230013ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK °s PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER COL Yeas c l r 1 7 Mr. Pres i CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIOPI— GENERAL FORM COU FILENCIL NO 230013 i RESOLVED, That the Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and Robert E. Kost, dated as of the lst day of September, 1966, for�the performance by the latter of pro- fessional services as Publicity and Public Relations Counselor under the supervision'of the Commissioner of Libraries, Audi- torium, and Civic Budldings, hereby is approved, ratified, and confirmed, and that tLe_ monthly fee thereby provided to be paid by the City to said }obert E. Kost on account of said professional services, in each instance, shall be paid in equal semimonthly installments of $150.'I00 ,each " on the_ 4th and 19th days of each applicable month, fro i Auditorium Fund No. 2406, as and for such services as shall be performed pertaining to the public libraries and municipal stadium!'as distinguished from the municipal Audi- torium Bureau, and the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to execuie said agreement after same has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel. or aP 21966 Adopted by the Council 19- SEP 21966 proved 19— I Mayor PUBLISHED EP 10 1966 22 i DUPLIGi1TE TO PRINTER 23�0.� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER I DATE I _ RESOLVED, Ghat the Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and Robert'E. Kost, dated as of the lst day of September, 19660 for the performance by the latter of pro- fessional services as�Publicity and Public Relations Counselor under the supervision'of the Commissioner of Libraries, Audi- torium, and Civic Buildings, hereby is approved, ratified, and confirmed, and that the monthly fee thereby provided to be paid by the City to said Robert E. Kost on account of said professional services, in each instance, shall be paid in equal semimonthly installments of $150.00 each on the 4th and 19th days of each applicable month, from Auditorium Fund No. 2400, as and for such services as shall be performed pertaining to the public libraries and municipal stadium as distinguished from the municipal Audi- torium Bureau, and the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement after same has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel. I SEp 210 COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays j Carlson ! CEP 2196 Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Meredith In Favor Peterson Mayor Tedesco I Against Mr. President, Byrne za D ` o � IA 1 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AGREEMENT "'-8001,7 1� THIS AGREEMENT, made as of the lst day of September, 1966, by and between the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a Minnesota municipal C corporation, hereinafter designated as "the City ", and ROBERT E. i KOST, of the City of !Saint .Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, a professional publicity and public relations counselor, hereinafter designated as the Counselor ", 1' WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, i% and for the City's management and operation of its public Libraries, Auditorium, and Civic Buildings, it has �I. become necessary and advisable, in the promotion and protection of the involved public interests, that it procure and employ pro- fessional publicity and public relations promotional services and it is the intention!of the parties hereunder that hereby provision be made for the furnishing and performance of such professional services by the Counselor under the supervision and subject to the direction of the Ci y's Commission of Libraries, Auditorium, and Civic Buildings, an according to the applicable provisions, terms, and conditions hereinabove and hereinafter set forth; NOW, THE FORE, the City and the Counselor hereby mutually agree as follows: 1. That isaid Counselor hereby covenants and binds himself unto said City to furnish and perform all professional publicity and p ublic relatiois promotional services requisite therefor and to formulate and conduct a professional publicity and public 0 relations promotion program in and for the promotion and pro- tection of the public interests represented in the aforesaid public I Libraries, Auditorium, 'andcivic Buildings reasonably calculated to increase public exposition, information, and use of the same and each thereof and further reasonably calculated to effect the improvement of public services afforded and to be afforded by the maintenance, administration, and operation of said public Libraries, Auditorium, and Civic � uildings, under the supervision and subject I to the direction of said Commissioner. 2. That the City hereby covenants and agrees to pay the Counselor as and for full compensation to become payable to the Counselor for such professional services, a fee of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) for�each calendar month during which such pro- f. fessional services 111 be performed by the Counselor hereunder I and according to the provisions, terms, and conditions hereof, payable in equal semi monthly instalments of One Hundred Fifty l Dollars ($150.00) each on the 4th and 19th days of each applicable I� month; and that the Counselor hereby covenants and agrees to accept payment of such fee at said monthly rate of Three Hundred Dollars i ($300.00) as and for full compensation earned and to be earned by the Counselor on account of such professional services of the latter hereunder. i 3. That this�Agreement and.any employment of the Counselor 1I_ by the City, hereundr, shall be subject to cancellation and termi- nation, at all time at the option of either party, by thirty (30) days' written notice to the other party by registered mail. 2 i f" F ` 4. That the Counselor shall, at all times, hereunder, i perform such professional services under the supervision and sub- ject to the direction and approval of said Commissioner. f ' In Presence of CITY OF SAINT PAUL i I Form Approved Assistant Corporationj,Counsel Approved as to form this day of Mayor Commissioner of Libraries, Auditorium and Civic Buildings City Clerk untersigned: City Comptroller id execution r• Assistant Corpor.ationl;Counsel k 3 Robert E. Kost 1966