE DE- PARTMENT AND INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 625 F. B. 1866 — Aldine - Shield Relief Sewer System —Dept. of Public Works. F. B. 1867 — Grading and Paving Como Park Roadway — Dept. of Public Works. F. B. 1868 , Slope Improvement of Battle Creek at Ruth Street —Dept. of Public Works. F. B. 1869 — Repair of Dock Facilities at Grain Terminal No. 1 and the Southport Barge Terminal — Port Authority. Bids mush be submitted on official blanks furnished by the Pm-chasing Agent and obtainable in his office, 253 City Hall and Court House, St. Paul, Minnesota and will be received until 2:00 P.M. on Tuesday, June 21, 1966, at which time they wil be publicly opened. � B y For Sale By City of St. Paul -The following unplatted property, described as follows: Commencing at a point on the south line of Maryland Street, said point being 255.68 feet west of the intersection of the west line of White Bear Avenue, and the south line In Maryland Street; thence south at right angles to the south line in Maryland Street 156.19 feet; thence west parallel with the south line of Maryland Street forty (40) feet; thence north 156.19 feet to the south line of Maryland Street; thence east along the south line of Maryland Street forty (40) feet to the point of beginning. F. B. 1871 — Expansion and Replacement Furniture and Equipment for Various Schools — School Storehouse. F. B. 1872 — Aluminum Sign Blanks — City. F. B. 1873 —Track Driven Utility Trencher with Trailer—Dept. of Utilities. F. B. 1874—Six- Passenger Suburban Type Truck— Department of Public Works. Bids must be submitted on official blanks furnished by the Purchasing Agent and obtainable in his office, 253 City Hall and Court House, St. Paul, Minnesota and they will be received until 2:00 P.M. on Tuesday, June 28, 1966, at which time they will be publicly opened. I NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS: F. B. 1836 - Insurance — County Home — is hereby postponed to June 21, 1966. 1 ROBERT E. r ARKIN, Purchasing Agent for the City of St. Paul and County of Ramsey. (June 11 -18) 22 slips