230044r ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RE LUTION— GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert Peterson I September 6, 1966 COMMISSIONS DATE RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to oil the following 'streets and alleys for the purpose of publicihealth and dust suppression COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays -C-arlson \Dalglish Holland -Meredith - .Eetersov- ��,�,, -.TS.er�desco Mr. vice President , Olive -Trunk Highway #94 to Eighth Alley- Palace - Juliet- Lexington -120' East Alabama- State -1284' East Congress- Ada - Bancroft State- Fillmore- Alabama Davern -Miss. River Blvd - Gertrude Alley- Dayton - Marshall- Exeter Place - Cretin Alley- Blair -Van Buren - Victoria -Avon Dept. of Public Utilities -City Market Parking Lot Dept. of Parks -Como Park and Harriet Island Roads 1 And Parking Lots Dept. of Civic Bldgs- Midway Stadium Rd and Parking Lot Dept. of Public Works -Pigs Eye Dump Rd Independent School District #625- Various School Grounds Housing and Redevelopment Authority - Belvidere St.- Concord to Metal Processing Plant State of Minnesota - Gillette Hospital Rds and Parking Lot a i I i In Favor a Against 230044 SEP 719%6 Adopted by the Council 19— P 7 1966 Approved 19— Acting Mayor PUSHED SEP 10 1866 22 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER 230044 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER Robert Peterson DATE eeptemb � p� +� �SCLVZDs That that Comissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to oil. the fo � s and all for the $ �� purpose of public his lth and dust suippression COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays C--arlsun Dalglish Holland Meredith -- -- - -Peterson Tedesco .,,fr. Vice President (Peterson) Olive -Trunk Highway #94 to Eighth li.UGY -Pa3,aco i Zmington -IM" Ust A.abamba - state -nftl ust . 4`�on�gree�e- mss.- �aucfot`t bavern -Mist River Uvd- Gertrude kUey_ *eyton_XarshaU_Xxeter place- Cretin �L1.ey= �lair�'�'an i�,irea: Yiofioris.*Avgaz Dept'. of Elie lft litiex,4ity X rkat marking Lot 'Dept: of marks- 0amoPark and Harriet Uland Roads And 'Parking Zote Dept: of Civic Hldgs- Xidvay Otadium na and *arking Dot {Dept. oi Public Woika -pigs tra imp ad ndependeat school District 5- 1iaria", School $ausing and Redevelopment Authority - Belvidere St.- Comcord to fttal Processing . ant, State of Ninnesota- Ginette Hospital RU and parking Lot Tn Favor �J A gainst SEP 71966 Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19_ Mayor 22